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Orange Purple Scarlet

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  1. https://gyazo.com/cfb5a9008eca18c8e8345c50f0839d52 This is a screenshot of what my game currently looks like when I log in. I had just finished beating this ice leader and the game froze during the cutscene that followed. The game told me that the script was hanging and gave me a prompt to save. Being the person that didn't want to restart the battle that took quite a few lengthy attempts as it was I saved expecting that when I loaded up it would just continue the cutscene. It didn't and now ironically my game is frozen and my character can't move, open the menu or do anything but stand there looking at her as the snow goes on. Please help me, I am a desperate man who does not want to restart 25 hours of very difficult game. Game.rxdata
  2. Amythest. I want to thank you for all the hard work you put into Reborn. I came a few months after the E15 release and I plan to stay here until the day I see Reborn hit the finish line. Thank you so much.
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