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111 last won the day on June 29 2019

111 had the most liked content!


56 Samaritan


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  1. I've learned my lesson about promising things I may end up being too busy for.

    But let's just say that new ideas, atmospheres, and Pokemon Essentials v18 APPARENTLY being able to read PBS files formatted for prior versions makes me want to put time and effort into Pokemon Rehabilitation 

    First off, Team Ace needs to be more than their current concept. They're much too boring like Team Rocket and I need them to tell a memorable story

    Even though it's been years, I really appreciate the people who played early Rehab and left constructive criticism. Will definitely be looking over that :)

    Now that I've broken my bad mindset of stressing about getting worse at school or Smash after not doing it for a while (No, I'm not a foolish school skipper, it's just Summer break :P), I can comfortably put more time into coming up with ideas for other things more often 

    Plus I'm back in a Pokemon phase

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