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ShadeStrider last won the day on March 28 2019

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About ShadeStrider

  • Birthday 10/01/1999

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  1. So, I'm playing the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. 


    This Second Case is awesome. I often like times when the Student is finishing what the teacher Started. There is a real sense of Destiny to this trial.



    In this case, Mia was trying to investigate Redd White, but she was murdered. Now it's up to her student, Phoenix Wright himself, to finish what she started. 


    He was a menace to society. Redd White got what he deserved.



    We already know how this case will end, but this remains one of my favorite cases in the entire series.

    1. Commander


      The remake includes case 5 which despite the crappy gimmicks with the DS features is an amazing case that really blew me away even though I figured out who the real murderer was right when I saw the guy.


      Worst case is Don Tigre. That case was pure hell to finish due to the most obscure contradictions in it.

    2. ShadeStrider


      Truth be told, I never actually played case 5. I only had a Game Boy Advance back then, so that's the only version that I had. Even when I eventually got a Nintendo DS, I thought "I have the game on Game Boy Advance, so what's the point?" I didn't think the extra case was worth it.


      Now I'm playing that case.


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