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Posts posted by kj1225

  1. Arminius side eyes Rachel for a moment, wondering if he should say something, before finally rolling his eyes and heading off to the intersection and then on to Snowdin.

  2. Arminius looks to Rachel with a smirk, starts to open his mouth, and then shakes his head and turns to face Toriel.  "Her world is uh... weird. Let's hurry along before anyone else we know gets their shit kicked in.

  3. Arminius smirks a bit at the joke, until a seemingly random portal spits out Ignia to Arminius' surprise, causing him to step back and, having no other experts in the area, turns to Toriel. Seeing that she was similarly shocked, he figured this wasn't normal. Turning, he looks to Ignia for an explanation instead.

  4. Arminius shrugs. "Well, that's kind of the problem with trials by fire. You're likely to get burnt... Wait, smoking dog treats?" He said as the child spoke up, turning to look at them, and then the pile they had inspected. After a moment he scratches his head and turns back to Toriel. "Yeah... let's get going before that guy comes back."

  5. Rory looks up from the furious eating they had engaged in upon seeing the tengu stealing food. It wasn't within manners, but the hunter knew better than to leave you food undefended around people that couldn't be trusted, friends or no. Rory shoves the last few pieces into their mouth and quickly chews and swallows, before turning to the ghost and... whatever the hell else these people were and nodding in thanks. "Uh, yeah. Thanks for the food. And uh, sorry about doing that stuff while you were brainwashed."

  6. Arminius winces at the state of his soul. That wasn't good he reckoned. Turning back to Toriel he figures she likely would use magic to attack and so prepares to absorb the mana from her fireballs.

  7. Arminius, trying to get used to the process of moving when most of his body doesn't want to tell him what he's feeling, sighs as he elects to sit still for a while longer. "I'm always open to suggestions for how to not get beaten up."

  8. With every movement, Arminius cringes a little bit more. Finally, once Rachel is done, he sighs and prepares to use this distraction to escape while the guard wasn't looking at him.

  9. Arminius sighs. "It was an implicit threat. While it was more subtle, I'll absolutely give you that, it was still threatening. How... how about next time we see someone, you say hello? Or ask if there's a problem if they look hostile?"

  10. Travis fixes Nuparu with a look after the declaration of Ta-koro's defenses having never fallen. "You uh... do have a back up plan right? You aren't depending on the idea that something that's never had it's defenses fall before not falling without some other plan like, a runner to get the stone out, right?"

  11. Arminius sighs. "You really gotta work on that whole hostility thing..." He pauses as he reads the sign, before looking to see if he could pick up the dog carving.

  12. Rory looks over the tickets approvingly before nodding to themself and sliding them into a pouch on their chest. For their part they looked slightly worried about the casual mention of extermination, followed by looking even more so at the mention of attacking humans. Sure, they payed up so it was a bit late for Rory to have moral qualms about this, but that didn't sound good...

  13. One might have gotten the feeling that Aquila was angry at the plague marine deadite. Possibly because his reaction after turning to see Freya on the floor, and the aforementioned Deadite holding a literal smoking gun, was to make the closest humanly possible noise to a roar as he charged at the marine.
    Aquila rages.



    HP: 29
    Essence: 1
    Constitution: 9
    Intelligence:  0
    Resistance: 7
    Strength: 11
    Synergy:  0
    Perks: Spirit of the Blood Eagle: Damage generated by the user's abilities is converted to THP, this pool is only used when attacked by enemies.

    Target lock: Grants the move “Dueling Target”

     Advanced Autobrewery Syndrome: Being far more fun while drunk, the user gains morale bonuses to checks after consuming any edible food item, however, one encounter after that, their health is obscured due to drunkenness.

    Actions: Slots 7
    (Perk Backed) Dueling Target: Marks an enemy. That enemy takes 1.5x more damage from Aquila and deals half damage to him. Can only affect one target. Free action.

    Block: Halves all damage taken, but can’t attack at all.

        L2 Get behind me!: An ally can choose to be affected by block, losing their ability to attack but having damage to them halved.

    Remember the basics of CQC: Aquila stops worrying about little things like getting hit, dealing and taking doubled damage from single target attacks. He can end the rage at will, causing him to deal 25% less damage for the rest of combat.
     Kosi-chan's Happyfun Doublethink Portable Schoolhouse of Wizard Booms 0/20 (Level 1, Trick, Passive):  "Ehehehe...  You're so cute, Aquila-kun!  i WaNt To WaTcH yOu BrEak!  But then you wouldn't be so cute anymore.  I guess I'll have to teach you to read instead!"  If Aquila takes this action into battle, he can declare that he's inscribed one of his weapons with Kosi-Chan's Explosive Runes.  The first time an inscribed weapon is used to attack in an encounter, it hits a second random, literate enemy in the encounter with an explosion that does as much damage as the weapon would have.  When 20 people have been damaged in this way, all the practice writing Kosi-Chan's Explosive Runes lets Aquila become literate in a language he speaks.
    Energy Rising: Every time the user is hit by ANY magic ability, they take 2 damage, and deal 1 extra damage.

    Revenge:  Aquila has a meter with points equal to his Health. Every time he takes damage without countering he gains points equal to damage taken/dealt. When the meter is full he gains temporary hitpoints equal to his maximum health and his damage is increased by 1.5x for three turns. Can only trigger once a fight.
     Imhotep's Shield - This probably magical item gleams with a faint, inner light.  Provides a +[str/2] bonus to resistance while equipped. +2 res when Fighting against invaders from a faraway place, defending newfound allies, defending friends who are not fighting alongside the user, protecting the current world from destruction.
    Modern Crusade Armor: A suit of armor made from modern materials, and most importantlyit fits his asthetic. +3 RES, doubled against bullets.

    +1 Intermittent Vorpal Katana of Swiftness (Level 2, gear):  This magic sword was created by shoddy gnomish contractors to be sold as a genuine Nipponese +3 Vorpal Katana and upgraded with Precursor technology by Law.  It deals 2d6 + strength + 1 damage, and when you attack with it roll 1d20, or 2d20 if this is the first time you've attacked with it in an encounter.  If a 20 is rolled on the d20, the attack deals pure damage.  If a 1 is rolled on the d20, the attack deals no damage



    Captain Bullseye's sword: An old  sword from a now dead XCOM Ranger. The sword is in surprisingly well kept condition, and will probably be a lot better in Aquila's hand from now on. Deals 2d6+Dex damage.

    Trusty Flail: A piece of metal on a chain attached to a handle. 2d6+Str damage.


  14. Rory raises a hand in greeting. "Rory Gilroy... Hey, not that I don't love helping people for free, but I don't suppose we'll be getting rewarded for the work? Typically I'd just make my own but uh... I try not to do that with people. Bit gross." They shrug a little, like they were talking about cleaning a toilet rather than breaking a person down for materials.

  15. Travis rubs his... mask. God this place was weird. It wasn't doing anything to improve his mood, and at this point he only hoped that this girl could provide an answer that satisfied him.

    "Not anything we can eat right now. And what was it that you needed to know?"

  16. Travis, having overseen the reconstruction of his sleeping arrangements to a sufficient degree, goes over to where the... idiot, was getting patched up.

    "So... Did you mean to attract everything hell bent on killing us for a mile or was that purely coincidence?"

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