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Posts posted by TheHellHamster

  1. I had the bug too, I found that it didn't reset my team on repeat losses so you could catch a single pokemon and go lose to giratina with that, or just reset after each loss

  2. 15 hours ago, Tikkit said:

    So what's going on with the teasers? 

      Reveal hidden contents

    I'm too dumb to find whatever hidden messages are in there, so getting some sort of summary of them would be nice.



    Alright, no.1


    Answer: diamond

    Pink writing saying 'IT TAKES 2

                                            TWO O (the Os have dots like eyes)

    Hidden message beneath saying 'Your game of hide and seek is over' and a 9 hidden beneath that




    Answer: pearl

    Pink writing saying 'I'm Safe NOW' (two eyes next to it)

    Hidden message saying 'In the end, her destiny is something she cannot run from.
                                              And I think the same is true... for me.' and a 14 hidden below that




    Answer: platinum

    Pink writing saying 'I forgive


    Below that is a really weird picture: A girl is being hung in front of a picture frame like she was a puppet, based on her clothes it appears to be Saki. Covering Saki(?)'s eyes is some yellow writing saying 'My world will become my universe.
    M̶y̛ ̢u͢n͟i̢v͠e͡rs̢e ͡w̢ill be͏ćo̢m͏e ̛o͏u͏r ̀tr̕u̶th.̵'

    Below the picture is a hidden message in the pink writing saying 'Are you READY'

    I'd still look at them myself if I were you but here you go.


    Personally I think that the game of hide and seek is referring to how Saki has been missing for ages now and she is going to show up in V13. Based on the puppet imagery in no.3 and Saki's twitter she is almost definitely under the same or similar mind control/brainwashing that Valerie and Adam were.


    As for what 9 and 14 mean I've got no clue, the mind first points to a date, but that doesn't seem like the dev team's style. Though if it's also tied to Saki then the numbers happen to match up with the badge number that we were meant to fight Saki at (9) and the number that we currently have (14) and we already know the the steel badge is the next one that we are going to get.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Just saw this on Jan's Tumblr, responding to a question about the fate of the player's pokemon whenever they die, thought people might want to discuss this.


    They are rematerialized just the same as the player is. They also do die, yes.

    This has some pretty interesting implications because if the Interceptor's powers can revive their pokemon, could it revive other humans? Maybe it's based on proximity, you might need to be in physical contact, maybe it works on whoever we are currently playing as e.g. Aelita and Ren in V12?

    This could also lend credence to the MC =/= Interceptor theory since their ability isn't limited to just their own body.

  4. I think so. The fourth part of the Hidden Library quest chain had the same style of choice that we saw in the bad future so I'm thinking it probably has some effect on the ending you can get. This would set precedent for sidequests and main story mixing. With how important the other two of the XYZ trio seem to be and the similarities between the Interceptor and Zygarde it would be odd for it not to affect the main stroy somehow.

  5. 5 hours ago, CrystalStar said:

    cella is actually revealed to be the eldest

    plus Cerra grabs Cella while you fight over the magma stone, meaning they can't be time travel versions of each other as they would've overlapped

  6. There are a few pokemon that can fill this role. First is obviously our starter, which hardly needs explaining; second would be Mawile, as its status as Nancy's dying gift makes it a bit more special than other pokemon; lastly, if you would prefer a legendary then Zygarde fits thematically with the Interceptor's role in the universe, along with being in the middle of what seems to be this games main legendary trio, and Zygarde is the only non-null legend we have access to.


    iirc Jan also confirmed on Tumblr that Zygarde will have some impact on the story at some point, and seeing as we're the one who has it...

    • Like 1
  7. Quote

    What kind of LOSER needs at outside source to regenerate?


    All I need to do is bleed hard enough that I fall asleep then all my wounds magically heal themselves when I wake up.


    Err... unlike Narcissa, that comment isn't going to age well...


    Also, regarding the Rotom time travel, there is precedent for this. In episode 81 of the XY series of the anime, a rotom sends Ash back in time. So this is actually more lore friendly than a ton of the other stuff in this game so far.

    13 hours ago, Mindlack said:

    I think it’s more a time elevator than a time car. After all, can Melia or Venam (or her two pals from that time in the sewers) drive? But anyone can press the buttons. 

    Funny you should mention this, as a time elevator is actually a canon thing in the anime that rotoms are capable of.

  8. 1 hour ago, Display name said:

    Red's name is freya iirc

    While that is very likely, I'm refraining from calling her that (outside of theories attempting to prove that it's her name) until we have actual confirmation.

  9. So there is a theory that ever since her hospitalization, Risa Raider has been being impersonated by the Red Haired Time Traveler (Whom we shall refer to as 'Red') using her Beheeyem. The evidence to support this is that Risa was both able to suddenly recover from a terminal condition, and when fighting Aelita in Zone Zero, her Tuff Puff uses the stats and moveset of a Naganadel, one of Red's signiture pokemon.


    However, I have one issue with theory, and that is that during ANA's sidequest we visit Pokestar Studios and encounter Risa. Yet, if she really were Red using Beheeyem then surely it shouldn't have affected ANA, as she is a robot.


    It could be argued that perhaps ANA really did see Red there but didn't realise that she wasn't Risa as they have never met before. However, that wouldn't explain her encounters with Ren at Zone Zero while he is using his robot body. You might say that maybe Ren is still vulnerable since his consciousness is still in his robot body, however, I disagree, Beheeyem's pokedex entrie from Pokemon White states: 'It uses psychic power to control an opponent's brain and tamper with its memories'. This clearly shows that Beheeyem requires access to the target's brain in order to manipulate their memories, meaning that Ren should be unaffected.

  10. Just now, sparsyle said:


    Wasn't she the one who pushed Taelia and Nora off of the cliff?

    That may be true but none of what she was doing there was actually done with that end goal in mind. I think she just saw an opportunity to further destroy Keta and so she took it.

  11. Maybe Betrayal could be Crescent. After all, she is the one who caused both Ren and Nim to betray us and has repeatedly tried to get us to abandon our friends. She also committed an act of betrayal herself when she left the Stormchasers.


    For obsession, the only person I can think of besides Karen (A side quest character so probably not her) would be Angie, but I'm not too sure about that one.

  12. Melanie has already been shown to be able manipulate Melia's emotions with Nim, so perhaps overlapping isn't a one-and-done thing. So even if you win the first mind battle, if you at any point have a weaker psyche than someone overlapped with you, maybe they can take control back?


    Either way, the fact that they even bothered to show Melanie again makes me think that they are going to do something whether that be from inside Melia's head or not.

  13. For Raw Evil we know that it can't be Indriad, but what about his children? Specifically I'm talking about Geara and Melanie. These are the only two characters who have we have never seen care about anybody, even Indriad cared about Anathea and Madame X at least seems to believe that they are the greater good, but these two? They are pure evil.


    Regarding Melanies 'born from man' status personally I think that she does, in fact, have biological parents, seeing as Maria is Indriad's and Anathea's daughter and come on, there has to be some connection between the archetype siblings and Maria and she even call out to 'Father' before summoning Yveltal (So probably Indriad)

  14. My first thought for Greed would be Thomas Blakeory Sr.


    It is clear that he is born from man and has also done some shady things in order to obtain wealth and power, such as making a deal with Indriad to have his father murdered to get his inheritance and manipulating Hazuki to get access to her fortune.


    Not only does he crave wealth, it also seems that might be trying to hoard information as well since the Blakeorys own (or at least heavily fund) both of the libraries in Aevium and when we visit the atheneum the only reason we learn any information is because of help from both the Puppetmaster and Thomas Jr. (Information that might not even be accurate mind you, seeing as it contradicts the Archive)

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