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Everything posted by Damien

  1. Damien

    Route 9

    Ok,I got to route 9,but my game COMPLETELY froze. Help? Game.rxdata
  2. Damien

    Toy Box

    I am trying to get a nightmare so I can get into the Toy Box. And I can't find the lady that gives the Medalion,any help?
  3. Ok I can't find Judicial,I legit searched EVERYWHERE.
  4. I am in Grand Dream City and I did the theatre where there was a fake Protaganist and a fake Yancy. My file glitched so I had to wait for it to get fixed BUT I forgot where to go. Help? Oh and if ANYONE thinks of stealing my pokemon JUST KNOW. I always have a backup on this site. Anyway here's my file. Game.rxdata
  5. Wait. The save file troubleshooting is for problems with my SAVE FILE. I will have to make my own topic and get someone to help me that way.
  6. I went into the cafe,before I did that I talked to rhodea,I did the theatre thing. Now I don't know where to go.
  7. All that does is heal my team
  8. I only talked to lavender,I didn't see Huey
  9. Already checked,twice.
  10. Ok,so I got to the part where the fake player and the fake Yancy are at the stage. But after that a bug happened and I had to wait for my file to be fixed. So I forgot where to go after that. Any help?
  11. It took me about 2 weeks to get to Grand Dream City but I won't mind doing it again. I learned my lesson for experimenting.
  12. I was experimenting with Rejuvenation randomizer and I used my Lunala to teleport to the pokecenter now my screen is COMPLETELY black,help? Game.rxdata
  13. Damien

    File Froze.

    As I eggspected,no one gives a fuck.
  14. Lettuce just say I was messing with Randomizer,I randomized my shiny Zigzagoon into a shiny Giratina,I was going to the Pokemon Center so I could go to the PC,but my screen went BLACK. Help? Game.rxdata
  15. I understand,yes,but I also searched the hole forest and I did not find him
  16. I am at Darclight Forest and I can't find Melia and Venam,I already did the gym battle (I won thanks to Salazzle) and they SAID to go to Darclight Forest BUT I can't find them at all! I checked EVERYWHERE!
  17. Damien


    I still can't fight it....earlier I fought Groudon but not Kyogre.
  18. Damien


    I didn't have to save Amber. I didn't even fight Kyogre,this a bug?
  19. Damien


    I found the place where Kyogre SHOULD be,but no cutscene appeared and from what I have seen I face Kyogre after Aelita is back.
  20. Damien


    I am at the point of the grass type gym,and I saw you could get Gardevoir. Is this true? If so,how do I get Ralts?
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