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Jace Stormkirk

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Posts posted by Jace Stormkirk

  1. hello fellow rebornian and welcome to the biggest conspiracy since area 42. i am a local bard who would be delighted by your memes ( i get most of mine from single dad laughing of facebook). feel free to drop bye my inn the good knight inn for any reason. i am open 24/10 (that is dnd time. a week there is 10 days)

  2. now i was really impressed with this one. first off i am a HUGE fan of RWBY. second it is a good summery of reborn. this one will rank 2nd (thus far) for the following reasons. just right on the dark side, it shows there was a time when things were better and then the..."stuff" happened to ruined it. the thing that lowers it is that this is good for a starting analogy. no story on the rest of the story.


    i have finally decided on a song for Victoria. it is called reach a little longer by Russell Allen/Jorn Lande. let me know what you think and any sugestions

  3. On 3/15/2017 at 8:05 PM, Animefan666 said:


    Okay, how about Transformation from The World Ends With You?

    now this one is was really good. i must admit that i quite enjoyed it. but it comes out sounding like because of all of the corruption and confusion that there is no more hope to safe it and you need to make yourself able to understand this reality so you can survive in it. it is more along the lines of team meteor's anthem. 

  4. On 3/15/2017 at 7:54 PM, Animefan666 said:


    You want dark? I can do that too.


    The opening theme to Dead Man Wonderland - One Reason

     closer but that makes it like you want revenge for a previous wrongdoing. more fitting for corey's character

  5. On 3/15/2017 at 1:42 PM, Animefan666 said:

    I nominate the Slapsgiving song from How I met Your Mother, because Reborn is a huge slap to the face :P

    as funny as it was. reborn has a strong dark side to it and a slap does not cover it. 

  6. On 3/15/2017 at 1:15 PM, Sirrobert said:

    52 times? Did you just keep trying with the same team that kept getting crushed?

    I'd swap out everything after 2 tries.

     i traded out my pokes every 3 losses i had. if fact i had to go specificlly catch a trapinch for the combo i was going for.

  7.  being a bard always has me looking for songs to describe everything. but reborn took a while because of the level of difficulty, the depth of the story, the brutality to npcs, plus how the game is seen through your character's eyes. it was a huge undertaking. but i have found one after many days of searching. it is called let the storm descend upon you by Avantasia. 


    listen and let me know what you think and if you know of a better song (because everyone is a little biased i like to hear all sides of the equation. plus i could have just never have found it in my search).


    forever entertaining

    your resident bard


    p.s. i also will do a song for all the main characters as well. please give suggestions for the ones you want done

  8. the one (and currently only) gym leader i had trouble with was Charlotte only because of here 2 ninetales with energy ball. it took me 52 heyzeus crust cursed times to win. i finnally won with my flygon using bulldoze and swampert w air balloon using earthquake (and her not murdering swampert first) for me to win. everyone else i either beat the first time or second.

  9. so it appears i was mistaken. you do want to here one of my tales. let me regale you of the time i was snatched right into this straud's land of barovia. my companions ( a cn ranger and a ce druid) had just witnessed straud's power and were (understandably) a little disheartened so i made a detour to a local brewery. upon finding it we were approached by an older man who asked us to help him. curious (as any bard is...or at least me) as to what he needed he told us that his brewery was being attacked by evil druids. and for SOME REASON!!!!! both of my companions exclaimed that our druid was an evil druid also. (insert every face-palm meme here).


    i have to stop here because it still gets me at how.... just give me a sec... i'll finish later.

  10. welcome travelers to my most esteemed establishment. have you any need of some grub?...? how about ale?...oh! it must be the exciting tales you've come for! marvelous you have come to the right place for this is indeed were all manner of adventures like to boast of there latest triumphs or the their most inexplicable woes. i myself have many centuries of adventuring under my belt and still many more to go.... oh you have a story?! by all means tell me. i am a bard and love all stories... i'm sorry. lets hear your story.


    (p.s. this is a thread all about adventures from rpg games like d&d, pathfinder, spelljammers, etc. you can tell it how ever you most like to. also out of context quotes are also in because they are just funny.)

  11. ah ramondus, he was a witty fellow and actually managed to defeat my swampert but in the end he was no match for my newest discovered ace in the hole. if you need any help i will be glad to help.

  12. On 3/8/2017 at 8:47 PM, luis said:

    I'm pretty sure @seki108 is right, altough I don't remeber if it's a hidden item or if its in a pokeball.

    If you really can't find it, I can trade you one

    i have looked 42 times and still nothing. i have never traded with this game so i do not know how it works

  13. well if you like Dragon Ball i think you will like RWBY. it is on youtube but they have only made 4 seasons (as of this posting) but an amazing story-line, fight scenes and character development. also welcome

  14. On 3/6/2017 at 11:25 AM, Lugruf said:

    Welcome to Reborn fellow commander player! May the almighty Maelstrom Wanderer be with you.

    funny you should mention that. i have that commander and have basically broke it by adding the other 4 signets, a sol ring, whispersilk cloak, strionic resonater, and last but most importantly a paradox engine for (almost) infinite double cascade of my entire hand. he serves me well.

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