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ShadeStrider last won the day on March 28 2019

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393 Altruist


About ShadeStrider

  • Birthday 10/01/1999

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  1. My number one rule for making a Pokémon Fangame.




    Absolutely no Undertale music.



    I’ll use music from Franchises that I like, like Shin Megami Tensei, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, especially Pokémon, etc. 


    But I will never put Undertale music in any Pokémon Fangame ever.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      dare I ask why


      like I can understand not ripping off themes from different genres, but then you would rip off from other games anyway so im kind of wondering

    2. ShadeStrider


      It's more of an "I specifically want to use music from my favorite video games because they create a fantastic atmosphere." Most Video game music sets Atmosphere extremely well. You can't actually do that through normal fanfiction. 


      It's more of an "I really don't like Undertale music and how it's dominated internet culture." I also didn't really like Undertale as a game that much, and I'd gladly trade a steam copy of Undertale for Mother 3 in the west anyday.


      A bit childish, I know. But It's my fangame, what are you gonna do about it? Edit the BGM? Do what you like.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      oh like that, gotcha

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