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Posts posted by Blontary

  1. 1 hour ago, Fabled Asian said:

    So get into a battle and freeze the field and it'll affect the overworld, sorry I'm really slow

    You need to enter a Battle while surfing and use Blizzard, the field Will freeze. If You end the Battle without breaking the field You Will find yourself in Frozen water. This only happens when "a sudden chill fills the air" though...

  2. 5 hours ago, Fabled Asian said:
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    What contents were removed from E16 for E17, I know 7th Street Move Tutor was one but I want to know Assault Vest was also since I can't find it and if anything else was removed. This may or may not be an "On the Hunt" question so I apologize.


    You can get assault best bu renovating the railnet.


  3. This might not be the right Place to ask, but I didn't want to open a new thread: in the storyline, getting out of citae d'arc-astre after kicking El's ass, a voice says something like "It was really fun playing with You, please come back soon". As of E16 do we know whose voice was that??

  4. Well You could use a previous Save file to record the video, so you can find help; though I would search better through the forum, you may have missed something (or may have missed a team member as It happened to me: I actually gave the guy the application, but then closed the game without saving lol)

  5. What mde2001 is trying to say is that Both save files will be named Game.rxdata, so You could accidentally swap them; to avoid that Just change the name of the file (ex.: Game.rxdata -> Rebornsavefile/Reborngame/Lordhelix/whatever) so You Remember which One is which. Now transfer your file to the mac and put It in the corresponding folder (saved games or I don't know, I only have Windows). Once you're sure they're in the right place, change back to the original name (ex.: Lordhelix --> Game.rxdata). This last step is important, otherwise the game won't recognize the Save file and will Just start a new file.

  6. I had your same problem (infact I was thinking of writing down a summary myself), but E16 story easily gets you involved, even if you don't remember a thing. Once I finished it's content, I kept it's save file and started a new run, just to fully experience the new content, and it kinda works, so maybe give it a try :)


    2 hours ago, Absolute_Zero said:


    You could watch Metro's Reborn Lore Play, he did this exactly for this reason. The 23 chapters cover everything of the story from episode 1 to episode 15.



    As Farnsworth said, that takes quite a long time; also, it isn't practical, at least for my usual needs. For example: let's say I don't recall who Noel is. With some written summary I can just search for his name and read the parts of the story regarding him. With videos just where do I start from? Videos also have the inconvenience of needing time to make things happen and dialogues and stuff, whereas in two sentences you can tell what happens in 10 mins. So I will maybe write it down myself.

    Anyway, I appreciate your help, so thanks man ;)

  8. 6 hours ago, Farnsworth said:


    I don't think there is any thread that summarizes the plot. But if you are willing to watch them, there are multiple LPs of the game on Youtube. Though it would take some time to watch all the episodes since the game is pretty long.

    Exactly, it would just take too much time. Also something written could easily be edited and, best of all, if I forget who Hardy is, I would just need to tipe it and I would find him. I could probably think of doing it myself than, thanks :)

  9. Is there any thread summarizing the game plot and updated to EP 16? It's been a long wait for the update (rhyme lol) and I had forgot almost half of the characters and the story. EP 17 is gonna take some time as well, and I think it would be nice to have some "Previously, on Pokémon Reborn" thread to recall what was happening. I'm currently playing through the game one more time, so it would be easy for me to just write down what happens and create a summary. Does anyone know if this already has been done? (In that case, link pls). Also, would you find it useful?

  10. Ok so I may be wrong, but I recall someone searching through the code and finding some secret Pokémon locations (dratini, bagon etc). As I said, I may not remember well, but dratini should be found in ametrine mountain using rock climb. Going north from adventurine you probably get to mt. Ametrine, so this complex cave may be related to dratini's location, as well as to another sidequest. We'll see

  11. Captain here! Don't know if Schweitzer guy wrote this, but lil problem is that with EP 16 Shelly will set up with rain dance on the first turn, so you won't be able to burn the field to the ground. I was lucky enough to get a starly from the mistery egg, and staraptor laughed at that gym, though there are other ways you may wanna try:

    • You could just concentrate on killing volbeat (so she can't set up again) and wait for the rain to stop, the burn the hell out of her. Level up your Pokémon and, as the others suggested, rock Pokémon are good companions. Graveler hits hard and with sturdy may also resist a turn (and golem will be a badass even in later game).
    • You could get two fast Pokémon and kill volbeat before she sets up, then as in point 1: burn the hell out of her.
    • Use the rain as an advantage: water moves will be powered up so water Pokémon will hit hard. Also you may be able to get Corey's croagunk (not sure if you can yet) in the icy cave, he resists to Shelly's attacks, regains PS with rain and may poison your enemies.

    Hope you'll find this post helpful, but man get ready for far worse battles, life in Reborn is pretty harsh 😈

  12. The wiki says you can buy one at the 10th floor of the dept store.

    You could also try looking in 7th street, don't think you'll find it there, but they sell bunches of weird stuff, so who knows...

  13. 13 hours ago, Izayoi said:
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    I was referring to the Glalitite that is supposedly found somewhere in the underwater cities.


    As someone has written, there's a specific 2x2 spot where to resurface in Kingsbury. You'll eventually get to a cave and... Well it's kinda chilly, maybe bring some ice pokes, they're used to it ;)

  14. 11 hours ago, aurat said:

    How do I even get to the third underwater city "SUNRISE"? I couldn't find a way in. 

    Ok so I don't remember exactly which city is which, anyway: there are 3 underwater cities. One is east from apophyll, should be Fairview. As for the remaining two: you get to the first (Kingsbury?) By surfing north from apophyll and following the sand on the left till it's very end, entrance on the right. Sunrise should be right south of Kingsbury, though the entrance to the city is in the middle of the water, far from the coast. I may have swapped citie's names, but in the end you should find d it :)

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