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ShadeStrider last won the day on March 28 2019

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393 Altruist


About ShadeStrider

  • Birthday 10/01/1999

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  1. When you are little, you don't exactly have much access to a lot of video games. As a result, you tend to appreciate the games you already have. When I was in first grade, all I had was a Gameboy Advance, a Nintendo Wii, a Playstation 2, and a Nintendo DS.


    I still have my Nintendo DS collection, and my 3DS is able to play all of those games. My Gameboy Advance is still going strong, but my Nintendo DS broke a long time ago. So, thank god for 3DS Backwards compatibility. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Black, SoulSilver, Platinum, Chrono Trigger, Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals, New Super Mario Bros, Final Fantasy IV, The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks were actually all I owned for the Nintendo DS.


    My Playstation 2 collection also had only a few games. The First 3 Devil May Cry games, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake eater, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts I and II, and a... Bee Movie video game.


    One day my dad sold my Playstation 2 and got a non-backwards compatible PS3. This kind of upset me, but in the long run, due to HD releases of those games, and the fact that Final Fantasy IX, VII, and Metal Gear Solid were all actually Playstation 1 games, It wasn't that big a loss. Final Fantasy X was rereleased on PS3 as an HD Remaster, and this time I managed to get my hands on X-2. Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3? HD Collection, which came with the Substance and Subsistence packages, and Peace Walker as a bonus. Devil May Cry's 1-3? Devil May Cry HD collection. Although 2 was nothing special, It was still a childhood favorite. Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2? Actually it was 1.5 and 2.5. The Only game that I never managed to get back was the Bee Movie game, but let's be honest: I never really cared about it in the first place. Who would?


    So, with your limited access to video games during childhood, what games did you play?

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    2. ShadeStrider


      @Autumn Zephyr By the looks of it, I was extremely lucky.


      My parents tend to yell a lot when they are upset, and when I was little, they did it for every single little mistake. As a result... I... Still love my parents, but I just don't like talking to them or being around them anymore. That's why I love my College dormitory: Nobody to yell, I can play to my hearts content, and I'm in charge of my own studies.


      My mom ended up asking why I didn't want to converse with her or dad anymore, and I told her I was tired of all the yelling. She actually made it a point to control her temper, and I'm thankful for that, even though the damage is already done, and no amount of Video Games will fix that. Hopefully they don't make the same mistake with my little sister that they did with me.


      I really got lucky with my parents, compared to you. My childhood wasn't... great. I was bullied a lot, and Final Fantasy VII's prelude did a better job of comforting me then my own parents. But It really could have been worse. At least I have those Video Games, and those Childhood memories.


      I also hated Being blamed for things. But Then I have to remember: Cloud was blamed for putting Tifa in a coma when they were little, which was unfair: Tifa took the Mt. Nibel trip of her own accord, and Cloud simply followed in secret. It was unfair, but Cloud dealt with it. And when I was 10 years old, those game characters were my Idols. I wanted to be Just like Cloud Strife, so I just... dealt with it. Who threw food at another student? I didn't, but I was accused. So I just... dealt with it.

    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Proof that I need to learn to mince my words, I guess-



      I'm not sure how much of it that you're lucky, and how much of it is that I'm insanely unlucky. Believe me, I've barely scratched the surface on the Azurine Lake expy that is my past and present- heck, the doc I managed to write in secret two and a half years ago explaining my side of the issue (and explain why I hadn't been online for months at that point) for my friends elsewhere on the internet wasn't able to capture the full picture (never mind the fact that it's outdated by now anyway). Truth be told, it's a miracle I've managed to keep quiet about the BS for as long as i did over here.


      Ultimately, though, that's part of why this site's been so special for me. Here, when I help people find their way, it isn't as 'that nerd who knows way too much about a game they've never played', but as someone who's struggled, pondered, and puzzle-solved their way through those same problems and willingly shares the wisdom they've gained from doing so. Here, I don't feel as obsolete. Here, I'm not being constantly judged for my inability to hand-clean dishes perfectly, or how little I can lift, or what the likelihood of me already being dead would be if we were living in the 1200's instead of the modern day (I'm still pissed about that one...). Here, I'm not being told that I'm guaranteed to fail at life because I didn't bother changing out of my pajamas on a day where I had no intention of leaving the house anyway (I'm still pissed about that, too).


      Here, I'm just Autumn Zephyr, a fella doing their best to give back the joy this place has given me. 


      2018's been a bit like removing the PULSE Swalot for me. It's not a perfect fix by any means, seeing as the muk's still out there pouring gunk all over the place and charging me goddang rent to stay in this goddamn household, but everyone who's seen the way I was before can already tell that I'm doing much better nowadays.



      Aaaand, I've somehow managed to hijack someone else's Status Update. When I should be finishing up an RP Character Sheet. Again. R.I.P.

    4. ShadeStrider


      I don't mind. At least I got my frustrations about family out. 

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