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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Serena

  1. A long time training...And Now i'm back...

    1. Maelstrom


      Let's see those muscles then! =P

    2. Serena
  2. hmm i can't change my avatar..I don't know why : /

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Serena


      I changed With gravatar...But just with Gravatar e.e

    3. Stein


      Believe it or not Ame I can change mine with the normal browse. My pic is a .png that's 100x100

    4. Amethyst


      Well, I'm fairly sure the whole problem will be solved if I upgrade the forums, but........

  3. Death Note For Ever !

  4. it start today!

  5. I'm so sad...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Be happy, love, frowns make you look older and we all want our youth~

    3. Serena


      Thanks Eternal...

      I don't want to say the reason ....

  6. I HATE Brazilians time! I will never fight a gym leader if that happens all times !

  7. Hi all, I've back.... I was not logging because i was doing Exams :)

  8. Guys i've found an error in my account...my sprite don't have pose!! Someone can help me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Serena


      amethyst a question...Ive udapted my sprint..Why still that sprint without nothing in my trainer card ?

    3. Amethyst


      It's not, actually. I can see the clothes you put on, but because your computer had loaded that image already, it just hasn't noticed the change. If you refresh a few times, you'll see it- or just wait a bit. But it did definitely work

    4. Serena


      thanks ² : D

  9. Hi I'm a new trainer.........i'm a brasilian girl my name i rebecca, I also Loves Pokemon and animes :)

    1. Voctrode


      Welcome to Reborn~ :3

      --Don't plan on keeping your sanity long~--

    2. Mashew


      ^ this. But yes welcome~<3

    3. Cyrus


      Are you playing Reborn in the tub?

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