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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Satoshi

  1. 4 hours ago, Jess said:

    Still a strategy! I've always got a clause on not using too many healing items, so I'd not do that, but it IS a way of defeating him.

    In my Original run, I just took my L vs Solaris and embraced it... It caught me so much off guard that I couldn't even complain about that!

    Used the same strategy (focus sash+reversal from Heracross) to beat Arceus.
    But in my original run I used my Golem with sturdy and after 3 earthquakes the ceiling collapsed :D  

  2. 8 minutes ago, Jess said:

    Perhaps ;) 

    You must be too turned on  to recollect :P

    6 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

    Obviously it was me :P 

      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents

    No, it wasn't me

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    HAHA!! @Jess must be jealous hearing this :D 

  3. 1 minute ago, Jess said:

    Call me the Master tactician! :) 

    You'll do it Satoshi! We believe in you!

    ya Mistress Master :P

    1 minute ago, LykosHand said:

    Yeah, i agree :). With Luna i had spent a very much time to beat her.

    I wish I can beat them on the 1st try. Till now I have defeated everyone on the 1st try :D 

  4. 7th DAY IN REBORN


    After the battle with Noel, he took Ash to a separate room and told that he don't believe Sapphira is dead. So, Noel asked Ash to go to Tanzan Mountain and find her.

    Ash went to Tanzan Mountain again to search for Sapphira and found her safe. She gave 2 elemental keys to Ash and asked him to keep them safe and away from Team Meteor. She went back to the kids to take them to a safe place.


    Ash went forward in his journey for the next gym badge but met Fern on the way, who bragged about his 8th badge but lost to Ash within seconds as usual.
    Ash reached Radomus's gym and challenged him for a battle but Cain arrived there. So Ash and Cain decided to have a battle and the winner will challenge Radomus 1st.

    Defeating Cain was a piece of cake. But suddenly Luna came with a message for Radomus about Gardevoir being kidnapped.


    Immediately Ash, Cain and Radomus started to search for Gardevoir. They went under the Grand Gate and saw El, who snatched one of the elemental key from Ash and ran away. With the help of the other elemental key and after solving few puzzles, Ash found El. He was about to summon Arceus but he couldn't. So he made his Ditto transform into Arceus. But a disguise can't be as powerful as the mighty Lord. And thus it got defeated by Krookodile aka @LykosHand and Heracross aka @Wolfox.


    Adrienn, who is the fairy gym leader was stuck in the ruins for ages but with Ash's help he managed to get out from there. But after seeing Reborn City, Adrienn couldn't match it with the one he knew. The whole city was destroyed by Team Meteor which Adrienn was unaware of. So he decided to fix the whole city.

    And we came back to Radomus's Castle for the gym challenge. Ash took some rest before the battle as he was very tired.


    Team for the Millenium Badge:




    The chess puzzle took some time as there were many rooms and each room had a trainer to deal with, but it was easy.

    Finally after crossing through all the rooms, Ash met Radomus and the battle begins.












    It was quiet easy as Krookodile aka @LykosHand and Heracross aka @Wolfox took down more than half of his team and Gliscor aka @Awesome_One and Charizard aka @Zarc gave the final touches to take Ash to glory.

    Now Ash got his 8th badge!!

  5. 18 minutes ago, Zarc said:

    Hey guys , as i'm still waiting for the last autorisations for my special run on pokemon desolation ,  the animed run on pokemon rejuvenation is gonna take place ( i don't know if it's the right place to post this so i let moderators judge ;) ). Now it's time to choose the character between this 4 candidates : 














    If its rejuvenation then you can choose any of them except Alan :P . Coz i want you to do the Alan run in Reborn only :D .Still everything depends on votes, I wish Gary or Paul gets the majority votes. I voted for Paul :) 

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