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Posts posted by cicada


    The Survivors continued down the desolate path. As expected, it was empty. The fact that it was getting darker outside didn’t really help. They turned their flashlights on and made their way through, not realising that someone -- something invisible -- was following them. It was noting their every move, probably keeping an eye on other things. What was that something? Let’s just say Coach was watching from his screen. Perhaps Rochelle was with him, who knows? It's Rochelle, does anyone even care? They won’t respawn anytime soon, hohoho. This campaign was in Realism mode, after all...


    The Director was also watching. He noted that it was time for something fun. Something that would make the game interesting. He decided to make a crescendo event happen. That was sure to get the Survivors in gear. He started spawning waves and waves of hordes. All of them groaned and yelled as they rapidly approached the Survivors.


    “We need to get to higher ground!” Zoey, trying to take leadership, yelled. Perhaps she was trying to make sure her voice didn’t get drowned out. It was almost like they’d gone to see a metal band in a concert. That’s how loud it was right now. The boys followed her instruction, albeit Nick was far from entertained by the idea.


    In what seemed like a rapid blur, acid shot out from seemingly nowhere. “GOO INBOUND!” “MOVE!” “What is this green shit?” The Survivors had to temporarily move out of the way, setting a decent amount of distance between the three of them, to completely avoid the acid. Luckily, it didn’t do any damage to the Survivors, but some Infected weren’t so lucky…


    The Director got bored and decided to despawn the Spitter, but he had plans on making her return much, much later, I’m sure. A singular patch of acid was found beneath her feet. At least this problem wouldn’t hinder the Survivors… for now. What happened next would depend solely on all of the Players…Just who would emerge victorious? Perhaps the Survivors would get wiped out, or maybe they would find the escape vehicle.


    It was still far too soon to tell, but everyone was running out of endurance. The Survivors were visibly getting tired and worn out, but the Infected were beginning to get bored. We’ll figure out soon enough. The sound of rhythmic tapping could be heard from somewhere in the distance...


    Alistair has properly died! He was the Spitter.
    Lykos has properly died! He was a Common Infected.


    It is now Day 3. You have around 48 hours to do Day things. Night 3 will begin by 2:30PM GMT, the earliest, on Wednesday. Since Wednesdays are busy for me, I will let you know if the phase has to be extended closer to the time.


    1. Bok
    2. Aldo
    3. Drago
    4. Astra
    5. Boat
    6. Lía
    7. AL as the Uncommon Infected. [Lynched D2]
    8. Bean as Coach. [Lynched D1]
    9. Amine
    10. Seal
    11. Lykos as a Common Infected. [Killed N2]
    12. Nick as the Smoker. [Killed N1]
    13: Ali as the Spitter. [Killed N2]
    14. Nano as a Common Infected. [Gun backfired D1]
    15. Newt
    16. Arch
    17. Fali
    18. Kiet as the Hunter. [Shot D1]

  2. DAY TWO - END.

    After leaving the small section with the stores, the survivors carried on forwards. They reached a forked path, one that was the stereotypical “bright” path that contained streetlamps and a living, healthy environment. The other path was desolate, save for the few corpses scattered across, and dark. Very dark. “I think I like the look of the brighter path, what do you guys think?” Ellis tried joking to keep high spirits. Nick just playfully flicked Ellis on the nose.


    “Obviously, we’re going down the dark path. Don’t you know anything, Ellis?” After imitating the younger man’s accent, he pauses. “The dark places in games usually hold the most secrets and are usually more helpful in the long run.” He started walking down the dark path.


    A group of infected suddenly appeared. The survivors didn’t really have the time, nor patience, to deal with them. After shooting one of the CEDA zombies, the survivors noticed that one of them had dropped some Boomer Bile, obviously CEDA was trying to do research on the Boomer’s puke before they turned. “Hey, what’s this?”


    “Dunno, sweet cheeks. Try throwing it.” They picked up the puke bomb and yeeted it behind them. It had exploded on one of the infected a little behind them. All of the zombies launched themselves onto this individual. It smelt really nice, to the zombies at least. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little nibble, right…? Blood and guts flew everywhere as the zombies devoured the one covered in puke.


    This bomb gave the survivors some time to escape. It was handy. Zoey made a mental note not to forget this little detail. She’d be telling Francis and Louis about it after all. They’d love to hear about this puke bomb. She found it interesting, too. It was like a pipe bomb, but better! She giggled to herself, keeping an eye out for more of this strange item. She’d be sure to snag some more later on!



    There was a tie in votes between Arch and AL. RNG has decided to lynch AL.


    AL has been lynched! He was the Uncommon Infected.


    It is now Night 2. You have 24 hours to send in your Night Actions (or tell me that you're abstaining). Day 3 begins between 12:30-1:00PM GMT on Monday.


    1. Bok
    2. Aldo
    3. Drago
    4. Astra
    5. Boat
    6. Lía
    7. AL as the Uncommon Infected. [Lynched D2]
    8. Bean as Coach. [Lynched D1]
    9. Amine
    10. Seal
    11. Lykos
    12. Nick as the Smoker. [Killed N1]
    13: Ali
    14. Nano as a Common Infected. [Gun backfired D1]
    15. Newt
    16. Arch
    17. Fali
    18. Kiet as the Hunter. [Shot D1]

  3. On 11/22/2019 at 9:24 PM, Dragoknight said:

    The role desc only states that the player's role and alignment will not be revealed once per game. I think it's based off of epicmafia rules so it can only be the person they visited last.

    @cicada Is that correct?

    Sorry for only getting back to this now, but that is half correct.

    The clean applies for that night phase only. If the person they clean is not killed, nothing happens and their clean is wasted.

  4. DAY TWO.


    On the other side of town, the rest of the Survivors made their way into a small part of the area. There were some small stores, like clothing stores, food stores and electronics stores, all left abandoned. They were pretty much dark, with no sign of actual life in them. They were still full of Common Infected, just idly walking by. Luckily for the Survivors, the zombies hadn’t noticed them.


    They were able to walk into the stores to look for supplies they needed. Things that would last. Things that would keep them alive; things that would help them on their journey to New Orleans. They were super excited, since it’d been a long time since they’d found anything vital.


    Their euphoria was interrupted by the sound of enticing crying. This could only mean one thing. “We’d best take what we’ve found and get out, there’s a Witch in here.” Zoey whispered to the other two before picking up some chocolate and sweets and shoving them in her pockets. She sighed, knowing this was wrong. But she also knew that it didn’t matter. Most of the cops have already turned.


    Nick picked up some cigarettes and alcohol from a nearby store. He shoved them in his suit pockets. He’s done this before, plenty of times actually. He didn’t need to worry about getting caught - he already managed to cheat poker. Why would this be any different? He smirked.


    Ellis was just doing Ellis things: trying to talk about the time he and his buddy, Keith, almost robbed a bank. His stories were always full of it. No one even knew if Keith even existed, or if he was just as made up as his stories were. Zoey and Nick just let him talk about his stories, without paying attention at all. They didn’t need to care, they just needed to pretend they did. His stories were almost endearing, they didn’t want to ruin that.


    The Survivors grabbed everything they could, even some pills and first-aid from a local pharmacy they had managed to find. Those were the important things. Heck, even the alcohol Nick had grabbed earlier would do. They could use something to make molotovs with. He’d already had some lighters, and finding cloth would’ve been easy in this kind of environment.


    There was a lone Smoker waiting for them, on top of the pharmacy’s building so he was out of the way. He waited for the last one to come out, so he could grab them… except that didn’t go to plan. ‘Thwwwwwwap’. The sound of his tongue could be heard. He had come into contact with someone, but whether it was a Survivor or not was uncertain.


    His slippery tongue definitely wrapped itself around something. But who or what that was just wasn’t clear. They were coincidentally enveloped, mostly from darkness but also the Smoker’s tongue. The Smoker knew what he’d come into contact with, but he could not reveal - because he could not talk. He just grunted, a little bit annoyed.


    That was when Nick saw the Smoker’s tongue. “Hey!” He glared at the Smoker. “I’ve got this one. There’s no way in Hell I’ll let you any closer to us. Not now, and not ever.” He lifts up his assault rifle, pointing it at the Smoker’s head. “See you on the other side, you bastard.” BANG. The Smoker’s tongue instantly dropped onto the ground. The Smoker let out a poof of smoke and other nasty crap as he exploded from the bullets’ impact. Whatever was in the Smoker’s grasp was released, and it ran off into the distance.


    Back where Coach was, a group of zombies had located both the Hunter and Coach’s bodies… they decided it was about time they had their fair share of brains. Nom.


    Nick Crash has officially died! He was the Smoker.


    It is now Day Two. You have 48 hours to discuss and vote. Night Two begins at around 12:30-1:00PM GMT on Sunday. Make sure to meet all post requirements!

    1. Bok
    2. Aldo
    3. Drago
    4. Astra
    5. Boat
    6. Lía
    7. AL
    8. Bean as Coach. [Lynched D1]
    9. Amine
    10. Seal
    11. Lykos
    12. Nick as the Smoker. [Killed N1]
    13: Ali
    14. Nano as a Common Infected. [Gun backfired D1]
    15. Newt
    16. Arch
    17. Fali
    18. Kiet as the Hunter. [Shot D1]

  5. DAY ONE - END.

    Coach fell asleep, still clinging onto his gun. It was getting tiring for him; he was in his 40’s and he had to run from one safe room to the next without stopping. He was the group’s leader, so he made it his obligatory job to protect everyone else -- even if they didn’t need it. Everything was too much.


    He had failed his best friend, Rochelle. He didn’t want to fail everyone else. But falling asleep there was his final, and worst, mistake. He slipped into a very pleasant dream - one that was, perhaps, very unfitting and undeserved during the zombie apocalypse.


    He heard a very familiar voice, faintly. She was calling his name, over and over… and over… and over. After each word, the voice grew louder and stronger. Eventually, he realised whose voice it was. It belonged to Rochelle. But it couldn’t have been… she died, didn’t she? A Witch caught her off guard whilst she wasn’t looking. This wasn’t real. Rochelle began to walk closer to Coach.


    “Ro…? Aren’t you--” Coach began to speak, but Rochelle placed a finger on his lips. “Yep. Looks like you will be as well in a few minutes.” She grabbed his arm and helped pull him up. “Pretty cool, huh? I’ve been trying to reach out to you since I died, but obviously I had no luck. Until now, at least.” She laughed, but Coach didn’t seem amused.


    “What’s happening? What’s happening to me?” His question went unanswered, but he didn’t push her. He started to feel pain in his chest, gradually getting worse by the second. “It’s happening, Coach. You can stop fighting for the others now. Come with me. We’re safe here.” Coach began collapsing, shaking his head at Rochelle’s words. “I can’t. Not yet. I have to make sure Nick and Ellis get to New Orleans…”


    His chest kept tightening as his heart succumbed to the pressure. Existing was painful now. His heart was gradually slowing down. He couldn’t do anything about it. “Coach… I know. I know you want to keep them safe. But you can’t do anything about it. What’s happening to you here… you’re also experiencing it in the real world. That’s it…” Rochelle placed a comforting hand on Coach’s shoulder.


    They heard a growl coming from the front of the alleyway. It was a dark, hooded figure. He slowly approached Coach and Rochelle. Since this was a dream world, Rochelle knew instantly that he was there. She looked at Coach, and the two of them exchanged smirks. “Want to do one last thing?” She asked, and instantly he nodded. It was painful, but he lifted his gun and shot the figure right in the head.


    Everything from then went black. In the real world, Coach’s body had slumped over. His face was stained with tears, but he had a slight smile. His heart was no longer beating, and it soon became obvious that he died in his sleep. Coach and Rochelle had finally been reunited.


    Surprisingly, next to Coach’s body was the hooded figure that appeared in his dream. There was a small pool of blood around both Coach and the hooded figure, who was revealed to be the Hunter upon close inspection. The Hunter had a single bullet wound in his head.


    Bean has been lynched! He was Coach.
    Kiet was properly killed. He was the Hunter.

    (Featuring Mimi as Rochelle.)


    It is now Night 1. You have 24 hours to send in your Night Actions (or to tell me you're abstaining). Day 2 begins at around 12:30PM GMT on Friday.


    1. Bok
    2. Aldo
    3. Drago
    4. Astra
    5. Boat
    6. Lía
    7. AL
    8. Bean as Coach. [Lynched D1]
    9. Amine
    10. Seal
    11. Lykos
    12. Nick
    13: Ali
    14. Nano as a Common Infected. [Gun backfired D1]
    15. Newt
    16. Arch
    17. Fali
    18. Kiet as the Hunter. [Shot D1]

    • Like 1
  6. BANG!

    You hear the sound of squealing as one of the zombies loses control and runs to attack a figure standing close to him. The screaming banshee sounds were from Nano, that much was obvious. He couldn't control himself and ran head first into a wall, colliding instantly. His brains splattered across the wall and its surrounding area. Unfortunately, his attack didn't go to plan. The infected ran to the scene, attracted by the noise. What they found in front of them wasn't what they were exactly expecting or hoping for... Oh well, free brains, right?


    Nano's properly dead corpse was discovered. He was a Common Infected.


    1. Bok
    2. Aldo
    3. Drago
    4. Astra
    5. Boat
    6. Lía
    7. AL
    8. Bean
    9. Amine
    10. Seal
    11. Lykos
    12. Nick
    13: Ali
    14. Nano as a Common Infected. [Gun backfired D1]
    15. Newt
    16. Arch
    17. Fali
    18. Kiet


    I kinda forgot to post this 8 hours ago due to life, but here's an unofficial 'midday' post. Y'all have just under a day left to vote. Please make sure you all meet post requirements and vote someone. You are required to vote to lynch someone every day, even on Day 1.

    If the phase ended now, 3 people would not have met post requirements and a bunch of you wouldn't have voted either. You still have about 16 hours left to vote and meet your requirements, if I'm not mistaken.


    In regards to the question I was asked before about guns, I have decided that guns can be discarded and replaced if not used. More specifically, if the player receiving a gun already has one, they are free to choose which gun (the new or the old one) to discard. They will not be told anything other than the fact they have received a gun, and can then choose from there which gun to discard. They will also not be told whether the gun they discarded was real or fake. As normal, if the player does not have a gun, they will simply just be told that they received a gun.


    Enjoy the rest of your day phase, folks!

  8. 1 minute ago, Alistair said:

    OP states that Coach serves as this game's Sniper. Sniper typically isn't part of mafia chat.

    @cicada for confirmation pls

    That is correct. Most of the roles, unless stated otherwise, usually go by the EpicMafia description. I kinda forgot to include that in the flavour text since I assumed everyone was familiar with Sniper anyway. My bad.

    Coach, or the Sniper, is not in the Mafia chat.

    • Thanks 2
  9. 9 minutes ago, Falirion said:

    that would make the doctor pointless if it worked like that, (outside of preventing granny deaths) which would be wierd, so i really doubt that, but the role priority is writen like that... Would the Host like to clarify?

    Role priority is sort of confusing to deal with. Ali's right; I didn't think it would make sense for the Doctor to heal before the attack in this sense. It also doesn't contradict the flavour text I wrote for the Charger.

  10. DAY ONE

    The Survivors, bar Coach, decided to leave the Witch alone for now, figuring they weren’t quite ready to deal with her. They snook past her with their flashlights out. Without even looking at her. As they were passing by, they didn't even acknowledge her existence. She didn't even seem to notice they were there anyway, so why bother? She was too busy crying to care.


    Some of the Infected were watching the bigger group of Survivors from afar, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Some of the Infected were running around the place trying to cause their own kind of chaos. It was cute, really. They knew when to strike, but the opportunity had not yet revealed itself.


    The Tank had somehow lost Coach. He didn't understand, nor know, how, or even why, but he lost him. He temporarily gave up on his chase, deciding to go back the way he came. He was looking for his Infected friends. Why wouldn't he? The Tank needed backup after all!


    Realising that he was safe, for now, Coach ran out of his hiding place, treading cautiously to avoid potential dangers. He decided to chill for a little bit, camping in a dark alleyway. He had his gun out, ready to potentially shoot. He probably wasn't going to use it, but it was better to be safe than sorry after all.


    He wasn't really in a rush to find the rest of the group, after all. They couldn't be too far ahead or behind. There'd probably be some kind of split path which would eventually bring them back together... but no one knew where this supposed 'split path' even was, or if there even was one. It would only be a matter of time. Coach decided to stay optimistic for this 'split path' that may not even exist.


    "I’m getting too old for this." Coach furrowed his eyebrows and groaned as he slumped down in the corner of the dark alleyway. "Just a small rest..." He yawned and stretched before placing his trusty sniper rifle next to him, holding it with his right hand. "...should be fine."

    It is now Day 1. You have 48 hours to discuss and vote for your targets. No one died during the night. Night 1 begins at around 12:30PM GMT on Thursday.



    1. Bok
    2. Aldo
    3. Drago
    4. Astra
    5. Boat
    6. Lía
    7. AL
    8. Bean
    9. Amine
    10. Seal
    11. Lykos
    12. Nick
    13. Ali
    14. Nano
    15. Newt
    16. Arch
    17. Fali
    18. Kiet


    The ground rumbled even more vigorously than before. The tremors were getting louder and stronger with each passing second. The grunts and groans of what sounded like a gorilla on steroids could be heard, and then the Tank came into view.


    "Ah, shit... Tank!" Coach yelled, seemingly into thin air. "No shit, Sherlock." Nick sarcastically responded, wiping the sweat forming above his eyebrows. The group started running to get a better cover point in hopes the Tank didn't corner any of them. If that happened, it was game over. Something the Survivors did not want to happen at any cost. They just had to get to New Orleans, no matter what.


    Instead of causing confusion and panic, the Tank directly focused himself onto Coach, and began to follow him, causing him to split from the group. "Just keep running, friends. We’ll find each other soon. Stay safe; stay alive." With that, Coach ran into the shadows, with the Tank in hot pursuit. A perfect scenario for the whole Infected team... to have the Survivors separate.


    Despite feeling worried for Coach, the rest of the group decided to move forwards into the night. It wasn't the first time the group got separated, even with Zoey replacing the recently deceased Rochelle, but it wouldn't be the last time either. All they could do was plow on and hope to meet up with Coach later.


    So, that's what they did. They looked into some rooms for supplies, hoping to get some pills... perhaps snacks, water... a first-aid kit maybe? The night was quiet, save for a few groans from scattered Common Infected and the banter that the group provided. That was until the group grew closer to the weeping.


    Zoey pressed a finger to her lips, which instructed Nick and Ellis to be quiet. With a soft tone to her whisper, the words, "That sounds like a Witch..." were spoken. Everyone immediately turned their flashlights off.


    It is now Night Zero. You have 24 hours to send in night actions. Day One begins at around 9:00AM GMT on Tuesday. Send me your Night Actions if you haven't already.



    1. Bok
    2. Aldo
    3. Drago
    4. Astra
    5. Boat
    6. Lía
    7. AL
    8. Bean
    9. Amine
    10. Seal
    11. Lykos
    12. Nick
    13. Ali
    14. Nano
    15. Newt
    16. Arch
    17. Fali
    18. Kiet

  12. Left 4 Dead Mafia:

    You do not need to have played, nor have any knowledge of, the Left 4 Dead series to play this game. The general goal for this game is for the Survivors (Mafia faction) to eliminate/wipe out the Infected (Town faction), and vice versa for the Infected. There are no third party roles in the setup this time around, but the general player count can accommodate as little as 15 people and a maximum of 18. The Survivors need to equal or outnumber the Infected to win, and the Infected need to eliminate every Survivor. This game starts on Night 0.


    What is Mafia? (Credits to Dive!)


    Mafia is a social deduction game which requires analyzing, cooperation, and looking through lies. There are two main factions in a mafia game: the Uninformed Majority [Town], who have to find others of their kind while hunting for the mafia, and the Informed Minority [Mafia], who have a private chat and plan there on how they should trick the town and whom they should kill. There may also be Third Party or Independent roles, which have different agendas and win conditions.


    At the beginning of the game, players receive a PM or a DM (in some cases) with their role and alignment.


    There are two major phases in a Mafia game:


    (1) The Day Phase – Typically lasting 48 hours, players use this opportunity to discuss about several things, which may include the outcome of the previous phases, behavior of players, and flow of the game; the ultimate goal in the day phase is for the Town players to find the Mafia slowly while Mafia players have to blend in carefully. Before the day ends, players must vote for a player whom they want to be eliminated on grounds of suspicion and the player receiving the most votes will be eliminated.


    (2) The Night Phase – Typically lasting 24 hours, the thread is considered “locked” at this point and players may not comment at all. Instead, players with night actions, special abilities related to their role, may use these to aid their faction. The Mafia also discusses in the private chat on whom to dispose of.


    The game continues until one of the major factions attains their win condition or unless it is no longer possible.


    Opening Narrative pls don't read this


    It’s the middle of the zombie apocalypse. The date, time, year, etc… none of that matters anymore. What use would that have made anyway? It’s not like anyone needs it anymore.

    A hooded figure hides in the shadows, waiting patiently for fresh meat to hopelessly wander into its territory. Quiet growling could be heard from a small alleyway, but if someone was too busy running for his life, then there’s a chance he wouldn’t have heard the growls at all.

    Some coughing could also be heard a few meters away, coming from a higher spot. One of the street lights illuminated onto its face, revealing several tumours on its head and several long tongues protruding from them. It seems he was also waiting for some fresh meat.

    But they weren’t alone. There were several weird-looking humanoid figures staggering in an almost sleep-like trance. Some of them were feasting on others just like them. It’s clear their goal was simple: To eat the flesh off corpses or humans, or anything wandering around.

    Some maniacal giggles could be heard just outside of the alleyway. They appeared to belong to a short, jittery guy. He started running whilst giggling to himself. He stopped for a second, still jittering as he stood still. There was some form of movement coming from inside the alleyway. Movement that came from something still alive. The skittery being ran inside to investigate, laughing to himself as he did so.

    His laugh was cut short as a shotgun pointed at his face and shot him, which then resulted in a short, sadistic snicker coming from a guy wearing a white suit. He then put his shotgun back in its holster and sighed. “I am not letting any more of those asshole Jockeys use me as a Goddamn horse!”

    A young girl sneered. “Shut up, Nick. You should be thankful that something in this apocalypse is willing to ride you.” Nick sighed upon hearing this from the youngest member of the group.

    “Zoey, we only let you join us because you offered to get us to where we needed to go. Don’t think you can get cocky because you’re the only girl left now,” Nick licked his lips before continuing his trail of thought. “Besides, I’d hate to leave you behind… considering how useful you are. Ellis, keep your lady under control.”

    A shorter guy wearing a yellow shirt and jeans, trailing behind the group a little bit, immediately ducked his head down after a blush spread like wildfire across his face. “She’s not my lady, Nick… Come on, man; stop teasing me like that!” The whole group, bar Ellis of course, guffawed.

    This laugh was cut short when the bigger guy of the group got ensnared by some tongues. “Shit…” Cough. “We were… too loud… Get this mother--” More coughs. “Off me!” The guy was coughing from the smoke clouds, but managed to get out what he wanted to say before his mouth was covered by a stray tongue.

    “Don’t die on me, Coach!” Ellis began shooting at the tongue, but was then pummeled by some humanoid ram. “Charger’s got me! It’s killin’ me! It’s bashing me into shit!” Ellis screamed. Pools of acid started forming below both of them. The culprit ran out of sight before anyone could react.

    “I’ll kill the Smoker and rescue Coach. You deal with the Charger and save “Loverboy”.” Nick teased Zoey, to which she responded with an eye roll and short snicker. Both of them got on with their task to kill their targets to save the other two.

    After saving Coach and Ellis, they all sighed slowly and remembered the situation they were in. “If we don’t hurry and get to New Orleans, the zombies will kill us. It’s what they want after all.” Nick looked at Zoey, and she gave a quick nod before walking deeper into the alleyway.

    Ellis heard some gurgling from above and went to push Zoey out of the way. “Zoey, look out! Boomer!” Immediately after pushing her out of the way, a very fat blob fell from a window above the group. It exploded on impact, sending bits of bile and blood everywhere, fortunately just missing Zoey and the rest of the group.

    “Nice one, sport.” Coach giggled a little, gently punching Ellis on the shoulder, before continuing walking, with the group following closely behind him. They reached the end of the alleyway, greeted by a plethora of straggling zombies. Not wanting to draw more attention than they already had towards themselves, they decided to take out some melee weapons to get rid of the many zombies in their way.

    The group didn’t have to progress very far before they heard heavy grunts in front of them. The ground started trembling, and the Survivors knew that they were about to get into a situation they didn’t expect to find themselves in this soon in their journey… Behind them was a horde of infected, including some more special infected which had recently mutated. It was time for a showdown between survivors and the infected.




    Infected (Town): They are the Uninformed Majority. They win when all the Survivors are dead.


    Survivors (Mafia): They are the Informed Minority. They win when they eliminate or outnumber the Infected.




    Infected (Town):


    The Witch:
    A lonesome girl who spends her time crying, and nobody can quite figure out why. Those who try and figure out why she’s crying will end up dead, as she hates any kind of contact and will attack anyone who approaches her in self defence. She serves as the game’s Granny, however she can only use “alerts” up to two times during the game. She is killable, but only when she doesn’t use an alert. If she does not use an alert, people can visit her without consequences.


    The Tank:
    This guy serves as the game’s Bulletproof. However, there’s a bit of a twist. He’s basically a Vanilla with a visiting action. The visit does nothing, but if he visits the Doctor, or if the Doctor visits him, he gains a vest. He does not start the game off with a vest, and vests will not stack.


    The Smoker:
    The Smoker is an infected whose tongue has mutated into something unexplainable. Each night, he is able to ensnare a target which prevents them from using their night action. His target is also protected from any attack on that night. He serves as the game’s Jailer.


    The Hunter:
    This little guy is very agile and quiet. He is blind, so he relies on his sense of smell to distinguish those who are Infected and those who are Survivors. Each night, he is able to sneak into a target’s house and identify their alignment. He serves as the game’s Cop.


    The Boomer:
    He has no visiting action. If anyone tries to kill him, he will explode bile onto them, resulting in attracting a horde and killing his attacker. He will not explode when lynched, and he only kills the first person who killed him - meaning non-harmful visiting roles will not be killed. He serves as the Bomb.


    The Spitter:
    This girl’s throat has been completely destroyed due to the effects of the Green Flu. As a result, all she is able to produce is acid. Up to three times in the game, she is able to spit her acid at a target. This traps them in a pool of acid and eventually kills them. If she kills a fellow infected, she will be revealed to everyone and will get lynched at the end of the following day phase, alongside the intended lynch target (unless everyone votes for her). She serves as the game’s Vigilante.


    The Jockey:
    The Jockey is a clinically insane psychopath who was once obsessed with horses (before getting infected). Each night, he visits a person and tries to ride them because he sees them as a horse. Doing so prevents the target from using their night actions. He serves as the game’s Drunk.


    The Charger:
    The Charger just wants to make sure his friends are okay, even if it means knocking over a few infected or survivors in order to do so. He runs at insane speeds so that he can reach his target in time, in order to heal their wounds. He serves as the game’s Doctor.


    Uncommon Infected:
    This zombie usually doesn’t have any special abilities, but it wanted to differentiate itself from the regular common infected. This guy learned how to make guns, and can give one to any player of their choosing each night. They cannot give themselves a gun, and players cannot hold more than one gun at a time. (Guns from the gunsmith have a 50% chance of revealing the shooter upon firing.)


    Common Infected: 
    These guys have no special powers or abilities that will help in any way, however they are able to help during the day by providing their thoughts on the game and other players. Basically, they serve as the game’s Vanilla Townies, and, depending on how many people join the game, there will be up to 5 of them.

    Survivors (Mafia):


    A guy whose background revolves around gambling and lying. This guy is a notorious gambler who only thinks about himself. As he is quite experienced in the gambling world, he knows how to rig things and uses this knowledge to make fake guns and vests which he can choose either to give to a player each night. He serves as the game’s Fabricator.


    Before the apocalypse took place, Ellis was a mechanic. His daily life consisted of working on cars, spilling oil and cleaning it up again, and working on other vehicles. He can’t exactly work on cars in this environment, so he uses his cleaning ability to clear up any blood that spills. He serves as the game’s Janitor, and can clean up the “evidence” of a body once per game. This will prevent that player’s role and alignment being revealed upon their death.


    A self-proclaimed “Zombie Expert”. Name any horror or zombie movie you’d like, even the most obscure ones, and Zoey will say she’s watched it. Before the apocalypse took place, she was a college student who sat and watched horror movies when she should have been studying. She’s seen zombie movies too many times to count, which means she’s able to perfectly mimic them. Upon her death, she will be revealed as the role of the last person she visited. She serves as the game’s Actress.


    Coach was a teacher before the apocalypse started, except a knee injury put a stop to his career. Nowadays, he tests his aim and regularly uses a gun. At any point during the game, he can snipe someone from far away which instantly kills them. His identity does not get revealed upon shooting. He serves as the game’s Sniper.


    PRIORITY: (Granny if Alerted) > Drunk > Jailer > Gunsmith = Fabricator (items) > Vigilante = Mafia Kill > Doctor > Everything else.
    *Guns work during the day; you cannot shoot them at night. All day actions happen as soon as I see the submission. (First come, first served.)


    Rules & Server Invite


    1] The Reborn Forum rules apply here.


    2] Player discussion is to be kept in the thread; mandated private chats may also be utilised. Talking about the game in anywhere but the thread is not allowed.


    3] The day phase lasts for 48 real hours, and players are required to make at least 2 posts and vote each day phase. Failure to meet any requirements for 2 day phases, consecutive or otherwise, will result in replacement or mod intervention.


    4] Please use [Eliminate] Player Name (or any similar format) to vote for a lynch. Make my life easier and place them in bold, otherwise I may miss them. You are required to vote every day, and the person with the most votes will get lynched.
         4a] In the event of a tie, RNG gets to decide the victim.


    5] The night phase lasts for 24 real hours. The thread is considered “locked” and players cannot comment during this time. Violating this rule once results in a warning, and you will be disqualified if you do so a second time. No exceptions.


    6] Sharing role PMs or any game-breaking information -- via screenshots, verbatim/copying, or any other form -- to other players is not permitted. Consequences will be given to violators.


    7] If you are eliminated, either by being killed or lynched, you are allowed to have one final post. This post is not to include any game breaking information or anything that may give an unfair advantage to a faction.


    8] All actions, day or night, are to be sent in your individual channels in the server, however you can also DM them to me if that is easier for you.
         8a] Please let me know if you wish to abstain from using your action. If you do not submit an action, I will assume that you are abstaining - however, this will go down as inactivity.


    9] Try not to edit your posts. Minor corrections are fine, however new additions should be made in a separate post.


    10] Respect the host and other players. Have fun!



    Discord server invite: https://discord.gg/24QgVfr (If the invite has expired, let me know.) 


    1. Bok as the Jockey. [Lynched D4]
    2. Aldo as Ellis. [Lynched D5]
    3. Drago as the Tank. [Survived the Infection]
    4. Astra as the Charger. [Survived the Infection]
    5. Boat as the Boomer. [Lynched D3]
    6. Lía as the Witch. [Survived the Infection]
    7. AL as the Uncommon Infected. [Lynched D2]
    8. Bean as Coach. [Lynched D1]
    9. Amine as the Charger. [Shot D5] > Amine as Zoey. [Shot D5]
    10. Seal as a Common Infected. [Survived the Infection]
    11. Lykos as a Common Infected. [Killed N2]
    12. Nick Crash as the Smoker. [Killed N1]
    13: Ali as the Spitter. [Killed N2]
    14. Nano as a Common Infected. [Gun backfired D1

    15. Newt as Nick. [Died N5]
    16. Arch as ??? [Killed N4] > Arch as a Common Infected. [Killed N4]
    17. Fali as a Common Infected. [Killed N3] 
    18. Kiet as the Hunter. [Shot D1]

    (Juror A: L’Belle)
    (Juror B: Candy)


    Please make sure to tell me if you are signing up as a Juror or Player. Make my life easier!

  13. I can’t believe I overlooked this small detail before napping.


    Everyone, remove your votes from Candy. I believe she is telling the truth.


    The Stalker cannot visit the Mayor once he’s revealed. Check the Mayor’s role description if you don’t believe me. Nice try, Matt; you almost got away with it.

    I believe my theory of him igniting due to being wounded and not thinking he’d be healed really isn’t looking like a dumb shot in the dark after all.


    [unvote] Candy.

    [eliminate] Drago.

  14. I just realised that Aldo is more likely to be the Witch in this scenario.


    The Yellow Press obviously did visit the Witch at some point, and Aldo could have used Seal’s and Ali’s deaths as his cover-up. If he is indeed the Witch, all he has to do is claim the most convenient role for him — Medium. Then he could claim whatever he wanted, since I assume he got a chat with the Yellow Press, and use that to his advantage. I hope I’m making sense. I believe we have, indeed, found our Witch.

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