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Semi-Blind, Hardcore Log


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Oh. Well, this section turned out to be much shorter than I thought it would be.

So, we go to challenge Ciel and see what we have to do to find a ticket...but Ciel just gives us one, since no one can retrieve Terra and they're short on acts at the moment. Well then.


We lead with Heliolisk, and Ciel goes with Togekiss. Hyper Voice is Strong in this ring, but Heliolisk is tanky enough to take 2 of them and overpowers Togekiss with Thunderbolts. We burn one of Ciel Hyper Potions here.

Ciel's next Pokemon is Archeops. I fear that it outspeeds Heliolisk and will one-shot Aurorus with something so we send in Mega as sacrifice and Hyper Potion Heliolisk back to full health. After Mega is 2 shot(would have set Reflect if I knew Mega could actually tank an attack >_>) we send in Heliolisk to see if he can tank a hit. Turns out Stone Edge misses entirely and Heliolisk one-shots it. xD

Noivern is next so we go with Aurorus. Noivern decides to Heat Wave here, but it misses too. Blizzard one-shots it.

Gyarados is next, so we send in Heliolisk and giggle. Joke's on us, because it has an electric-reducing berry and lives. It uses Bounce though, and I don't think it'll KO. Turns out I'm wrong, possibly due to the arena, and Heliolisk is one-shot. Eww, its got Moxie too.

We send in Pride next and easily Feather Dance + Roost it into uselessness. Turns out it has Dragon Dance, which makes it even easier as it wastes turns trying to bring it's attack back up. We burn another potion before Pride crits on a paralysis Facade and KOes Gyarados..

I fear Gliscor's Earthquakes, so we send in Arcanine to fight and Intimidate it, supposing we may have to finish the Gliscor off with Rapidash after Arcanine is KO'd. Gliscor uses Stone Edge instead, but based on its damage Earthquake wouldn't have KO'd anyway. It falls to 2 Heat Waves..

Ciel's last pokemon is Mega Altaria. Seems like Aurorus's time to shine. I forgot about Cloud 9, so I worry that Blizzard will miss, but it hits and one-shots Altaria. It's Dragon Dance didn't help.

Buuuuut. After that

Sadly, that's the end of the game so far(unless there's some random post-game stuff somewhere? have to look up things now). I'll post closing thoughts, pokemon hall of fame, and any other random thing that comes to mind tomorrow or the day after. If there's anything from the run you'd like to question me about or see that I didn't post now's your chance to say it; I have ~28 gigs of pics and the majority of my saves(2317 of them >_>), so I can probably dig up the picture or remember my thoughts if you like.
Thanks for reading guys/gals/others! :)
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Good job at getting to the end. Trust me when I say that if Ciel used DD then Moxie, you would've been in a world of hurt. I still think she's the weakest leader, but a heck of a lot better than that old one. When Field Effect AI is implemented, she'll be a lot more difficult, but good job anyways. As for the whole maison fights, I redesigned it to be a fun challenge, but not overkill or unbearable hence why Florinia had a Steelix to use for Sand Force. And trust me, I could've made this fight absolute hell, but a complaint I see in the original Reborn fight is that Solaris didn't really seem that strong.

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In hindsight, I probably should have just fought Ciel again. It was a pretty silly way to end the run the way it is now that I look at it again. The only things that would have changed would have been that Mega would set Reflect so Stone Edge wouldn't be able to one-shot Heliolisk and I would have just beat Gyarados with Pride without involving Heliolisk though. There was no chance Noivern could one-shot Aurorus with a neutrally effective attack it doesn't have STAB on or even a not-very-effective 210 power attack, so the misses didn't feel important at the time.

First of all, thanks to Amethyst's group, Commander, and Solarance, for the awesome game. It certainly made my day for a couple months and hopefully more to come. :)

I think I'll stop for a couple of weeks or so, then do another hardcore run of some sort. In this run I kept a good portion of my team because it seemed like I should so the next could be different maybe. Imma take a look at all these other runs and see what's been done. A monotype seems like it might be interesting too, but I don't want to do one that's already been done recently. Or maybe something else entirely? Is there an index of other people's runs somewhere? If there isn't, I'm probably just going to make and post one to make my life easier. In any case, suggestions on run types you'd like to see are welcome.

Style-wise, I think I'm going to look at a more minimalist way of posting that still looks interesting. At some point, I realized that I didn't actually like the way I was posting these for a number of reasons, but I kept it this way since it started out that way. Maybe I'll adopt and modify one from another of these threads somewhere.
Can't think of anything else to say at the moment, so on to the hall:


So, I'm not entirely sure why there was such hate on Meganium. I mean sure, it doesn't have the best coverage or attacks or ability in the world, but Reflect and Light Screen are just soooo good. Petal Dance is monstrous when you first get it and Grass Pledge works fine afterward. While certainly nowhere near the best Pokemon in the world you can start with, I didn't feel as though he was actually a detriment either.


Ah Pride. At the very start, he was quite ok with STAB attacks and sandahax to take care of certain scary pokemon. However, a little later when he learns nothing particularly good, he's somewhat annoying to keep using. But then he got Roost and everything suddenly seems worth it. I cannot even begin to say how useful Feather Dance/Roost was sometimes. Add in Hurricane for actual damage and Pride ended up as a fairly good member.


Silk though...eh. She started out fine its true. Her stats are respectable enough around that time and her attacks were decent. Later, Blast Powders helped me find the fire stone I wanted(though eventually I realized I could just soft reset over and over), Ethers helped in one fight in particular and sometimes just out in random battles in general, and PP UPs helped Aurorus's 5 use moves seem less restrictive. Belly Drum is powerful, and it -really- helped on that first Solaris fight. That said, the times I felt compelled to actually use Belly Drum were pretty rare and Silk is rather hard to use in normal battles effectively without having to heal her with items every fight, which was obnoxious. Also, she just wasn't very strong in the end. Linoone can work, but its trying at times.


Atom was a midgame monster, through and through. Her huge tankiness and bug/dark attacks helped in this run so much. Until the game got to the point where her attacks just weren't strong enough, Atom was never, ever bad. Eventually though, it had to happen and I pulled her since I didn't really want to use that defensive of a pokemon. She will be remembered.


Zebstrika was a very nice fast, hard-hitting pokemon for the early game. The sacrificial Thunder Waves were also pretty much cruicial to a bunch of fights. Eventually Zebstrika had the same problem Atom did, but I couldn't have gotten through some of the earlier parts without him.


Arcanine is op. I believe this with a fervent passion. She had trouble in the early game when she was still just a Growlithe, but once she evolved...wow. There was pretty much not a single battle Arcanine would have been bad in. Intimidate + general tankiness is strong, and Arcanine learns fairly nice variety of attacks without any help at all. Not to mention the incredible power of Heat Wave in this game. My taking Morning Sun over Close Combat was probobly a mistake as there were a number of times it would have been handy as well. I like arcanine, but I think I'll shy away from using any in any other runs I do.


Heliolisk is like Zebstrika except stronger, tankier vs. SpAs, immunity to Surf, and with better coverage...but is a little slower. Heliolisk was strong enough to KO multiple pokemon by himself in quite a few battles, managed to save the team multiple times with his access to Thunder Wave, Surf, and general speediness, and served as a good revenge killer during the times that he didn't do either of the other two. Quite probably the MVP of this run, and possibly never to be used again in my runs. xD


Revenge killer Rapidash. I didn't get him until really late, but the shiniess demanded that I use him. Late game happened to be pretty good for Rapidash though, be it Flash Fire and Drill Run vs. Charlotte, Bouncing High Jump Kicks, or KOing ice types. I probably wouldn't think Rapidash was as good if I'd been using him earlier in the game, but as it is, he was really handy, if rather frailer than I was thinking at the time.


Aurorus is basically one of my favorite Pokemon, maybe even my number 1 one. It has a large number of weaknesses, but even if it had bombed in this run I'd still call it ok. He didn't dissappoint though; Snow Warning + Blizzard is killer in double battles and singles alike and his tankiness vs. most of the things he's not weak against is impressive. The Ancient Power proc even helped a time or two. Mist actually turned out to be less helpful than I thought it might but he could still have had Thunder Wave or Dark Pulse which both are quite nice additions in their own right. Aurorus is love, Aurorus is life.



Well, Pyroar would get pictures too, but I don't appear to be able to upload images to my host atm, so this will have to do for now.

I only really used Pyroar for a single fight, but he pretty much took care of half of Shelly's team. Considering I couldn't find another reliable way to win that fight without him, his place here is assured


Edited by Quickslip
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Eh. To be fair, I didn't put in Panpour or Loudred, but they were basically only in the party because there was nothing else that seemed cool at the time. Also, I forgot about Pyroar entirely. Must rectify.

But all in all, yeah. Can't really take all that much credit at being good though; the mod seems pretty accommodating to whatever style anyone may prefer if they're willing to use items. :)

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