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Posts posted by ZappoNinja

  1. No idea why the audio is as quiet as it is here, but in Pokemon Desolation when you enter the forest where you fought the Team Fox grunts + Amelia after defeating them then the music is normal until you stop surfing in which it then turns into the epic bad stuff is happening oh nooooo music.


  2. It's "Y'all" not "Ya'll", it's meant to mean "You all" and "Ya'll" doesn't really make sense comparing it to other words using apostrophes like "don't" which means "do not" and "it'll" which is "it will." image.thumb.png.7286a1c31449a9707186780b5a68ddb7.png

  3. 2 hours ago, Rainlove said:
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    It seems Madelis and Zetta are already joining the protagonist's side. Nastasia has shown a soft spot to Ren, and was probably the main assistant in episode 12. Also, by the end of the episode, Madame X wasn't really relying on her 5 helpers (Zetta, Neved, Geara, Nastasia, and Madelis). I don't remember seeing any interaction between them and her. It was more of Madame X relying on the lady with the red hair and the guy on the surfboard. 


    My question is, will those 3 turn against Madame X as well?. As far as I know, Jan made sure to "humanize" them in every aspect even though they're considered "Bad". Neved has a sick daughter, Zetta is a DNA replica of Melia who, as he said by him in Nightmare City, was never loved by team Xen and wishes to interact with his only family (Melia), Madelis already hates Madame X, and has no choice but to work with them (I kinda feel Madame X will end her life in upcoming episodes). Not too much shown on Geara except a dark history of him in Goldenleaf Town. I feel Narcissa will have a hand with his evolve. Finally, we have Nastasia, which I believe is the biggest and the last character to turn against Madame X because of how much screen time she is getting. 



    Don't forget that Geara has a father and a mother still out there and alive in the world. If you do the Sashilla Village help requests then you encounter his father who you can either tell to go find his wife in the Voidal Chasm or to go back to Sashilla Village in complete and utter regret. So that can be attributed to trying to humanize Geara in a way. Because he still has a family out there even if he's not aware of it.


  4. On 7/24/2019 at 4:16 AM, Myrrh said:

    I have officially updated the guide to cover every event that provides relationship points up to the current episode.


    Furthermore, I have some potential advice on how to utilize the debug menu without it destroying your game builds:


    ~ This first one I have presented in the second post and it is to utilize Pokemon Essential's Game.exe file to go into Rejuvenation when you want to make use of the debug menu.  This has worked for me where it will not present any issues.  What I'd suggest is having two game builds in this scenario.

    ~ You can use a game build, load up your game, do the changes with the debug menu, and then replace the game build with an entirely new one, while also maintaining the changes.


    Now, to answer some questions...


    This neither gains you any or loses you any, nor does this battle involve anything related to karma.


    There are not.  If you chose to let her kill Karen, then you'll lose 5 Karma.  If you then chose to keep Karrina alive, then she'll give you the mega stone you had not gotten from her previously.  There are also two variables related to either Karen or Karrina being dead or not, which will likely play into future events down the line.


    You also do get some relationship points from defeating Tuff-Puff.


    Thanks for all your patience and I hope this helps you all while playing.

    I still really appreciate this guide I must say, thank you for making it.

  5. 20 hours ago, Zanoar said:

    You can get it in gdc lost and found.

    False, sure the poster here could have gotten it if they had started their save on a version of the game before said event was possible but they likely started the game after the event was added into the game considering it's unlikely for them to be asking about this and not to have started their game within now and a year and a half ago about I'd say. Anyway because they started their game after the event was added the item won't be there. It's only there for people who missed the event because it just simply didn't exist yet.

  6. On 7/7/2019 at 9:29 PM, D3ltaDragon117 said:

    Ah, well that's a shame. In most games I usually leave side content until I finish the game. Honestly at this point the devs should put in a timesplicer crystal somewhere which takes you to old east gearen.

    I must say that is an idea indeed but it would certainly mess with a lot of other things and they'd have to change it a lot for it to make sense on why you can't just go to Goldenleaf Forest to help you and Melia out or just wherever you are in the region at the time but yeah. Also the story might be a little confusing after that.

  7. 7 hours ago, Illumi said:

    Hypnosis and Illusion are very different imo, but whatever suits people I guess.

    Yes but clearly when someone says "Pulse Hypno" those who have played Reborn will know exactly what the person is talking about here as everyone's thought it.

  8. 3 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

    personally the hardest battle for me even tho i had a full team of fully ev/iv trained mons would probably have to have been rift aelita cuz of those blasted golems and contrary/superpower the only things i had going for me at the time were my blaziken and alolan muk

    Okay so just to make sure you know we're talking about intense mode, right? Like you did fight Zetta and Geara in intense mode right? How many healing items did you use if you did fight them in intense mode? And what version did you fight them in in intense mode?

  9. 4 hours ago, SunSlash said:

    yo where do you get the type null?


    There's a sidequest that you can do if you go south of route 3 right outside of Goldenleaf Town. You use surf to get there. The place is called River's End.

  10. 4 hours ago, Myrrh said:


    1) Install Debug.  You can use the Scripts.rxdata file I have available in my Relationship Guide if you want an easy and fast way to gain access to it.  (You two seem to have it already, but I'm using this step as a formality.)

    2) Load up the game, open your menu, and then scroll down to the bottom to be able to click "Debug".

    3) Scroll down to the forth option called "Warp to Map".

    4) Scroll all the way up to "023 Party Room", which is the twelfth option from the top.

    5) Speak to the box and read the message.


    Either that, the Type Null (Silvally) you get, or the Zorua (Zoroark) rewarded to you for completing the one puzzle in the ruins.

    Yeah but like considering the Oshawott would be your starter/the very first Pokemon you'd get I'd say it fits the best. Not to say the MC can't have multiple Pokemon of course. I mean like Ren has 8 himself. Not on him, just in rotation.

  11. 7 minutes ago, hamfam000 said:

    Hello all,


    Probably the dumbest question ever, but I'm anhour or so in to Rejuvination, the latest version, and am on the first gym. After solving the poison color puzzles I triggered the cutscene where Venam talks about her old gyms and then she says she'll be waiting but I cant find her. She's not in the gym and not in the sewers.

    Game.rxdata 138.29 kB · 1 download

    Well you see your problem was quite simple and easy to fix. You see what did was you found the secret path to get the egg as you know. Your problem though lies at the fact that that was only a secret code to insert and not the actual code to proceed in the gym. So I just went ahead and completed that last puzzle for you. So yeah... also a word of advice, there is little to no chance that you are going to beat Venam with only three Pokemon unless you're on easy mode. AKA, I severely advise getting more Pokemon. Possibly a psychic type like Woobat. As your team as is is not going to have a fun time if you're playing easy. Anyway here you go.Game.rxdata

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  12. 1 hour ago, Malfeasance said:

    Yeah this is what I ended up doing. I reset to get hurricane on my shiftry to get rid of the field but it didn’t work. Then I spent an agonizing hour throwing my main team at it over and over. No matter what I did it had too much health and power for me to make a dent.


    Then Nidoqueen who I previously only used for toxic spikes came to my rescue. Along with a very underleveled Macargo and it’s field destroying lava plume. It came back right away but the damage was what mattered. Finally after a tedious series of digs I killed it.


    This is probably one of the most poorly designed battles in all honestly. You are trapped with a potentially under leved team with no way of leaving for help. No grinding, no item restock, and no training new Pokémon only suffering. If you didn’t have a good ground type or a specific fire type move then I can’t imagine how you’d defeat it without bending over backwards.

    Oh yeah definitely not the greatest designed battle but it is what it is.

  13. 3 hours ago, Sun_Slash129 said:

    a good strategy for intense is before the battle make sure you have at least two super potion and then save as close as possible to the Madelis battle and then check the ability, if its unnerve go ahead, if not soft reset (due to one of Houndoom's abilities being early bird), but if it is unnerve go ahead and sing and then if your lucky the Houndoom will stay asleep for 2 turns and use the first turn of sleep (if the Houndoom didn't use nasty plot, if it does use nasty plot, soft reset) to heal with the super potion, and then the second turn of sleep, use metronome as its most likely to give you a better move then ancient power, but if you want to go for those boosts, go for it, and yeah either metronome will win you the game with something like a hydro cannon or a head smash crit (head smash doesn't kill on it's own) and yeah, this strategy worked for my friend and not me because i used my super potions early, but yeah this strategy is a completely luck based one, sooo good luck

    Yeah I don't remember Melia's Hapi having Sing. It did have Yawn but that isn't exactly good enough.

  14. The Melia vs Madelis battle in easy is quite easy as the Houndoom is only level 18 and it only uses Ember without using Nasty Plot. In Normal it's a little bit more difficult being I think level 20 but only knowing Ember but it might also Nasty Plot. And then in Intense it's unforgiving by using a Nasty Plot and then Incinerate. To win in Easy just Metronome until it gets confused or falls asleep and then spam ancient power and heal when you need to, normal the same thing, Intense hope to god that thing falls asleep and then hope to god you get an omniboost on ancient power before using metronome again and somehow getting Hydro Cannon or something. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, Malfeasance said:

    I need desperate help with this hot garbage. The guide has failed me it says Garbadour is level 55 but it is not. Garbadour is a monsterous level 62 and is practically untouchable. Even the admittedly outdated field manual is wrong on how to get rid of it’s stupid corrosive hellhole.  Lava plume can put it out but hurricane cant?


    My team cannot even dent it’s healthbar before a brutal demise. Sludgewave hits like a truck and it’s draining attacks keep it alive forever. Add in the fact a passive poison heal that outpaces burn, confusion damage, and sometimes even regular damage. And even when I get rid of the field it always comes back with sludge wave. 


    Pls help


    My current rotation  

    Level 55-60












    Other then that I have almost all of the event Pokémon at varying levels.

    If you can PP stall them do that. If your Nidoqueen has any Ground type attacks use those. If you can't do either of the things I mentioned then uh... go back to a previous save before you got to West Gearen and train up a ground type Pokemon or two. Or a Pokemon that can PP stall it. Not much you can do tbh.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Harryp said:

    What gym leader gave you the most trouble in Pokemon rejuvenation? This might be an unpopular opinion but I spent 12 hours beating Erick, I had to plan every single turn perfectly and hope for good rng, my team was very fragile only having snorlax to take the damage but I pulled it off (three fairy types, two dark types, and one normal type, but all of them had two types except snorlax).

    1. Where'd you get the Snorlax?
    2. Probably either Spirit Keta or Angie. Spirit Keta because of just his insanely strong team and then Angie because you probably know why.

  17. 30 minutes ago, Lynxyn said:

    I was planning on doing side quests later in the game to pass time until v12. I just beat Adam and got the rock gym badge and Gearen city got revamped, but apparently this removes Hidden Library 1 from the game? So I no longer can do Hidden Library 2 to get the good rod (at least this is where I read you get this item from) to farm heartscales for the move relearner. Is it completely impossible for me to get this now?

    It is 100% completely impossible for you to do those sidequests now. Sorry to say but you should have done them 12 gyms ago.

  18. 7 hours ago, Nolime said:

    So uh...I'm getting to the point where I have to fight Cera and her Groudon (Currently solving at the last puzzle with the statues) and if I'm not mistaken (and according to my pre-v11 experiences, yes ,I started a new run for v11 😄 ) the events should lead me to a crossroads where I have to choose between keeping at least half of the magma stone or giving it away entirely.


    Now, in v11, I'm not sure which way to go. Is it still inconsequential? Do I risk missing out on anything for going either way? Is there a way to save Amber without losing the opportunity to buy the TMs from the Kristilline shop?


    Thanks in advance.



    If you haven't already taken the magma stone yet I suggest not keeping it. You still get the TMs from Kristiline later after Mt. Valor. I think the person above though is remembering when that wasn't a thing you could do though.

  19. 6 minutes ago, Gardevoir4president said:

    I don't suppose there will be a new breeder in this version? The highest level one at the moment is the one

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    is at the psychic gym in the dream world

    It feels rather slow to get pokemon to level 85 at the moment.

    Actually the newest breeder is in the past atm. And there'll probably be another one soon.

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