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[ReRoll/Interest Check/Game night?] Vulpes Umbrae Cronica


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So I just started entertaining this idea and figured I'd go ahead and expose it if anyone is interested;

I've been thinking, I don't have a lot of time to host a proper campaign, but doing something like a one-off would be interesting enough, so I'm curious; Would you all be interested in having periodic one-off reroll nights in the server where a group of roleplayers joins together to tackle a single, short-term adventure?

I'd create all characters alongside the basic premise every time I feel like it, and whenever enough participants volunteer we set up a date/time in showdown to have the session.

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  • 1 month later...

You might've thought I forgot about this

but I didn't goddamn it!

I'll be hosting a games tomorrow whenever there's a willing number of at least 5 participants.

Anyone who wants to participate, simply seek me out and you'll be informed whenever the next session will start.

Our first theme is:

Murder mystery!

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