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Sounds a little like 1984 when I look at the surface. I would consider looking at this if it has a good plot, layout, and the likes. Wander I was working one out like this called the "League of Extraordinary Gym Leaders" or the "Gylluminati" . I'll explain it more after I get up the zombie RP.

... *Adds darvan's name to a tiny list hidden under his desk*

can I get an abridged version of the premis of the RP? its sounds coon and all, but I'm just.... lost for lack of a better word.

Basically- This is pokemon set in a futuristic sci-fi version of earth, over 200 years from the present day. The world is ruled by a single government body known simply as "The Federation", and is divided into 22 administrative sectors. An agency known as the Department of Drone Affairs manages all things related to pokemon, including the actions and conduct of trainers as well as the police and military. Very little about the government aside from that is actually open information to the public

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you know why i'm here. lol

As far as the cartoons goes, maybe it's time to replace their main protagonist if they are gonna reset and downgrade Ash to a noobish level every time he went to a different region. It's like his past experience as a trainer is irrelevant and it is completely absurd if the writers keep on doing that for the sake of the younger viewers to digest.

I agree, but they aren't going to do that. They completely missed their chance. In my opinion Ash should've won the Sinnoh League. He clearly showed progression and that he had learned from his previous mistakes and he traveled through 4 regions and the Orange Islands. He finally had strong Pokémon like Infernape, Sceptile and Charizard but in the end they threw a random character at him with multiple legendary Pokémon just to stop him.

If Ash won Sinnoh they could've started with a new main character in Unova. I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think Unova is supposed to be the first non-Japanese area so it would make perfect sense. Just think about it; all new Pokémon which had never seen before and far from other Regions? Perfect opportunity. (Not to mention that I feel like a lot of the younger fans got into Pokémon when Unova was revealed)

Instead they made the biggest mistake they could and kept Ash while resetting his progress. Ash and Pikachu are the main faces so that might explain why, but it really made the 'older' fans dislike the anime.

On a relative note (just because xD): Are the gym leaders still specializing in a type? I think I missed it in the wall of text if you mentioned it. And how common is it for new trainers to do that? (Mono Spartan gogogo)

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I have read the discussion (I just hope I didn't miss anything) and I am interested, BUT:

  • I am already in three RPs... (probably they could be too many)
  • ...Well, you all likely saw what happened in the Yugioh RP multiple times :/
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I agree, but they aren't going to do that. They completely missed their chance. In my opinion Ash should've won the Sinnoh League. He clearly showed progression and that he had learned from his previous mistakes and he traveled through 4 regions and the Orange Islands. He finally had strong Pokémon like Infernape, Sceptile and Charizard but in the end they threw a random character at him with multiple legendary Pokémon just to stop him.

If Ash won Sinnoh they could've started with a new main character in Unova. I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think Unova is supposed to be the first non-Japanese area so it would make perfect sense. Just think about it; all new Pokémon which had never seen before and far from other Regions? Perfect opportunity. (Not to mention that I feel like a lot of the younger fans got into Pokémon when Unova was revealed

Instead they made the biggest mistake they could and kept Ash while resetting his progress. Ash and Pikachu are the main faces so that might explain why, but it really made the 'older' fans dislike the anime.

On a relative note (just because xD): Are the gym leaders still specializing in a type? I think I missed it in the wall of text if you mentioned it. And how common is it for new trainers to do that? (Mono Spartan gogogo)

IKR? the same damn reason I got fed up and stopped watching... I honestly feel sorry for ash...

but that's alright... the man will get what he deserves here. (And no, he won't be a new trainer like the rest of you starting out... would make no sense for me to do the exact same thing I criticize the writers of the series for doing... Satoshi's gonna get leveled up big time. And yes, he will be referred to by the Japanese name solely)

As for Gym Leaders...

I actually never touched on that.... whoops.

Anyways... it's honestly up to the leaders themselves- Really it depends on how that particular leader started out as a trainer. If they monotyped, which by he way, is a bit on the uncommon side, but is nothing that will get you any raised eyebrows or worse things in the setting, then chances are, they still only use one type even after they've been employed as Gym Leaders.

So basically... yes and no. Each Gym Leader has the freedom to modify their Gym however they see fit so long as it doesn't violate any rulings set forth by the League on the matter, so if they mono-typed when they were taking the recruitment challenge, chances are they'll still be doing so later on in their career.

Since it's mandatory, Most Gym Leaders just choose a certain theme or strategem to pose a challenge those who approach them, so some who have already been monotyping will say "Screw it, done", and stick with monotyping like they always did, others will opt to construct new teams which employ weather manipulation, some will choose pokemon based on natural features such as sheer physical power (Things like Machamp and Darmanitan), heavy armoring (Scizor, Aggron, Steelix, Drapion, etc.), Incredible speed/ reflexs (Scyther, Greninja, Ninjask...) You get the point. Some will even use crazy strategies

In this verse, Gym Leaders are really gonna be a mixed bunch. Most of them never use their actual, original teams though because of the theme mandate... which is fine for them because they are not bound by the Rule of Six, so carrying two teams is really no skin off of their back.

And I've decided on the Sector for the story to take place in- Europe. Not Kalos, Not France, but all of frickin Europe, from what was once the iron curtain, all the way westwards to the Iberian Peninsula, now collectively known only as "Sector 01". I'll get a map up when I have the chance later.

And I will be changing up the eight gym set up; Sectors will each have a bare minimum of eight gyms, that will be the federal standard for league size, however, larger regions, such as 01 (Europe), 07 (Most of the land that once constituted china, the southern parts of russia, and several smaller Asian nations), will have more than eight gyms due to their size to make it easier. You must only acquire 8 badges to challenge the E4 however. of you chose to go challenge all of them... good for you, you little over-achiever, but you'll get nothing for you extra effort (And some leaders may even refuse if you already have the eight needed...)

I have read the discussion (I just hope I didn't miss anything) and I am interested, BUT:

  • I am already in three RPs... (probably they could be too many)
  • ...Well, you all likely saw what happened in the Yugioh RP multiple times :/

Well...I would say you don't have to join right away, could sit back and watch it for a while to see if you feel like you could do it if you're interested...but given the amount of those claiming interest (Like... 12 or so at this point maybe, counting yourself...)...

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  • Veterans

Huh...Interesting...makes me wonder if Mega Evolution is in here or not,and if it is,how it would work.

And yeah,that loss at the sinnoh league was dissapointing......Ash went from kicking 2 legendaries's asses to losing to a kid who only brought 5 mons....granted he had a Hydreigon but still....

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Huh...Interesting...makes me wonder if Mega Evolution is in here or not,and if it is,how it would work.

And yeah,that loss at the sinnoh league was dissapointing......Ash went from kicking 2 legendaries's asses to losing to a kid who only brought 5 mons....granted he had a Hydreigon but still....

At the point of the story's exposition, Mega Evolution is an unknown concept... those from surge story already saw in that verse how it worked, albeit just in one cut-away scene...

Now hush, Azery, you're gonna ruin parts of mah plot if you keep blabbing. don't make me bring out the surge...

And I've begun cleaning up the OP a bit to make it easier to read, as well as edited a few things here and there to fit with my answers to questions posed so far. I'll finish once I have wifi again.

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  • Support Squad
holy text of the church of the flying spaghetti monster;


... *Adds darvan's name to a tiny list hidden under his desk*

This is either a list of friends and respected people or a hitlist.

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... *Adds darvan's name to a tiny list hidden under his desk*

Basically- This is pokemon set in a futuristic sci-fi version of earth, over 200 years from the present day. The world is ruled by a single government body known simply as "The Federation", and is divided into 22 administrative sectors. An agency known as the Department of Drone Affairs manages all things related to pokemon, including the actions and conduct of trainers as well as the police and military. Very little about the government aside from that is actually open information to the public

I see, I might join. Having 9 Pokemon instead of 6 sounds like it could have its advantages, say goodbye to HM slaves.

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I see, I might join. Having 9 Pokemon instead of 6 sounds like it could have its advantages, say goodbye to HM slaves.

Pardon my memory if I'm wrong but didn't Wander say somewhere that only authorities are allowed to have 9 and that 6 is the maximum for civilians?
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Pardon my memory if I'm wrong but didn't Wander say somewhere that only authorities are allowed to have 9 and that 6 is the maximum for civilians?

Does t mean we can't rp as an authority. Unless I missed that in the rules

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Does t mean we can't rp as an authority. Unless I missed that in the rules

Yeah... you missed that. It specifically says that you will start out as 18 year old trainers that are about to register to take on the league challenge. So you will be starting out as a new trainer.

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This is either a list of friends and respected people or a hitlist.

He knows too much, Dobby. It's definitely the latter list.

As for the question on the partner limit- The absolute maximum that a civilian can possess is nine. Most people stick with only six as the maximum, because that's the max amount you're allowed to carry with you in public, but in the eyes of the law, a single individual can own nine pokemon total, not just those in their parties, but nine altogether, including those in their main parties. But again, you would only be able to carry 6 of those 9 at any given time.

Now then, that is for civilians, basically anyone who isn't either

A: Employed in the Sector League

B: A Police Officer

C: A Commissioned Military Officer

D: Authorized in some other legal capacity to own more than 9 partners total.

Anyone who falls under these above conditions, has no such limit against them, neither for how many they can carry nor how many they can own. Hence why Gym Leaders can carry multiple teams for different levels of challengers

But again... for the time being, I advise people to just worry about getting their main team together before they start thinking about any of the auxiliary members. Since the main teams are going to be the ones who should have the strongest ties to you being that they've been in your company longer than the 3 auxiliary members.

And don't take me lightly when I say that trust and loyalty will eventually matter in the plot...

Also, no authorities, for anyone. That generally doesn't work out well from what I've witnessed in other RPs. All of you start out as new trainers.

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I'm honestly not to interested personally. But that is because I am not a big fan of warps of established IPs. I think that you would be better off just jettisoning Pokemon altogether and creating something different than trying to warp what it already is into something it is not. While people might say the same names for the Pokemon... and the creatures we know about etc... from the games and anime, they really aren't the same thing anymore. So much has changed that really instead of trying to warp what is Pokemon you should just start fresh and work with soemthing else. I think holding onto that shell of Pokemon as a basis... will really hold this back and not allow it grow properly as people have expectations of what Pokemon is. Those will quickly bleed into this RP, and from my experience, hold back what you are trying to accomplish. Will it work yes? Will it be everything it could be? In my honest opinion, it never will.

I say that cause it is my personal belief. ((and at this point what I am saying doesn't matter, you got the interest in the project, I am just white noise at this point lol.)) I just don't like this heavy of a warp on something that already exists. It might as well be it's own creation that way it isn't held back by preconceived notions that people have of the source material and it can grow on it's own and not be held down by it.

However, that aside I wish you luck on this project Strat and I hope you get it somewhere. Just know that I won't have anything to do with it. ((and I don't mean that to be rude etc... But I am pretty sure you understand what I am getting a. Or at least I hope you do XD>))

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Nah, I understand. I encountered the same basic problem in surge story to be honest... but I'm not setting out to make something all together different, and I wasn't trying to do that in surge story either. I wasn't expecting the story to become something new or completely seperate to stand on it's own... I just wanted something that I felt was better than what already existed.

I know people are going to enter into this with preconceptions about what pokemon is, and quite honestly... I don't find myself troubled in the least bit with that fact. Cuase honestly, I'm entering into it with the same exact thing as well. In fact, it was only because I had memories of the series that I'm admitably rather fond off that accounts for why I'd even give a damn about it anyways, and certainly directly lead to how I was able to care enough to sit down and actually devote the time and energy to setting up this different world and it's workings.

I've had to grapple with this very issue a long while now, ever since the first days of the spiritual predecessor to this RP, Surge Story, got up and running. I got lost on that one. I forgot what I was doing half way through, and why I was doing it... It was because I got frustrated with what I saw happening with something that I (and obviously alot of us here, given it's pokemon themed community and all) grew up with, and I wanted a way to escape it all... but I started thinking that I wanted to make something entirely different from pokemon... that I didn't just want something new, but something entirely separate... I failed to recognize what I was really doing and forgot the very reason I was doing it in the first place. And that led to mistakes being made in a variety of ways.

And that was the one thing I realized when I ended it. That was the one thing I learned. I forgot my purpose, even though I thought I always knew it. I tried fighting the system, tried breaking and rebuilding the system to my own will like my name was Kefka. When really... what I should've done was simply adapt the system, not try to break it, not try to destroy it... simply alter it to become something new while still staying true to why I even bothered adjusting it at all. That's the reason why I'm attempting this thing here, right now. Because that lesson finally sunk in after a while, and when it did, I was finally able to see clearly and know what I wanted to do, and why.

So... people can enter this with preconceptions, I accept that possibility fully. Because... I'm not trying to make something entirely new, something different to stand alone at the top of the mountain; that mentality is the very thing that caused me to fail in another World i had attempted to build, and you and a few others here know full well which one I'm talking about. I don't want this to be something different from pokemon... I want it to be different, yes... because that's really what it needs, something different to break up the sheer monotony the writers have allowed themselves to fall into... but I don't want it to be something entirely separate that casts aside it's roots.

Like I said before... at the end of the day, I'm just doing this because I saw something I was fond of as a kid being continuously muddled into a repetitive, endless mess... and I felt that the concepts that I and so many people grew up with deserved better than that. I'm doing this in my best attempt to do what I feel is justice to something I felt was great once, and can still be great again, if it's rescued from the errors plaguing it...That's all I'm aiming for here.

And just so the rest of you don't have to put the dots together, yes, Stratos is a major fanboy at the end of the day, ha ha... yes, funny. Bring it up or talk about it though, and you're name goes on the list right with Darvan's

But anyways, no hard feelings, Hukuna, I understand where you're coming from. Afterall, it was none other than you one who ultimately taught me how to host, and then how to stand on my own two feet.

I'll definitely be putting some work into this to make sure it follows through on it's mission... and doesn't stray from it.

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Hmmm, All I can ask you do. I wish you luck on that and I hope this goes places. I might not particpate myself, but I will root for you from where I stand on the sidelines. Hell, maybe one day I will jump in after seeing it and maybe some of my qualms are settled over it. But, eh let's not count of that happening anytime soon XD>

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I think I'm in love with this concept.

After reading all this, I don't think there's any way I can not at least sign up. It seems quite intriguing, and, frankly, I entirely agree with you on the whole point of the anime. When I was younger, I used to love watching the "anime" with my old brother and it still sets in my heart rather fondly. Yeah it may not have been the best then, but hey, it was something neat and new, something different from other things. But you can only rehash the same concept over and over again with the same protagonists without it getting old real fast. So you can count me in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just popping in here breifly to give fair warning real quick so that it doesn't come as a surprise later:

Nothing in the Original Post of this thread is set in stone. Things can and will (And already have) be changed as needed to better fit with the plot and other aspects of the world not mentioned. This includes any and all information regarding the league system, the world's government, etc... (Basically, the only thing safe from revision are the basic concepts of the mentioned game mechanics, and even those will be tweaked and altered slightly to provide more variety and challenge)

The OOC will be up in a few more days. I will be conducting the sign ups... a bit differently than is usually done however.

EDIT: Also, here... have a peek at the team of one of the gym leaders...


And hell... have a peek at her sister's team too while you're at it.


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...is that a team based on... fears? Aw lawdy. I am frightened already.

It's based on night and exploiting the cover of complete and total darkness in order to drag opponents into the eternal fires of the abyss of hell. And Lucretia's team functions on the antithesis.

But good guess, author ^_^

And that reminds me... I redid her team, btw... since Brena had a darkrai and all, just thought it would be fair...


And I actually have the teams of the entire Minerva sector league done. All eight leaders, the elite four, and champion...





They;re ranked in the tradional order one would face the E4 in the games, with each member increasing in skill and ability as you go further (Siegfried is the strongest)

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Yes... yes, indeed it is. Took me a while of reworking before I got something I felt would be formidable enough to qualify for E4 level though.

((Just note however, the sprites used are all premade, and therefore aren't exactly indicative of what each indiivdual might actually look like, But for most of them, I feel pretty comfortable at least basing appearances off of them; not all though... like Sinclairs, hers won't do at all, but it was the closest I could find...))

But wait... theres more. I have the champion as well!


Undefeated, folks...

As you can see... Legendaries will be handled differently here than in most RPs, given that several figures in the league are shown to have minor ones... pretty much- I have no use plot wise for the majority of minor legends, only the major godly ones... Like the creation and life and death groups, they're the only ones I have any plan for.

And since the majority of minor legends either have 600 or 580 base stats... I figured, why the hell not just make them as alternative choices for psuedo legendaries? ((I mean, it's the same potential, one would just have to wait a bit longer to find them and they'd be quite rare and hard to find, to the point where they only reveal themselves if they want to...))

There will be more on the subject once the OOC goes up though

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You know, after looking at some of these teams, I wouldn't be surprised if there was one based on the seven deadly sins (though you would have to use one pokemon for two of them, but still...) or some old and/or new kind(s) of mythology. Either way, I think I'm going to enjoy this, even if I'm not actually in it for any reason. It just seems to be going uphill for me without any sign of stopping.

Edited by Komodojoe
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