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[OOC] Brailens Gifted


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Ahh, I see! In that case, shall I continue Richard's glorious charge into the Steelsword Pub, or wait for your "signal" in the form of an update post as to what the situation has become since I've made it to the door?

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I'm still waiting for people to post, and I'm leaving the steelsword pub situation to you all. The most violent introduction of PCs. So, n update for a while.

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can i step up my BS meter and let's say that wine cellar has a passage through the city's sewage lines? cause Desmond and Thomas is gonna blow this joint while you're busy fighting. B)

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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can i step up my BS meter and let's say that wine cellar has a passage through the city's sewage lines? cause Desmond and Thomas is gonna blow this joint while you're busy fighting. B)

No, you can't. This RP wa meant to allow bullshit Characters, not bullshit situations. You're both stuck there,and you made it worse for yourselves by going down as a small punishment for making it up in the first place

EDIT just read Gotwalas post, I'm going to let that slide. If people want to create small fights for themselves with random NPCs like that in a mob situation, feel free, but it can't be anyone important. I control them

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Oh, I didn't mean her! I'm sorry if that's what it seemed like, I just wanted a floor hazard to use! Abigail was not someone who Richard Gallus has fought or met! Gah, forgive me Dobby for my negligence and failure to comply with the rules, misunderstanding or not!

That post has been edited.

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So since Emelia and Richard are in the pub dealing with that situation, Travis would just be talking to a random NPC officer now, right? Unless you want to wait for them to get out to address him. Whichever way makes more sense is fine with me.

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Typhlosion, I have an issue with what you just pulled, there are no plants nearby and you can't just magically spawn a forest out of thin air. Fix it please, I did suggest in your sign-up that you limit your power based on how complex the plant you are manipulating is. I've let some of your things go, like using random ass sleeping spores, but this is a no go.

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Hmm, with an update coming tomorrow and one of the two people who I would be confronting being unable to contest me, I feel that I will wait till tomorrow before I post a continuation of Richard's hunt for Gifted, haha.

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@Jackler: I'm pretty sure Emelia is outside the pub hunting stragglers so sorry for not being specific.

Normally I wouldn't have her take down so many in one post, but they do give me an impression most of them were tired or took a beating already so they wouldn't be hard to beat. Besides, I could make random powers all day every day.

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And so it begins! I hope you two are ready, because this skirmish amongst PC's came sooner than I expected, haha.

EDIT: Well, I've sent Red's Charizard a PM to discuss the details of this altercation to avoid assumptions, however I've reached somewhat of an impasse. Is it right to continue this action sequence without Typhlosion present? After all, Desmond is in the cellar as well, haha.

Edited by GotWala
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just to clarify things on Lucille's ability, since I realize I kinda screwed up in the Sign Up sheet:

When I said her limit is one, I was meaning in the situations where she completely tries to micromanage the animal, basically using it like a tool. In other words, whenever she uses them like puppets and maintains a constant control over their movements and actions (like a puppeteer), that takes up the majority of her focus and as such she can't do the same with more than one at a time.

The method she's using right now though is a lot more passive, She's basically just giving them quick prompts at a time and then pretty much backing off until she gives another, and as such her focus is only taken for a few moments at a time at the very most.

In a nut shell, the first method is like Piloting an aircraft, it takes utmost focus in order to maintain control. The second technique is more like Directing a Film, it takes paying attention, but focus isn't necessarily devoted fully to any one thing until some prompt has to be given to an actor, and afterwards the focus is taken away from that individual in particular again.

Sorry about that. :/

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Huh, that's actually how I figured it worked to be honest, Stratos. Though I can understand why it might need to be clarified just in case, haha.

This might be pestering again, but I'm still sort of... Stuck. I imagine I'm just being impatient, but I was still wondering what the proper course of action for me should be here. The response to Richard's slash was sort of vague, so I'm not sure if it's right for me to simply make an assumption and roll with it. I wouldn't want to disrespect Red's Charizard by doing that, nor would I want to commit the act of Modding with these assumptions.

I apologize for the murmurings of a green horn here, but I don't feel comfortable with saying, for example, "Richard's eyes quickly shift to where his quarry has moved in an attempt to evade his Gift, before Thomas uses his Gift. Before Richard can move, there is a sudden rippling in the air that seems to collide with the lime-green arc of Richard's attack. This collision causes both an eerily loud noise followed by the shattering of the arc, causing Richard to flinch as pain rushes through his left arm."

I'm more than likely overthinking a very simple concept in Forum Roleplays, but I am loath to making any more mistakes, haha.

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Hmmm, saying "before" he did "X" action is a no go n my mind as it kinda undermines (I think i'm saying that right) the actions taken by the other player. However, if it would have reacted with the arc anyway, that's fine.

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Wait, using "Before X" on the other person is wrong, correct? I was using "Before X" in the context of my action being interrupted by the actions they took before me.

Is that agreeable, or am I missing something?

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Oh, that was me stating what Richard was doing during the sequence of events that lead up to Thomas' Gift use. (To simulate a sense of real time.) However, I can see where that is problematic, so I will be cautious about such posts, haha.

Oh, and I've cleared things up with Red's Charizard regarding this whole thing. It turns out he was not using the sonic burst as a projectile but instead as a way to shatter all of the glass in the area to attack me that way. Thank you very much for helping me with this, Dobby!

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Nah man, it's cool, haha! Richard's already given you guys a way out, if you so desire. It's up to you whether or not you two want to walk free but be wanted men or turn yourselves in and hope for the best. At least, that's how it seems.

Admittedly, you both were inadvertently caught in a situation where, realistically, there is no correct answer. So if anything, you guys made a choice and stuck with it, haha.

Edited by GotWala
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Which is great, by the way! There should never be a "black or white" situation for anything, honestly. Reality isn't like that whatsoever, so why should this? (Even though this is a fantasy and exists in opposition of the truth, but that's another thing, haha!)

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