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Posts posted by kj1225

  1. Kyle stands there for a few seconds before wincing to himself. He scratches the back of his head as he speaks with a grimace.

    "No... I uh, I was just very surprised to see someone in there. Usually when that happens they have plans too shoot me and I didn't really have a way to defend myself..."

  2. Andre decided to return to the ballroom. He figured it was the best place to work out and potentially show off since it was already a wise open space and he'd slammed a person in a suit of armor into the floor already. He wasn't really sure why Hiroki got pissed about it, he didn'tthink he caused her any permanet harm, and it was really fucking cool anyways. He does pushups sadly as he wonders.

  3. "No fucking clue! That's what makes life Spicy yes?"

    Mar would wonder if this guy had his whole barings.


    Andre blocks the attack with a laugh.

    "Pretty cool right? I can do that to pretty much anything that looks at me funny! Doesn't even tire me out that much."


    "If you need worshippers I'll help. I mean, you're probably better than most gods if I can talk to you about stuff right?"

    Kyle says, raising his hand to further cement his volunteer supporter status.

  4. "Oh, weird, we're supposed to be doing that too. Well, we are once the engines are hooked up."

    Kyle shrugs. And stares at the woman. Who ignored him. Twice. That really annoys him.


    Andre smiles with glee at the appearance of the mech. He stands up once again not that he's not talking to someone significantly shorter to than him.

    "Alright! Watch this."
    He yells for a good 20 seconds as he psychs himself up and then... He suplexs Hiroki out of nowhere and against any real logical reasoning. Not that it actually hurts that much, it's really just stunning.


    The shop keeper gestures to a ring made up of smaller rings of many different materials, apparently ignoring Theodore's request.

  5. The man leads Mar over to the Jewlery section where there are several such items to observe.

    "Sadly friend, I already slash my prices so much that I can hardly afford to eat! But, I am not a man without gratitude! You may have one free. As for scraps of the Jewlery making process, we do not make the items we display! So sadly we can not help you there! You could always try dumpster diving! I hear it is quite fashionable to do these days!"

    The very large man stares at Theo. He stares at him really really hard. It's almost a glare. It'd be unnerving if he wasn't smiling so widely or if there wasn't a gleam to his eye.

    "No friend, sadly we do not offer decorations or drinks such as that. Perhaps you should try Walmart for that, yes?"


    Kyle rushes to catch the falling person as well but upon seeing that Izumi has it handled decides to weigh in on the situation.

    "... You know, I wasn't really keen on the whole "There's a god" thing after I met someone claiming it after nearly dying... I think I'm over that now."

    Kyle steps back a little further as he speaks. On the one hand, he could appreciate the entrance. On the other hand, he tends to make people want to kill him.



    Andre looks even more excited at the description.

    "That's amazing! I've seen mech things before but that was unpiloted and trying to kill me. Could I get a demonstration? I'll show you something cool I can do in return!"

    Say what you will about Andre, but he does give it his all when it comes to excitement.



    There are many things that would fit the description that Mar's is looking for. They range from Jewlery, to Watches, to what appears to be shawls or scarves of some sort. Perhaps he should start at that category. Turning around he would find a man that barely fits into the shop even compared to himself watching him silently. The man looks him up and down before speaking in a Heavy Arabic accent.

    "GREETINGS FRIEND! I AM BARBY AND WELCOME TO MY WONDERFUL EMPORIUM OF WANDARS! Can I interest you in an Oil Lamp that spews blue smoke when rubbed? Or perhaps you are looking for something so dat speacial someone in your life? If so, we have a great many trinkets to appease them!"


    Understandably Kyle is looking a little perturbed, mostly due to the fact that he is in fact without a weapon. It's kind of unnerving in the way that taking a stripper home and then realizing you don't have a condom is.

    "Uh, should I be worried about this? I feel like I should be worried."



    Mar would find a rather plain looking building with a sign that says "Barbie's Badges, Baubles, and Buffing Bedeckments" in large friendly letters above the door. Looking in a window would show that the store is filled with row upon row of accessorizing bits and bobs. The store is mainly wooden as are it's furniture but the items inside it range from about Neolithic to from the Far Future to things that can't quite be comprehended but must be useful if they're asking for money for them. The counter is not in sight at the moment.

  8. Andre stares at Hiroki for a few seconds. Then he looks to the other person in the room with a shocked look as he gestures to the Hellfire knight.

    "What the fuck!?"

    He walks up to Hiroki with his hands still up pointing at her.

    "HOLY SHIT! You are legit the second coolest thing I've seen to day! Like, that big dude was cooler, but holy shit, you look awesome!"

  9. Andre loudly opens the ballroom door and walks in looking about in wonder. He'd never seen such a fancy place outside of movies. He's also never been one to avoid walking in on private moments either apparently, though it's not like there was a do not disturb sign on the doors. Or locks...

  10. Andre, in the halls.

    Andre waved goodbye to Aurora as she skittered away. Admittedly he would have preferred if the conversation had gone on a little longer, or had actually had some actual reciprocation on the side of the spider woman, but it was better than getting tied up by her a bitten. At least he thinks it is, perfectly possible that... never mind, that's a dark road to go down. Unbeknownst to him, he actually ends up following Aurora as he continues down the path she took, heading for the ballroom because he has yet to be down that way. It wouldn't even be odd if he happened to enter right after she finished up her delivery.


    Kyle, in the smithy.

    Kyle nods to himself.

    "What a coincidence. I happen to have brought my own shotgun. In fact, Alexandria's working on it right now it looks like."

    He waves to the gynoid before turning back to Izumi.

    "So let me guess, you're like a gun ho cowboy cop that doesn't play by the rules? You're just out to get your man the old fashioned way with lots of shooting and action and an obligatory argument with Da Chief where he says you're a lose cannon and that you'll be on a desk job by the end of the week even though he knows that you're good for catching the perp. So you're in a race against time with your new partner, an older cop three days from retirement who follows the regulations, as you chase down the head of the Peruvian child smuggling and cocaine dealing operation, but at the climax your partner is shot dead so you end the movie with a tense gun battle in the rain against the leader of the crime ring, just you and your guns against that son of a bitch before finally you shoot him but let him live so he can go on trial. Then the movie ends on a cliffhanger so that they'll have material for the sequel."

    Kyle takes a sip of Sprunk as he finishes his metaphor. Or simile? It was kind of lost in all... that.

  11. Kyle nods.

    "Yeah, that's why I've been wearing armor under the jacket. Well, that and because I've only just got a room a half an hour ago, y'know? So what kind of heat you packin' officer? You prefer the classic revolver, good ol' glock, or d'ya prefer a shotty?"

    Kyle silently prays she's not a psycho that uses melee like some of these people. He silently notes that Alexandria gets a pass since she has all that frontal armor 

  12. Andre nods and after a bit of fiddling, pulls out a package of bacon. The smell is simply amazing and the the bacon looks to be cooked to perfection. It's very, very nice and sure to be a good meal. He holds it out for Aurora to take.

    "Um, I happen to be new here. Uh... So you're like, a spider person? That's uh, that's really cool... Back home I used to help tend to the giant spiders. Made most of our ropes and stuff with their silk. Uh... got bit a few times but you get used to the venom right?"

    Andre chuckles awkwardly as he scratches the back of his head.

  13. Seeing as no one is stopping him, Kyle is currently busy doing something with the brewery. Of course after a second he's done and has put the syringe into his inventory. Not that he actually took anything. Really this is all just a clever explanation for why Kyle suddenly can rampage now. It's smart because he stole weird alchemical shit that's most likely evil. Isn't science great?

  14. Seeing as he's not getting much of a responce at all Andre sneaks off to follow Aurora. At the very least she was hella more interesting than the slime at the moment. Aurora would probably notice him with ease given how big he is. And the fact that he's not very quiet. And how he isn’t hiding much at all. You know, thinking on it now, Andre isn’t stealthy at all.

  15. Andre looks like he's won the lottery as he inventorizes his cheeseburger. He hops about giddly as he speaks.

    "I mean, I knew you were sentient, I just thought that you were hurt. Most slimes where I'm from lose cohesion when they get knocked out. Sad fact of life but some slimes are hostile. No reason to hunt them either, anyone you've already fought either stops fighting you or isn't that tough after one fight. Anyways, you're a slime queen right? How big can you get? Do you debuff people? Can you turn other creatures into slimes? OH! OH! Do you know how to access the Slime Cat teleportation system? Can you heal people?"

    Andre talks faster and faster as he excitedly talks to the "slime queen". It's not often you get to learn from a slime.

  16. Andre stares at the spider woman in a mixture of awe and shock. He'd never seen such a mixture, the grace and power of a spider meeting with the beauty of a human woman. It wasn't love that he felt, that was too personal. It was more, an admiration that he just couldn't shake. Bigger than what he felt when he saw the last mamoth the feeling was, it was as if the Godcat wasn't a crazed genocidal being and instead had decided to make a being that embodied beauty for Andre. Basically, he was crushing on Aurora harder than a hydraulic press.

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