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Posts posted by Falirion

  1. Hello good.... time of day ig
    So while i have localized what exactly caused this issue (I am one of the Script Devs, nominally a Rejuv Dev but this is a general scripting Bug)
    there is the issue of your pokemon already having the "cursed item" and it *is* a cursed item, and not a data chip (it shows as data chip due to that item being the last item in the item list) and will bug out at any given interaction with the mon that holds it
    we gonna need to manually fix your save to remove that item from the pokemon
    By which i mean you should probably pass your save over in Savefile Troubleshotting, or here, so it can be repaired and returned to you
    Damn it has been foreeeeeeever since i posted on the Forum

  2. Actually this has been reported and answered before see here:

    now the u-turn mon not switching if the target swaps via eject button is infact a canonically correct behaviour (albeit a bit estoric, so can't really blame you for not knowing about that) as quoted in the other threat
    the sprite vanishing in this instance is a long standing bug though, so maybe some looking into that/word about it would be appropriate

  3. This is a bit of a niche case ig, i observed it when using mind blown in a double battle,
    +3 special attack blacephalon used mind blown against magearna and mega mewtwo X
    magearna gets hit fist and predictably faints, blacephalon faints from the mind blown recoil (it was at 1 HP)
    and now comes the interesting part, mega mewtwo X takes roughly 40% of damage from an attack that should have killed it pretty easily (and a heatwave used in the same scenario does about 85% to it (which would be +4 from fainting the magearna first)
    the conclusion here is likely that the attack didn't take blacephalon's stat stages into account when hitting mega mewtwo, when it should have, because it fainted halfway through the attack.



    So while this was quite hilarious
    this actually shouldn't work, skill swap normally is supposed to fail on use when either the user or the target has wonder guard
    similarly role play also shouldn't allow copying of wonder guard, reciever and power of alchemy also shouldn't grab wonder guard (in case they do, i didn't check this)
    basically the only way of a different pokemon obtaining wonder guard that canonically works is the wonder guard mon itself entraining it which i am sure is an oversight on gamefreaks part due to shedinja not actually learning entrainment, but that is besides the point, entrainment works, and is the only way that does


  5. as of 19.06 Mind blown deals the 50% HP recoil damage for every target it hits (meaning the pokemon using the move will take the damage up to 3 times in a double battle) this is not canonical behaviour, as the recoil damage is only meant to happen once per move use (regardless of whether it actually hits anything, as long as a target is on the field to use it on, there being no target is the only case where it shouldn't take recoil at all)

    • Documented 1
  6. i don't think this is quite the right place for this as this isn't a bug

    the mirage tower first appears after visiting 3 oasis mirages, and then after that after visiting 4
    (so it appears after visiting 3 then 7 then 11 and so forth)
    it being 4 after the first round has to do with how the counter works, but you can always make it reappear

  7. While battling one of Eve's theme teams (the one on chess field) eve used a lunala, and said lunala used moongeist beam, but despite that move being supposed to act like mold breaker, the attack did not bypass my mimikyu's disguise (pokemon with the mold breaker ability do, as several haxorus have shown, so it's an issue with the move (and probably sunsteel strike aswell?)

  8. uhm you may want to read what tsareena's ability does, it's not chess that makes your priority moves fail

    "Queenly Majesty: Its majesty pressures the opposing Pokémon, making it unable to attack using priority moves.
    If an opponent uses a priority move (including moves boosted by Prankster, Gale Wings, or Triage) that targets the Pokémon with Queenly Majesty or its allies, Queenly Majesty prevents the Pokémon from executing that move (PP is still consumed)."

  9. Water Surface and Underwater field whirlpool cause confusion on the target when used, that much is normal
    but this still happens if the target is immune to the move (specific example: water absorb jellicent would be unnaffected by the move, but still get confused)

    • Documented 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, TheRealRisolutto said:

    To be fair, I didn't notice the "this patch" button, which, as you say, is not too obvious. I guess that's my bad.


    Is that patch good regardless of what OS you use on account of the files format?

    can confirm it working fine on windows OS
    i can't guarantee linux but like.... i can't guarantee the game itself running on linux properly so that would not be a surprise
    i think the patch link is marked as "for MAC users" presumably because they know the updater won't work for MAC and assumed windows and linux people can just... run the updater  (and didn't expect people like us running ancient windows 7 that can't run the python version the updater runs on 😅)

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Aloisio01 said:

    I also would like a patch separately. The updater isn´t working at all in my PC. I still have Windows 7, I don´t know if the problem is related to that. The issues are with python310.dll, I am trying to make it work, but to no avail yet.

    yeah i have the same issue
    and if you run windows 7 you can probably just give up trying to make the updater work, the issue here is that it needs python 3.10 stuff, python 3.10 only supports windows 8.1 or newer (windows 7 is  just too old to put in the work to support it)
    and if the updater needs functions from that well yeah, no dice then
    while a updater is convient i second that it would be reasonable for a manual download option to exist
    which thankfully there is but it's not all that obvious
    under the MAC users section is a DL-link for the current patch, while it says mac users that download also works for anyone else that may have issues with the updater.exe
    just download that unpack it
    and move the contents into your gamefolder and replace everything it asks you to

  12. Oh goody wonder guard
    i will just add what i know about this here, since this bug is ancient and i see it a lot
    basically wonder guard tends to not respect type effectivness changes in any way (so the same issue for instance probably applies to aerilate too)
    from what i remember it is an issue with order of operations, the script checks if wonder guard is immune to a move before type effectivness is changed from ability and field interactions, is what i remember (now it has been a while since i last looked at this and i haven't for E19 scripts specifically, but i still feel like this might be relevant information)

  13. For some strange reason the 2nd hit (and only the the 2nd hit) of bonemerang has some sort of rainbow like animation instead of the flying bone, which doesn't seem right (it is not rainbow field btw it is grassy terrain, the background is part of the animation)

  14. And today we are doing an installment of "fun with transformations":

    In canon games most Form changing abilities do not work if obtained with transform/imposter (so stance change, power construct etc.) now this is a little sad but i think i realize now why.

    In this game stance change etc. do "work" after gaining them with transform/imposter, in a certain definition of "work", the ditto (or other transform user, say eevee) will turn into the mon, and when it triggers an ability, using stance change as an example, it will transform, but it will basically revert to being ditto (or whatever mon it was before using transform) but with the moves of the transformed mon, so transform into aegislash shield, click an attack, transforms into ditto (presumably form 1) with "stance change" and the aegislash's moves.
    TLDR: Transform janks up completely when it transforms into a mon with a form changing ability

  15. - Z moves seem to bypass sashes and similar items (say rampardos crest)
    - Endure's priority bracket isn't up to date with current mechanics, it should be +4 (as of gen V) it currently is +3 (essentials default i am guessing?)
    - Zoom lens has no script at all, it doesn't do anything
    - Silvally doesn't turn Dark type on blessed field or ???-type on glitch field, there is no scriptline that even attempts to do so

  16. Okay i am here with some fun ones this time:
    1. Status applications caused by T-spikes, yawn or synchronize cause an error message due to an undefined value. when they are blocked by abilities or field interactions (basically anything that causes a message). this seems to be because these messages have an "if showMessage" attached, which in the status application functions for synchronize, yawn and t-spikes isn't an argument given to the function (for most cases in yawn "if showMessage" is already commented out, so ig this issue came up before, but wasn't fully fixed for every case it can happen in)
    2. Normal moves converted by aerilate can't hit through shedninja's wonder guard, it seems to consider them still normal typed for that purpose
    3. For the Incinerate TM there is no learn list no mon actually learns the move via TM as far as i can tell ( the move doesn't seem to be in the TM PBS at all)
    4. this one is about AI behaviour, unlike for other screens, user of arenite wall will happily use arenite wall repeatedly when faced with brick break/Psychic fangs, if the brick breaker is slower than the arenite wall setter this can get the AI stuck in an endless loop of setting wall and getting hit by brick break (disregard this one, i accidentally had the game on 12.1 for that, on 12.2 this doesn't happen)

  17. so funny thing:
    i reported a while ago that desert's mark's chip damage bypasses magic guard, well this is true, but apparently this issue affects all trapping moves (fire spin, whirlpool ect)

    magic guard doesn't protect against the field damage from volcanic field (and dragon's den with volcanic as base field)
    Edit: Secret Power on Bewitched woods causes an error message if the additional effect selected is poison because the poison function is missing an argument.

  18. Julia managed to make this into a big ol camping trip and i love it.
    also julia is all like "BE FRIENDS!! smushes archer and vanilla together"

    as for the D&D alignement, Lawful vs chaotic is always a little bit tricky to explain. the way i understand it is that (seeing as alignements are personal in nature) is that whats important is to what the character holds themselves more than anything.
    breaking Laws doesn't automatically make you chaotic, (otherwise some poor paladin could walk into some distopia, where you get publically executed for wishing someone a nice day, or something and lose their fancy powers for not staying lawful). a character that breaks laws because they oppose the very system that made these laws (like vanilla) wouldn't really be indicative either way, if she were to break these laws just because she can, that would be chaotic. but as corso noted her own "code" matters aswell, lawful character would be someone who when the make a promise they will absolutely keep it, no matter what. while a chaotic person could go "you know, i just said that, i didn't really mean it".
    Lawful characters are ones that stick strongly to their word and oftentimes have their own personal "code of conduct" that they stick to, who would only go against a standing law if they have a reason for it.
    While chaotics are more freespirited, laws are kinda there and might sometimes be broken for the hell of it, but don't influence them either way, and they just kinda act according to what the feel is right in the moment, if asked about their beliefs/their moral code they probably wouldn't have a set view on complex topics but would have a view if certain things are right or wrong in their eyes
    that kinda got rambly.... sorry 😅

  19. as the title states apparently ghost type pokemon are immune to the effect of rage powder, when it should be grass type pokemon that are immune to it (which they currently aren't)
    also currently the move has +3 priority when it is +2 priority since gen 6

  20. - Dazzling and Queenly Majesty don't protect their double Battle allies from priority, as they should
    - Strength Sap on bewitched woods (field number 42) doesn't lower special attack as noted, the effect is attached to corrupted cave (field number 41)
    EDIT: because imagine double posting
    - Rage Powder is +3 priority when as of gen 6 it should be +2, and more importantly currently ghost type pokemon are wrongfully immune to rage powder, and grass types are not (when they should be)

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