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Status Replies posted by Dino

  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. Dino


      Heh, wouldn't have thought someone from here would wish me happy birthday. Thank you!


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. So is Mosely supposed to be French? or umm Kalosian? I'm trying ti picture a voice in my head reading her dialogue but it's a bit tough.

  3. So is Mosely supposed to be French? or umm Kalosian? I'm trying ti picture a voice in my head reading her dialogue but it's a bit tough.

    1. Dino


      But maman is the name of her adoptive mother, so it doesn't count. And I think Mosely is Italian cuz' of the name and cuz' she wear the same outfit of an italian orphelin child in America in the 40's.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Dino

    Dino    Jan

    HELP, I'M STUCK IN THE FIRST PUZZLE OF GARUFA RUINS. Can you send the soluce of this puzzle pls. The thing is, I put the statues of the left room in the same position that the statues on the right room. I even try using a backup file to see if it where just a bug, but it didn't work as well. So can you or someone else help me cuz' I really wanna play this game.

    1. Dino


      Well, if it's this, then no prob I think. Anyway, thanks for the advice dude, see ya space cowboy!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Dino

    Dino    Jan

    HELP, I'M STUCK IN THE FIRST PUZZLE OF GARUFA RUINS. Can you send the soluce of this puzzle pls. The thing is, I put the statues of the left room in the same position that the statues on the right room. I even try using a backup file to see if it where just a bug, but it didn't work as well. So can you or someone else help me cuz' I really wanna play this game.

    1. Dino


      Well, the thing is I don't think it's a save file problem so did you have another topic to request for me. (I think the word `` pestering`` is kind of...you know... rude, just saying 😕 and I prefer see Jan saying that I bother Xer than some supposedly bodyguard, but if you were just trying to help than it's alright)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. My «ONLINE PLAY» isn't working. When I wanna use it, it just show this message : SERVER NOT ONLINE OR CONNECTION IS BAD. Can you help me please?

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