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12 Fledgling

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  1. I'm really enjoying it so far! Having trouble getting past the normal-type gym leader for some reason, lol, but I know I will eventually.
  2. Thank you so much guys!!! I am progressing through the game again ^^
  3. Currently, Shelly doesn't want to battle, so I am unsure what to do from here. The cave seems pretty blocked with rocks, unless there is an area I am missing? I'll investigate further.
  4. Okay so I dunno if this is the right place to post, but... I finally defeated Corey, but never got a badge from him (and how the story goes, you know why). HOWEVER, the part where you go down a hole in the main stairway and I have to find somebody... I got rock smash from a guy I met down there, but unfortunately, whilst the move can be used in battle I am unable to use it outside of battle since it needs a third badge to work. And it seems without being able to smash rocks, I can't go any further in this cave. Is there something I am missing? Thanks!
  5. Bless you, whomever put in the Wonder Trade this beautiful lvl. 60 Vulpix! She was just what I needed to finally defeat Corey lol. After forever since I started Reborn, I finally passed that Gym, so thank you so much! I even went back to the Name Rater so I could give her a nickname~
  6. So getting into Reborn again and just seeing all these fabulous ideas for Pokemon games floating around, it reminded me of my own attempt at a fangame I started back in 2013 but didn't finish. It would be a visual novel and highly story driven, but I think I did have plants for turn based battle since that is not difficult to construct. Because I remembered it and sadly did not back it up, luckily I still have the computer it was on and I salvaged it to look at it again. I would have to rename this game, as this title was literally called Pokemon Desolation but I see a fangame with that title already exists, so I'll just have to find another post-apocalyptic like title lol. But the premise was a space station near the moon was built where two new regions were established. Professors and breeders from Earth sent some Pokemon up there, hoping to populate it with every discovered Pokemon. Trainers could go there to compete in a league and capture Pokemon. This was done so there could be expansions on Earth for more reserves, and researchers could study the habits of Pokemon better in their natural enviornment. Then, an evil organization, known as Team Asteroid shows up--they were messing with DNA and created a beast they couldn't control. It began ravaging the world before the project for Destrox (name of the planetary station) was completed (so not all Pokemon are up there). Many had to evacuate to this new planetary station, and many professors and breeders from across the regions are quickly sending up as many Pokemon as they can. In an effort to help in the battle to reclaim the planet and save it for humanity and Pokemon alike, many trainers go to Destrox to compete in its league as a means to prove themselves strong enough for battle. Our story begins with you getting ready to leave your hometown and begin your journey on the station. You visit a man named Professor Hubert whom gears you up, has you choose a starter, and tells you that on your escape pod there will be 3 other trainers and a bunch of Pokemon for you to let loose in the wild. There's suddenly an earth quake, disaster has come, so he quickly gets you in the pod with the others and launches you into space. I am really debating to try this story again! I really liked the concept, despite it sounded very dramatic and cheesy, and if I don't go through with it like I originally planned as a visual novel, I could try my hand at Pokemon Essentials for RPG Maker and make a proper looking fangame. That could be quite a bit of fun. Plus it'll be neat coming up with all the names, even re-naming this game will be fun in its own right.
  7. If I find a Pichu, I will name him Sparks. I remember in GPXPlus doing that, had him evolve all the way up to a Raichu. I also bred him and kept one of the eggs, and raised that little Pichi which I forgot what I named him into a Pikachu. I'd usually keep both in my party as I thought having the father and son was a cool idea lol. I will also typically name my Cyndaquil or Charmander "Scorch". Whichever one I get first, always Scorch.
  8. Kokoro


    Mmm quite true. I remember when I first began Reborn, Corey was the Gym Leader I was stuck at lol. So I will finally be entering new territory once I defeat him. I am smart that I am not going to save after being defeated however, since I would then have no more super potions nor the money to afford them. So I just learn from every failure then reload from the save before I ever challenged him.
  9. Kokoro


    Yeah, it is so fun when you luck out. My first WT I got a lvl 15 Bellsprout, which was actually find by me, since every time I kept trying to capture a Bellsprout I kept making it faint lol. I know have it up to a Weepinbell lvl 27. Much good use. I honestly am not as hardcore of a player to care for the IVs, I just have fun nicknaming them and raising them up in my team~
  10. Kokoro


    Ah the WT is a fun hit or miss. I got lucky once and got a lvl 33 Klink.
  11. Kokoro


    Nothing much, just been grinding in Reborn. Tried to face the Poison gym leader and... well that didn't go so well, so I will probably grind some more or look for trades, but I'll grind first haha. How about you?
  12. So I tried the Wonder Trade thing for fun. I dropped in my Shiny Swadloon and got... Lvl 15 Bellsprout. Not bad as I kinda have been looking for one, but I accidentally always make it faint before I can capture it xD
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