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If you read my other topic, I am trying out a ground mono but really really want an excadrill in my final game. As most of you probably know, the only way to obtain drilbur (excadrill's pre-evolution) early game is by trading a growlithe to one of the police officers after finding all of them in a couple of wards. I have been resetting my game and speed-running through it until the egg and throughout all of my speedruns I have yet to find a drilbur (I have been doing this since about July 9th). If someone could just hack my game file to make it so that I can always get a drilbur, that would be great. I would try but the only video I have seen about hacking in pokes has to have Game Maker XP, and I have already used the free trial beforehand and am not willing to pay that amount of money. Currently I have lost a lot of hype in playing my run because of all the boring speedruns that feel like tedious chores and would be hype for this game again if someone could hack a drilbur into the mystery egg.

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First off, this is kinda not the place to ask for people to "hack" or edit your game file.

Secondly, the Mystery Egg is always automatically set the moment you start a new savefile. It cannot be altered when a file is started, not even through hacking/cheating methods. If you want a Drilbur, why not ask for one in the trading thread?

I'm also going to leave this here; http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11625 - I suggest you read it before deliberately asking such things.

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