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Posts posted by Smooth

  1. Why the hell are people claiming mafia?

    What on earth is happening? 

    Placeholder: Eliminate Bean



    YOU MUST BE PUT DOWN rando vote.

    (More so your post isn’t as impressive as the previous games) 


    Alrighty so we’re against a fabricator, an Actress, a Sniper, and a Janitor 

    My golly, these role are terrifying good.

    I can practically imagine the chaos of guns blasting off like no tomorrow least we’re smart enough.

    Both the Janitor and Actress will inevitable  prepare an escape route (fake role-claim) for one of their members.

    And the moment we actually make progress, Mr or Ms Sniper pops a bullet off one of us. 


    Anybody got any suggestions to prepare in advance against mainly the janitor/actress?







  2. Resisting to inform of my reveal’s perk and letting Drago smoothly set sails was the hardest part 

    I’d assume you eventually role-claimed later and to think it was stalker.. there’s probably another scenario that potential still have Candy as the arsonist but it’s whatever 

    we practically have 2 chances to lynch the arsonist before I’m doused and then lit in flames (Unless Nicki gives me a protective suit). 
    Town’s from there should have a good of winning less Nicki betrays us and Amber gets mod killed.

  3. ...How the hell does one forget about role-claiming their own role?

    We’re literally near the endgame. Swear to god I don’t understand why this couldn’t be typed earlier. 
    Just mildly confused even if you’re not what you say you are. The real 9000IQ play Candy would be Amber’s bluff about psychiatrist and actually being the arsonist after all.
    Then again, it appears that between Drago or Candy lies an arsonist and between Aldo or Lia lies a witch. 




  4. Hol up

    On 11/4/2019 at 12:14 AM, Walpurgis said:

    I guess I should share my reads, although I don't have much to say. All of the regular players seem genuinely involved in scumhunting like they would in any other game, and while in other circumstances I'd have a strong townlean on most (if not all) of them I don't think that's enough in this game. As for the newer players I have a townlean on Aldo, he seems quite involved and confident and I'd expect a newer player to not be so confident with an evil role even in a setup like this (although I don't think this should let him off the hook). Falirion seems a bit more awkward and nervous, but this could be because it's his first game. I'm personally going to still keep an eye on everyone except Kiet.
    The only other person I'd single out is Amber, I like his response to the smol bandwagon on him and it feels townie to me even in this context (but again not enough to really let him off the hook).

    This doesn’t prove much but made me laugh 

  5. But dude @Walpurgis


    You left me to potentially die. 

    Same with Nicki but amma let that slide

    When I told you about “intentions” and “risk”, I figured you’d realise that I was mayor all along. 


    Just do us a favour and lynch the arsonist which is probably Candy. I still have my voting power +3 so if Nicki and Amber joined alongside. That’s +5 Voting vs the rest of you. 


    My role pretty busted 

  6. So.. Lia (Witch) and Candy (Arsonist)? 

    We got them?


    Everything feels genuinely honest between both Nicki and Aldo. 

    That’s if Drago actually the doctor himself and that Alistair would’ve been the stalker all along... anything we’re missing. 


    Also the arsonist shouldn’t be a problem until the next next next next night. Preparing to douse the rest of us so we’re pretty much in a good spot. Watch as Aldo played us all as he walks upon our burning corpse. 


    Honestly believe Alistair were amongst the evil role but obviously not the arsonist (hehe). He had set of inactive targets in mind throughout the earlier phases and god damm felt way too planned for a towny. And then the rest of my examples beforehand.

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