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About SamIAm

  • Birthday 08/06/1998

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  1. Thanks. I really appreciate it.
  2. I'd love to trade, but the internet on my computer is out. Thanks anyways.
  3. I talked to that lady with the Igglybuff, but I apparently don't have what she's looking for. Maybe I evolved it and she doesn't want it evolved. As for the litten, can you still job hunt for magma if you already did aqua. If so, is there a list of what jobs to give out? Thanks.
  4. Hey. I'm looking for Litten and the Luck Incense, but I don't know where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Nevermind found it. My goodness that was painful. Thank you guys very much.
  6. What's it's encounter rate? Because I've been doing this for half an hour with no luck.
  7. What about after city restoration?
  8. Hey. I've been looking for a tynamo or any of the family and I heard that they can only be found during thunderstorms but I don't know where to look or how often they appear or if it's an event or something. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Wooo! Two 100% out of five. The game is so close, I can almost taste it.
  10. Good thing I had those 9 extra PC slots ready. Now all I have to do is catch 9 more of these prissy dogs.
  11. Sorry it took so long to reply. I didn't see any notification for this thread so I thought no one replied. Anyways, thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.
  12. I just want to thank you guys for helping me in my quest. You have saved my life. I am eternally grateful. I hope you enjoy your Eevees. Good night everybody.
  13. Nah it's cool. I especially want to thank you for the torchic. It's very special.
  14. Thank you so much. You are awesome!
  15. No problem. That's cool. Will be waiting.
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