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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Conor

  1. I hate when people go off on each other in class whe someone asks a question that another person thinks is stupid. Mind your own buissness, they're just trying to understand the material. stop bullying people and grow up/

  2. I hate when people go off on each other in class whe someone asks a question that another person thinks is stupid. Mind your own buissness, they're just trying to understand the material. stop bullying people and grow up/

  3. I swear to god i half these trolls actually knew me in real life they'd be fuckin sorry. I sound like a total internet badass

  4. I swear to god i half these trolls actually knew me in real life they'd be fuckin sorry. I sound like a total internet badass

  5. Sometimes when things go wrong in Reborn save files, I have people send them to me so I can fix them. But I don't delete the files after I do. I have a folder full of everyone's saves. Sometimes I look at it and pretend I'm collecting souls...

  6. Sometimes when things go wrong in Reborn save files, I have people send them to me so I can fix them. But I don't delete the files after I do. I have a folder full of everyone's saves. Sometimes I look at it and pretend I'm collecting souls...

  7. Ways to make 10$ in the next 4 hours. I can't think of anything that will actually work...

  8. yuyuhakasho, 3 new naruto shippudens, or once piece. decisions decisions

  9. yuyuhakasho, 3 new naruto shippudens, or once piece. decisions decisions

  10. fuckin hell the program my mom signed me up pfor starts today (we don't have school) and it'ss an hour longer than school and it my go on during the weekend and i'm going to be in the adult program because adolescent was full. -_-

  11. I feel like I need to put "I DON'T WATCH ANY ANIME" in my T.I.

  12. Browsing the WiiU stuff on Gamestop I see "Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Release Date: 12/31/2013." Nintendo, I'm happy you're rereleasing it and all, but can we get another Zelda game sometime before that comes out?

  13. Browsing the WiiU stuff on Gamestop I see "Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Release Date: 12/31/2013." Nintendo, I'm happy you're rereleasing it and all, but can we get another Zelda game sometime before that comes out?

  14. Just got the "my parents are out of town, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over text" !!!!! hell yes

  15. Just got the "my parents are out of town, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over text" !!!!! hell yes

  16. I cant tell if One Piece is just too predictable, or i watch too much anime to the point where I can't not know whats going to happen next

  17. I don't care how many times i have to reset! I will get my Legit Shiny Zekrom!

  18. i feel like i need perish song on every team strictly to beat crep

  19. I'm so bad with stall, I need a new team concept though besides volt turn and balanced teams.

  20. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.-Dr. Seuss

  21. First day of human sexuality- Professor: "We're going to do lots of fun things in here- we'll play charades!" ...does anyone else see anything wrong with that?

  22. time moves too fast

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