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Don't Contact Me, I Left

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Everything posted by Don't Contact Me, I Left

  1. So I don't know what happened, but I tried Rock Smashing every rock available btu whatever I did, the lava flooding didn't change??? Can anyone help me get to Cal? Thanks! Game.rxdata
  2. Might as well try a Leaf run then. Can you do the sprite for me then instead for her(?)
  3. OOf, how unfortunate. Maybe check bulbapedia's page on him?
  4. Look up Blue FRLG sprite, its the 5th one on the top.
  5. oh https://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spriters-resource.com%2Fresources%2Fsheets%2F4%2F3696.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fzahradni-nabytek-vyprodej.info%2Ffire-red-pokemon-character-sprites.html&docid=lwdCJimoHDrhsM&tbnid=w9RErufG7G2N0M&vet=1&w=239&h=313
  6. Alright, I found a good picture of the FRLG sprites. Here they are: https://www.google.com/search?q=blue+frlg+sprites&safe=strict&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjExo6nnObdAhWFd98KHWcfBF0Q_AUIESgB&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=w9RErufG7G2N0M
  7. https://www.deviantart.com/mattplaysvg/art/Pokemon-Sun-AND-Moon-Red-AND-Blue-Sprite-Preview-653849432 I know its fanmade but this is pretty similiar to his Gen 7 appearance. Maybe sprite him like that?
  8. Also in the style of OG Blue is fine, but I'd prefer Gen 7 Blue Sprites.
  9. So I'm planning to do a Character themed Run based off Blue after I finish my Psychic mono. All I need is a Overworld Sprite, Back + Front Sprite, VS sprite and Running Sprite (In Reborn Style if that makes sense). If anyone's willing and made it, pls post here!
  10. So here's a runs list! In case anyone has anymore, please DM me (if possible on the forums), if not my Discord is Share A Sarah#5143, so I can add them! Special Runs: Animal Runs: Character Runs:
  11. So I need to find the 2 other Oasis, and I can't find them. Can someone use my savefile to find them and then after done, save and link it here? Thanks! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-mK5xA7QbVKaTZNTVV3c3QzNnY3TmN1WGtiTjc5c2l4UDdB
  12. I need help. Please answer this poll!!!: https://strawpoll.com/kf3yfypd
  13. Yeah, I get that, but only time it worked was when I had no mods for Reborn.
  14. Where is the Scripts.rxdata for this one? I'd like to be able to use the Stat Boosts Mod but I was told it wouldn't let me withou t that.
  15. Leave the desert and reenter to find the non-spawned Mirage Tower LOCATION. Should be there then.
  16. Douyble checked, and it doesn't show that for me...
  17. I still can't beat it since YT is blocked on my PC atm. Can... you do it for me and then link it here?
  18. I wasn't sure where to put this so I'm gonna put this here for help. Can anyone help me beat the #s puzzle? here my savefile is: Game.rxdata
  19. https://discord.gg//Bkwu6h ! Just made an RP server based in a future dystopian former fantasy world!

  20. I looled everywhere, and I can't seem to find the Vanillite. Anyone willing to trade me so I can give the boy it?
  21. So I was doing a Gym Leader Ace Run, and I need to evolve my Snorunt ASAP to Froslass. What is the earliest place to get a Dawn Stone?
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