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  1. As I see, You've already taken some good steps by checking Windows Security and even turning off the firewall, but sometimes these Windows updates can be a bit finicky. One thing you might want to try is running the updater as an administrator if you haven't already. Sometimes, that extra bit of authority can help it get past those unwanted labels. Also, if you're looking for a reliable Windows key source, I recently came across https://digitalchillmart.com/product/windows-11-pro-32-64-bit/. They seem to offer some legit options that could come in handy for future setups.
  2. Hey there! That's a really cool idea to have a Reborn playlist on Spotify!
  3. Looks cool, and it was pretty interesting to resolve. You did it quite beautifully and cleverly. I didn't even expect this a little. I'm looking forward to the next puzzle. This reminds me of when we were traveling with my friends in Germany and were sending each other packages with different riddles through https://www.postsendungsverfolgung.com/de/hermes-sendungsverfolgung.html. It was fun because all this was anonymous, and we didn't know from whom the box was. And then we met in the evening and discussed all this.
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