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Introducing myself after finishing the game


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... 'Cause that's a clever thing to do, right ?

Hello everyone, my name is Jérémy aka Altha(h), I'm 21 yo and I live in France. Discovered Pokémon Reborn from a recent post on 9gag and decided to give it a shot since the reviews were pretty good and that I never had played a Pokémon fan game before (and now I regret doing this one first 'cause no other fan game stands a chance against this masterpiece =_=). I had a lot of trouble during my first run, but managed to clear it thanks to a strategic Trick Room team and cheap low-ass tricks (Sturdy Stealth Rock Explosion lvl 35 Golem, Destiny Bond Qwillfish, etc) because I kinda did bad team choices at several moments in the game. Well, steal beat Ciel so I guess I got that going for me, which is nice. I tried to do my first run without using this forum so I guess this is why I never introduced myself and had a little trouble completing the game. Well, now that I have rebuilt some decent team only farming this fucking repeatable clown in Agate Circus, I am now ready to come here !

What I liked about Reborn is what I seek in every video game I play : challenge. To my eyes, true beauty in a game stands in its ability to differentiate good and dedicated players from the average casual noob. Being a high ranking LoL player and doing HC Progress in WoW/Wildstar, I like when the game is tough and forces you to try several approaches to complete it. Reborn got me good a few times, and for this and the plot/ side characters which were awesome, thank you Amethyst and the rest of Reborn's development team.

More about me, huh ? I like maths and theorycrafting. Musical tastes vary from rap to electronic to metal depending on my mood. I'm also a huge martial arts fanboy, and am currently 2nd dan black belt in Shorin Ryu (an old Karate style). Favourite food is Pizza, favourite color is blue, favourites hobbies are series, manga, anime, sports and hanging out with friends with some booze/liquors and having a fun night (we used to watch football doing this but now we play Pokémon GO, heh, o tempora o mores).

... And that's pretty much it. I'm a friendly (a bit of an introvert) mofo that hopes deep down in my heart that I don't do any horrible english mistakes writing this post, so... Welcome me ?

Also, Fern is a douche.

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Saw your avatar, and for a second thought we'd get a new German buddy here.
However, you're a neighbour, that's cool, too~

Welcome to Reborn!

Same about the fangame experience, by the way. Reborn was my first, too, though I sure can't complain about that.

And no worries, your English is fine c:

Now if you'd finally accept Fern as your lord and savio-

nah sorry, can't say it with a straight face.

Enjoy your time here!

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