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Posts posted by cicada

  1. *completely ignores Amine's cursed comment*

    A small amendment I'd like to note:

    The Jockey (Bok) and Hunter (Kiet) realised how much they loved each other after Night Zero, and they decided to get married. The Tank (Dragoknight) was the Pastor, wearing a very snazzy Tuxedo. The Spitter (Alistair) was the maid of honour, and the Smoker (Nick Crash) was the Best Man. A bunch of bridesmaids and flower boys in the form of Common Infected (Lykos, Seal, Fali, Arch, and Nano) skipped, spreading flowers and confetti everywhere. The Charger (Astra) was the one who caught the bouquet of flowers. The Witch (Lía) was sobbing as she watched her two beloved friends tie the knot. Additionally, Nick (Newt), Ellis (Aldo), Zoey (Amine), and Coach (Bean) were all nailed to a chair. Their lifeless bodies seemingly watched the ceremony, and you could swear that you saw a tear run down their face... it was almost as though they were smiling. The Director (Nicki) smirked sadistically as she watched the ceremony from the shadows, as she was the one to make this happen after all.

    • Haha 3

    Ellis realised that Zoey had suddenly gone missing. “Hey, Nick? Have you seen Zoey?” His voice was trembling and the young mechanic was obviously worried for her. He was trying his hardest to keep his spirits high, but he couldn’t hide how scared he was. “Sorry, Overalls. I know as much as you do.” The conman shrugged, lighting up a cigarette. He took a puff of his cigarette and blew a bunch of smoke in Ellis’ face, chuckling to himself slightly. “You’re an asshole, know that?” “Heh, yup.” He walked off to find somewhere to smoke. Ellis just shook his head. “I’m gonna go look for her then…!” Nick walked off, showing a middle finger and chuckling, not realising that would be the last time he’d ever see his friend.


    Ellis grabbed his guns and flashlight and set off, looking everywhere he could think of. It wasn’t long before he came across the scent of fresh blood. It was a very strong, distinct smell that could only have belonged to a human… not a zombie. He followed the smell of blood, which seemingly got stronger as time went by. There were small patches of blood everywhere, but it wasn’t visible until the bigger patches made their appearance.


    There was a bit of pink fabric on the floor. “Shit… no! No, man, no!” Ellis made the sudden realisation that the fabric belonged to Zoey’s hoodie. His movement and breathing became erratic as hysteria kicked in. He really liked this girl. He was terrified. What if she was dead? All sorts of thoughts invaded his mind as he ran and followed the blood. He approached a small alleyway, frantically breathing. His mind was racing as he walked inside. His eyes widened as he dropped his gun at the sight in front of him.


    Sitting, lifeless, propped against the wall, was Zoey’s headless body in a pool of blood. Her head was a few feet away, staring at him with lifeless eyes… Ellis couldn’t take anymore. He screamed, cried, and shouted. He fell to his knees, right next to her body. His face was stained with tears. He could only stare at her remains. He didn’t have the energy to speak. Some of the blood seeped through his jeans. He just sat there, next to her body, putting his hand on hers. Unfortunately for Ellis, all the noise he made had attracted a horde… and more importantly, the Tank from before was rapidly approaching him.


    He didn’t do anything. He just sat there. He didn’t care. He didn’t want to care. He didn’t want to move away from Zoey. She meant everything to him, even though they’d only just met. He wasn’t going to leave her, even though that wasn’t really her anymore. He cradled her before meeting his own demise. The horde rapidly approached him, with the Tank following closely behind. He just sat and waited. He didn’t even have the energy to smile or laugh. He wanted to tell them they were cowards. No, it wasn’t them. It was him. He was the coward. He just shook his head and allowed his death. He didn’t want to do anything else anymore. He didn’t have the energy left to fight. And so, the horde and the Tank made their way to Ellis.


    The Tank roared loudly as he approached, seemingly happy that he had finally caught up to one of the Survivors. None of the Infected could talk anymore, but you could just tell that they were satisfied. The Tank punched Ellis as hard as he could. Ellis coughed up blood. But that wasn’t enough. The Tank punched him into a corner and then let the Charger do the rest of the work. The Charger appeared seemingly from nowhere, ramming himself into Ellis. He grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and began pounding him into the ground. He picked him up, and rammed him as hard as he could. Every time Ellis dropped, he could feel the Charger getting more aggressive and vigorous. This same pattern occurred for about 15 minutes.


    Ellis was still holding on. His consciousness was slipping, and it was very obvious that he didn’t have long left. He was completely broken. Bruised, battered, bleeding… broken. His breathing became shallow and his vision grew blurry. He still didn’t say or do anything. He just remained silent as the Charger was basically beating him to death. The Charger seemingly got bored after a while, throwing him full force onto the ground and walking away. The Tank gave him a swift punch in the gut before following the Charger. The smell of blood from Ellis’ badly beaten body was enough to draw the Infected in to finish the job off. Ellis had been completely pulverised. He was now dead. There was no life left in him. The Common and Uncommon Infected finished him off.




    Nick realised that Ellis was most likely never coming back. He shrugged. “Ah, to hell with it.” What wasn’t mentioned before was that Nick found some drugs and alcohol in the pharmacy. He hid them in his backpack, thinking he’d use them at some point. He thought he was going to use them with the rest of the Survivors once they got out of this Hell. He didn’t want to waste them, so he started taking them and drinking. It was his own mini celebration. From day one, it was always ‘me, myself and I’, according to Nick anyway. It wasn’t long before he was drunk and high, a feeling he probably felt a long time ago, and a feeling he had wanted to feel for a long time. He was going to make the most of this. And so he did…


    He ran out of his hiding spot, yelling a bunch of jumbled nonsense, seemingly at no one. If he was going to die, he was going to go out with a bang. Have a bit of fun before going to Hell. He certainly knew he was going to die tonight. He just didn’t know when, but he was going to make it happen. So he yelled and made as much noise as a normal drunk person would. He was having the time of his life. He was staggering, running everywhere, crashing into everything he could. Even though he could hardly control his own actions, he reached into his pocket and pulled out some weed. “Fucking blaze it, am I right?” After burning his fingers multiple times, he finally managed to light it.


    He was making so much noise by this point. This was exactly what he wanted. It was attracting another horde. He had let every Infected in the vicinity know where he was. He lured them to him. It was funny to him. In a weird way, it was very amusing. He continued as he was staggering down the street. It was almost like a Conga line, really. They were all running in a similar fashion. He lured them into a nearby park. He was looking forward to having an audience for his big finale. He heard faint sobbing, so he chose to follow the noise. He knew what he was doing at this point.


    He reached a gazebo, the crying way more distinct than it was before. He knew what he had came for, despite being drunk. There, he saw her: a Witch. She was quite short and very skinny. She had claws on the ends of her fingers, probably about 8 inches long each. They were sharp, and had a lot of dry blood on them. She was just sitting there, crying to herself. She wasn’t doing anything else, and he could have just left her alone. But, no, he had always wanted to go out with a bang. He just smiled to himself, taking a drag of his weed. “It’s show-time!” He slurred his words, still drunk, snickering. “Ready for the show of your life, boys?” He launched himself at the Witch, laughing loudly to himself. She screamed, and immediately used her claws to rip him to shreds. Nick’s blood was flying everywhere.


    Crimson sprayed across the once white gazebo, turning it red. Nick kept on laughing, even as his blood supply was running out and his body was being torn apart. He couldn’t feel any pain because he was so drunk and stoned. It didn’t bother him. He kept laughing. The Witch kept shredding away at him, shredding until there was literally nothing left of him. Nick’s white suit was also red now. If he was able to give a damn at this point, he would have killed the Witch himself. But, no, he didn’t give a damn. He had no way of getting to New Orleans by himself. This was probably the easiest way he could get out of it anyway. After about 15 minutes, the Witch decided to slit Nick’s throat. He still laughed, but the laughing eventually drowned out after she tore through his voice box and the important veins and arteries in the neck. Nick was now dead. At least he went out in such a badass way.




    Heh, that was fun!” The seemingly absent voice had finally made its return. Everything had paused for a moment, but it wasn’t long before music started playing as a camera panned out from a computer screen. The words “The survivors have been overwhelmed!” appeared on the screen. Afterwards, some credits rolled, showing stats of how well players had performed. It featured usernames such as “Newt”, “Amine”, “Aldo”, and “Bean”... as well as other names like “Seal”, “Lía”, “Astra”, and “Dragoknight”, and other usernames that were a part of the Infected team… And then, that’s when the final piece of text scrolled up from the bottom of the screen. “69,420 zombies were harmed in the making of this film.


    The voice returned. “Guess it’s time to reveal myself, huh?” A round face emerged from the shadows. She had long black hair and blue eyes, with a few piercings on her face. “It’s me! Nicki! I bet that much was obvious!” She turned to look at the camera. “I’d like to thank you all so much for playing! Congratulations to the Town (Infected) for winning.” She smiled, closing her eyes. “I hope you all enjoyed my chaotic mess of a game. Please stay tuned for future instalments. They probably won’t be Left 4 Dead related, but I do hope you’ll enjoy them all the same.” She took a huge breath before returning to the shadows. After a minute, she popped her head back out. “Oh! One more thing!” She smiled. “I’d like to thank Mimi for allowing me to use her in a cameo, and more specifically, I’d like to thank her for putting up with being Rochelle.” She giggled and then returned to the shadows for a final time before turning off her computer.




    1. Bok as the Jockey. [Lynched D4] [Winner]
    2. Aldo as Ellis. [Lynched D5]
    3. Drago as the Tank. [Survived the Infection]
    4. Astra as the Charger. [Survived the Infection]
    5. Boat as the Boomer. [Lynched D3] [Winner]
    6. Lía as the Witch. [Survived the Infection]
    7. AL as the Uncommon Infected. [Lynched D2] [Winner]
    8. Bean as Coach. [Lynched D1]
    9. Amine as the Charger. [Shot D5] > Amine as Zoey. [Shot D5]
    10. Seal as a Common Infected. [Survived the Infection]
    11. Lykos as a Common Infected. [Killed N2] [Winner]
    12. Nick Crash as the Smoker. [Killed N1] [Winner]
    13: Ali as the Spitter. [Killed N2] [Winner]
    14. Nano as a Common Infected. [Gun backfired D1] [Winner]
    15. Newt as Nick. [Died N5]
    16. Arch as ??? [Killed N4] > Arch as a Common Infected. [Killed N4] [Winner]
    17. Fali as a Common Infected. [Killed N3] [Winner]
    18. Kiet as the Hunter. [Shot D1] [Winner]



    This was a very hard decision to make, considering you all played well, but MVP goes to Newt for his outstanding ability to deceive the rest of the players for the entirety of the game, providing everyone with false reads and still appearing towny enough until the very end. Despite getting found out at the end, he still tried his hardest and did exceptionally well.

    This game was super, super, super close! I have a few honourable mentions for players that almost did as well as Newt, but due to various reasons I ultimately decided to give MVP to Newt. You all did very well, but I had to narrow it down a little bit.


    Here are my honourable mentions:


    - Nick Crash: Despite dying early on, he was able to protect Fali from death twice! He jailed the mafia killer on N0, which saved Fali, and then jailed Fali on N1 to protect him from the Vigilante (Ali), which ultimately prevented Ali from being revealed.
    - Seal: Despite being inactive for most of the game, Seal kept quiet about a gun he had received early on in the game until the time where he needed to use it the most had arrived. He received a fake gun later on in the game, but chose to discard it, which ultimately lead the Town to victory.
    - Bean: This is pretty much a given, but his rivalry with Kiet resulted in a lucky shot for him and his fellow (unknown) mafia teammates. Unfortunately he was lynched on D1, which put a stop to his antics and prevented him from unleashing his random self later on in the game.


    Everyone did really well and I was finding it really hard to stay neutral. I found it hard to pick for MVP, because you all did a fantastic job. I would have included some more honourable mentions, but I'd have had to have written about everyone.


    By the way, here's a couple of funny screenshots from things people did or said in the server. I wanted to include them for blackmail material because I thought they were funny and you all might get some kicks out of them.





    • Like 2
  3. I wouldn’t mind a tie again, but I think we need to start lynching people. I know that alignment etc. isn’t revealed upon death, but I really think we shouldn’t be hesitant anymore. Today may be fine, but I don’t feel it’s appropriate for future day phases.


    We seem to have at least 2, maybe 3, killing roles in play. We should try and eliminate some of those killing roles, or at least figure out what alignment they belong to. (Yes, I know one of the kills could be the mafia faction.)


    In a small alleyway, some inhuman squealing could be heard. There was no explanation for what was about to happen, but something big was happening, that was for sure. “Hey! Shall we take a looksee?” The familiar voice lulled you in, it was almost impossible to say no. Even though it was just a girl’s voice… it was enticing, in a way. She giggled. No matter how far you tried to follow the voice, it was just that… a voice. You couldn’t see the being it belonged to, but you had a feeling it was there, and it had been for a very long time now…


    You followed the mysterious girl’s voice. She lead you to an alleyway. Incoherent screaming and squealing could be heard. You zoom into where it’s coming from. It progressively gets louder the further you peek. You can’t quite make out what they look like, because there’s a (convenient) shadow overcasting them, but you can tell that one of them is attacking the other.


    Blood suddenly sprayed everywhere, and I mean everywhere. “Oh ho hoooo! This is getting interesting! Hehehe~ I wonder what this could beeeeee?” The voice grew distorted as the owner of it became more excited, after witnessing what just happened. She cleared her throat afterwards. “Ahem… yes, well.. Uh. Yeah.” Her voice faded after that. A shower of crimson followed, splattering blood and guts everywhere. A figure walked out and smirked, revealing his face slightly. As he walked out, like a badass I might add, the head of the victim rolled across the floor. He simply kicked it out of the way and carried on walking


    Seal has properly killed Amine! He was the Charger.

    * 24 hours remain.

    Depending on your decisions, this could be a LyLo situation.

    1. Bok as the Jockey. [Lynched D4]
    2. Aldo
    3. Drago
    4. Astra
    5. Boat as the Boomer. [Lynched D3]
    6. Lía
    7. AL as the Uncommon Infected. [Lynched D2]
    8. Bean as Coach. [Lynched D1]
    9. Amine as the Charger. [Shot D5]
    10. Seal
    11. Lykos as a Common Infected. [Killed N2]
    12. Nick as the Smoker. [Killed N1]
    13: Ali as the Spitter. [Killed N2]
    14. Nano as a Common Infected. [Gun backfired D1

    15. Newt
    16. Arch as ??? [Killed N4]
    17. Fali as a Common Infected. [Killed N3] 
    18. Kiet as the Hunter. [Shot D1]

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