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ShadeStrider last won the day on March 28 2019

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About ShadeStrider

  • Birthday 10/01/1999

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  1. I got rejected from the College I wanted to attend. The inevitable sadness that follows isn't... that unbearable.


    I mean, a lot of my friends act as if their life is over. They react with tears and screams. I just play a round of Elder Scrolls and then I'm fine.


    Imagine if EA ran a college. "Oh, you got bad grades in high school, but if you pay this microtransaction of $40,000, you increase your chances of Admission by 5%!"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ShadeStrider


      I'm just glad that I got into any college at all, honestly. 


      I guess China's Education system is where we get the "Asians are really smart and have no social life" stereotype. It's because actual Chinese students have dedicated their lives to their studies, even if they aren't getting anything out of it. I would not want to be educated in China.


      I still have nightmares about Mass Effect Andromeda. Don't make me relive that horror.

    3. Jess


      Greece also has nation-wide examinations in the end of highschool. It is reasonable to be able to access the best public universities only if you prove yourself to be the best with a common examination system. Plus, education is for free in Greece, so I'd not complain about that, I think it's fair. Also, I have met many Chinese people in the year I spent in England, and they didn't seem the type of people that were no-lifers. They were social, friendly and upbeat, with various hobbies.

      I'm a mechanical engineer, doing a PhD in the highest-rated university in Greece and I can assure you that I've seen that thing happen, being awarded a lower grade for solving a problem in a way that was "out-of-the-box". However, I've also received praise by other professors for that, and even scholarships and awards. So, it really is upon the person you face, like everywhere in the world.

      Also, living in Greece, I honestly don't see how "higher education is considered the only thing defining success". In fact, my cousins live in a wealthy family, but are uneducated and always criticizing my family for being much less wealthy, but educated. Sayings like "your education is shit, only money matters" and "you are an educated piece of trash" are quite common, and I detest these snobbish people who think that their money can buy anything.

      So, @AenaonDusky don't generalise opinions, because truth always has a flip side. You might not have experienced it, but it doesn't mean that it isn't there.

    4. AenaonDusky


      @Jess, by no means was that "generalization" indicative of those people having no social lives, or being unpleasant. It is an educational system centered around a common entry, and

      after that entry is passed, University life seems like a blessing, compared to earlier experiences.  Of course Greece does have free education, especially compared to other European counterparts. That doesn't make the pressure the students are put through less important. Neither does it undermine their personalities, talents, and hard work!

         Of course in an academic environment, you will  be rewarded for originality and creativity. I was talking about these events happening before one enters a University. Sorry for being

      unclear. After all, it is a thing, as you yourself stated.

         I do agree that recent years have shown a change in this trend, However If I remember correctly, (older) research from ΕΚΚΕ suggested this trend being strong. Exceptions always

      exist, but this ingrained tendency to favour higher education in comparison to other approaches to professional career is nevertheless strong. I do admit that emphasis was displaced

      in my original comment; this wasn't deliberately done. The Panehellenics are still the core of student life.

         Oh, I know about those snobbish people. They are mostly big names in family-derived business, or had enough capital to kickstart their careers. Nothing wrong with that, but they do

      have quite the... temperamental attitude.  It is abhorrent, the fact that they discriminate on you based on their lack of education. Gee.

         It is, indeed, quite reasonable to access higher education if you deserve it. Of course. The problem is that those skills they test, especially on the theoritical-field in Panhellenies,

      are in no way representative of the true talents, skills, and feelings of the students.

         I'm sorry if my wording is confusing - I've been a little tired lately.

         I'm quite fascinated though do you hail from Athens? This attitude certainly is not strong on more ....how do they call it... "rural" places in Greece. For some Athenians, everything aside

      from Athens is like a confederation of villages :P. You may PM me so we do not fill Striders wall with mundane discussions about postmodern Greek identity.


      @ShadeStrider My message was not to discourage, not at all! Extremely sorry if that was the idea I got across!

      Quite the opposite, you always have second,third, forth etc chances in life; do not fret, think about what you like, and aim for the highest achievement!

      So, I hope you enjoy college. You never know how many things you will gain from going there. So, have faith!

      You shouldn't feel down, and you also shouldn't worry about it. You are capable of many things you might not realize :)


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