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Jace Stormkirk

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Posts posted by Jace Stormkirk

  1. welcome to reborn! i am a residential bard here to welcome you to this fine establishment. since you have a soft spot for salamence i bestow upon you this gift of an awesome fan art. feel free to make it your profile pic.



  2. welcome back! i am a residential bard who has moved in during your absence. i came to bring smiles and giggles to this most needed city and help out in any way in any i could. so feel free to talk if you ever want to

  3. actually i have no preference here do to the fact that i am just a regular commoner. i would have the same access to any gear that anyone else would have, so there is not any difference



    i am a fruit, remove first letter i am a crime, the first and last i am a type of music, the first two i am an animal, what am i?  was this a difficult riddle?

  4. welcome to reborn! i am the residential bard here to bring giggles and wisdom wherever i go. i am a masters at puns and decent at smash bros. but if you ever want to chat about anything i am here.


  5. this might come as a surprise but i am an introvert. so i prefer small groups. but being an introvert doesn't make me hate crowds(if that was the case i made a terrible decision to be a bard), it just means that i need alone time sometimes. when i am i a crowd i like to be in the center of attention dazzling them with my music, songs, poetry, and storys.



    would you like to live in a world that has magic?

  6. welcome to reborn French lass! i am a residential bard here to assist with any questions you may have. i also do jokes, puns, and other things. fell free to ask me anything or even just to chat.


    P.S. there is no reason to worry about bad grammar or spelling. you will never be worse than a native speaker

  7. yes all the time. as my bard teacher once told me "answering yourself just shows you have potential as a bard to tell stories about how you did something, but if you ever ask yourself to repeat yourself.... go find a cleric"



    if you were a fighter and had been defeating every enemy is sight until finally the final boss shows up and the wizard who has done nothing the entire fight then decides to blow him to smithereens in one shot. would you be angry?

  8. On 5/17/2017 at 7:34 PM, TheOminousJephed said:

    Jephed's ability: Introvertion (the user's communicative skills need to warm up for the first five turns!)


    Okay. This intro was a bit cringy, sorry 'bout that.


    People on the internet usually call me Jephed, but I wouldn't mind if you use my real name instead. My name is Jeremy.

    I'm a dutch guy who still needs to find his own purpose in the world around him.

    A bit cliché perhaps...


    I'm a big Nintendo fan, but also like myself some Square Enix games.

    As many people nowadays do, I also make my own Pokémon fan game, but it's nowhere near ready for a first demo. I might post it on this forum some day in the future for feedback.


    I'm probably one of the only people on this forum that hasn't played Pokémon Reborn yet.

    I know! Shame on me!

    Now before you take your shotguns out of the car, I do intend to play it, as I heard it's one of the best fan games out there, if not only for it's plot.;)


    I hope to find new people on this forum that are willing to give honest, yet constructive feedback. Or just people to have fun talks with.


    I may seem like a weird guy at first, but I can promise you, that once you get to know me, I'm undoubtable even weirder.


    Thanks for reading my boring introduction. 

    I'll see you around! 

    Welcome to reborn! i am a residential who takes weird very seriously. i once put 10 puns in a contest to see which one would win but no pun in ten did. anyways if you ever need some help or need to get some weird off your chest i am the guy to talk to!



    pun master.jpg


  9. On 5/17/2017 at 1:18 PM, Piloswineseyes said:

    Okay i am on my phone right now and all my introduction just went lost because i touched something. Hooray!🙌

    By the way, hello you wonderful human beings! I've been playing Reborn for almost 4 years now and eventually decided to join the forum (it was about time) because i'd love to talk about this wonderful game with other fans! 

    I am a funny person who loves laughing, Jokes and puns. Currently obsessed with Kuroko no Basket, Nine Lashes and Dylan Dog. I enjoy drawing and writing. An italian who's hopeless at cooking.... And i guess I am going way off topic here. 

    If you want to talk just come and say hi. I hope we'll have a good time here ☺☺ 

    PS. Yes, title is part of an A7X song...


    welcome to reborn! i am you friendly neighborhood bard you will always find a way to make you at least chuckle. i hope you dont mind if i take a pikachu every now and gain. if i ever talk to much please tell me to shut my meowth. audino what else to say except that i will talk with you about anything so just pm me if you want!

  10. yes. i am a bard after all. it is a wind instrument played like a flute but it goes straight from the mouth instead of parallel. it is also smaller and very easy to learn how to play



    do you have the fire emblem heroes game app on your phone? (i just got it and i am amazed by it)

  11. no i do not the fear of technology is as old as technology itself. every time it has advanced there was always been an outcry for the "simple old days" it is more of a fear of the unknown.



    when playing a game do you prefer the fist person view over the third person view?

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