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Posts posted by Alistair

  1. It's not that you said anything wrong Amine, it's just that you defended me when I didn't really need it, which had the unfortunate side-effect of making us both look kinda sus. It's nbd though.


    Thread's dead and I'm probably not coming back to it before the day ends, so I'll adjust my vote now.

    [Unvote] Bean

    [Eliminate] Nano


    The reason behind my change is based on Nano's claim, which is Common Infected.

    - If he's telling the truth, he's the least useful of the townies. By revealing himself he forfeited the chance to act as a meatshield because mafia won't be interested in touching him. Losing him is nbd.

    - If he's lying and is mafia, lynching him is just good, no questions asked.

    - If he's lying and is another town role, well that sucks. I'm sorry for voting Nano if that's the case. Telling lies is bad

  2. HENLO MIDDAY UPDATE PRESENTED BY YOUR HOST ALISTAArglglglgl *dies strangled by nicki*


    Unless I'm mistaken, which is possible because I don't like keeping tracks of votes, the current situation is:

    - Kiet: 3 (Bean, Bok, Astra)

    - Bean: 2 (AL, Newt)

    - Alistair: 1 (Nick)

    - Nick: 1 (Nano)

    - Lía: 1 (Lía)

    - Astra: 1 (Lykos)

    - Bok: 1 (Fali)


    Predictably this is going a bit all over the place. Couple things I've noted about the players tho:

    • Kiet being maf is topmeme, a few people are actually starting to bw him, it's all pretty funny tbh. However, I kinda feel like this situation is indirectly giving him towncred, when he actually didn't do much of anything to earn it. I'm a bit on the fence about defending him.
    • Nano did make his usual early claims, but both of them (vanilla infected and having received a fake gun) are pretty safe so that doesn't mean much imo.
    • Newt's having too much fun which isn't allowed by the fun police. He makes sense overall, even if his reason for suspecting I'm Coach is flimsy. I just didn't forget about him.
    • AL's behavior strikes me as super safe. It's not a bad thing in itself but I was expecting some more chaos from him.
    • Falirion and Lykos spontaneously reacted to the early Kiet bw, expressing similar doubts about it. I don't think they're on the same side as the early bandwagoners, namely Bean, Bok and Astra. However, they could be on the same side as each other.
    • Nick had a somewhat slow start then went ultra instinct with his analysis of scum roles. Doesn't mean that much, since putting some thoughts into how these roles work is something scum themselves could easily do. Neutral read on him for now.
    • Aldo, Boat, Drago, Amine, Seal, Bok... not much to go by. Amine stands out somewhat, for trying to prevent a bandwagon against me when there was none to begin with, which is a bit surprising. Could just be his way to intervene despite not having much to add. Bok's vote on Kiet is definitely odd though.
    • Lía and Astra's contributions are very measured. Lía's second post has an accent of truth to it but I can't read Astra for the life of me.
    • Arch is the only player not to have said a word yet.

    [Eliminate] Bean

    This placeholder vote mostly aims to bring balance to the Force. I don't like the idea of a 100% Kiet lynch and would rather take the RNG chance if it came down to it.

    That said, there's still plenty of time for things to move.

    • Haha 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, sailboat said:

    ike bruh the probability of them hitting their own is smaller than nano fcking going bonkers on us whatever the hell that means.

    bruh Nano goes bonkers on a daily basis


    2 minutes ago, Dragoknight said:

    Wait where did it say Coach didn't have chat with the rest of the survivors?

    OP states that Coach serves as this game's Sniper. Sniper typically isn't part of mafia chat.

    @cicada for confirmation pls

  4. 3 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

    I doubt that the kill target was healed since the mafia kill occurs before the doctor

    I think it's just because in this game's logic, doctor heals after the attacks, instead of protecting from them. The would-be victim might still have been shot then saved by the low-priority doctor.

  5. While I would normally consider it unlikely for Mafia to deliberately miss a chance to kill, it might've actually been the case last night. They have a sniper, Coach, who isn't part of their chat, meaning they do not know who it is. I wouldn't be surprised if they chose not to kill N0, just to have a proper shot at guessing who's sniper from the D1 discussions. Then they can safely avoid shooting Coach on subsequent nights.


    The night is dark and full of terrors, but mine was quiet.

  6. It's tough to determine a single MVP because let's be honest, a bunch of you had glorious and bad moments lol. But also many of you stood out in their own ways.


    I'd say MVP still goes to Newt because at the end of the day he literally saved town by picking up BH. He's responsible for defeating 60% of the evil roles and had decent reads overall.


    My Honorable mentions go to:

    - Nano for surviving until the end thanks to the massive towncred he accumulated, losing only to a RNG clutch.

    - Fali for coordinating the efforts of the mafia team, being very involved and eventually sacrificing himself to preserve Nano's chances.

    - Aldo for bamboozling everyone about his role as early as D1. Just for the glory of satan. I like that.

    - Baz for doing what he could and lasting through a good half of the game with his MM role, despite having terrible luck.


    And ofc, big thanks to everyone for making this game what it was!

    • Thanks 3
  7. DAY SIX - END


    All three of the survivors faced off, locked into a bitter struggle.


    There was Bok, the Monk. He had managed to survive last night, despite being attacked by his own fellow villager, for he had previously chosen to become Ethereal. This state, although a blessing at night, was a curse during the day. He could not contribute to the fight for Sunnyvale and was doomed to be a mere spectator. I wonder... would things have been different, had his role been revealed on the fifth day?


    There was Newt, the Second Blood Hunter. He had started as a humble man, without special powers of any kind. Then when he saw his friends and fellow countrymen fall before his eyes, he mustered the resolve to pick up the fallen Astra's weapons and became the living incarnation of vengeance. While he did make some mistakes, in the end he was the bastion that stood between light and dark.


    There was Nano, the Wizard. He, as you may have figured now, was the last adventurer. His friends were gone, defeated, yet he stood, unbroken and undiscovered until today. Gaining the trust of a few villagers? Child's play. Burning Lía to a crisp with his Fireball spell? An amusing sport. Stabbing Eviora to death in her sleep? Merely the latest of his misdeeds. Was he really about to prevail alone...?


    "You can do it, Newt! End this now! The Gods assist you!" Bok, powerless to change what would happen, cheered his ally on. Newt unsheathed his rapier and shrouded it in flames thanks to the power of forbidden blood arts.

    In front of him, Nano the Wizard merely laughed, waving his wand leisurely. "Gods, men, hunters and random chance... I've already survived them all. I am ready for whatever is coming."

    His opponent snarled. "Let's fucking end this."


    Newt lunged blade first, trying to strike Nano down in a single fell swoop, but the Wizard was ready. He was, in fact, quicker. His wand's tip traced a circle in the air, combined with the utterance of arcane commands. Just as Newt's blade was about to connect, the weapon suddenly flew from his grasp, landing too far to be reached. Losing balance, the Blood Hunter dropped to one knee.

    "Now..." Nano's voice was more menacing than ever. "Say hello to Lía for me." A chromatic orb of flames formed in front of him. Exulting, Nano launched it at his foe--


    Saved by a last-second, animalistic reaction, Newt ducked and rolled out of the way. The orb missed and crashed into the stone wall behind him, scorching it. In the same, fluid movement, the Blood Hunter rose and pulled a hand-crossbow from under his cloak. As soon as Nano saw the device pointed at him, he understood.

    "Say hello to all the dead yourself." Newt pulled the trigger.


    Minutes later, two silhouettes emerged from Sunnyvale's mines. Having returned to the tangible realm, Bok helped Newt out of the half-crumbled exit. Both hesitantly walked down the village's main road. Sunnyvale was but a ghost town, now. Its habitants had prevailed, defeating the adventurers once and for all, but at what cost...?

    Only time will tell whether the village would ever recover from this tragedy.


    "This concludes my tale, little ones." Gandiet leaned back in his armchair, visibly tired. "Go to bed now. I need some rest."

    Impressed by the story's final developments, the children nodded wordlessly. That night, a few little halflings did not sleep all that well, suddenly aware that even in a quiet and happy little village, a malevolent few could bring gloom and doom to the benevolent many.


    Nano was lynched. He was the Mafia Wizard and the last remaining evil. His role is already known to you.


    TOWN WINS! Congratulations to the victors and thank you all for playing this game of Dungeons & Mafia. I hope you enjoyed it.


    1. Aldo, The Second Artificer [Killed N4]

    2. Amber, The Ranger [Lynched D4]

    3. Amine, The Sorcerer [Lynched D2]

    4. Seal, The Druid [Killed N4]

    5. Nicki, The Artificer [Shot D2]

    6. Bok, The Monk [SURVIVED]

    7. Astra, The Blood Hunter [Killed N1]

    8. Fali, The Warlock [Lynched D5]

    9. Nano, The Wizard [Lynched D6]

    10. Lykos, The Cleric [Killed N3]

    11. Evi, The Rogue [Killed N5]

    12. Drago, The Fighter [Lynched D3]

    13. Bean, The Barbarian [Executed D1]

    14. Arch, The Bard [Died from his Wound N2]

    15. Lía, The Vanilla NPC [Killed N2]

    16. Newt, The Second Blood Hunter [SURVIVED]

    17. Kiet, The Paladin [Killed N3]

    18. Bazaro, The Dungeon Master [Died from his Wound N3]


    • Upvote 6
  8. Day Six


    You all know this is the end, don't you? At last, the final day is upon us. This storyteller's work is almost done, and so is yours. Let's get right to the point, shall we~


    Four souls went to sleep at the end of the fifth day. Or rather, they pretended to. At least two of them had different plans for the night.

    Like before, the vengeful villager strode along the mine's narrow corridors, looking for his next prey. There weren't many possibilities left, but the burden of choice was not diminished. Eventually, he settled his sights on one who had not yet earned his trust.

    The would-be killer sneaked up on his target, silent as an owl's flight. His sword arm rose... and fell. There was no sound. No scream. No blood. The assailant retreated, disgruntled. He had just learned the hard way that he could not stab that which had lost all physicality.


    In another section of the mine, a fast and fleeting silhouette leaned over the sleeping body of an innocent. He, on the other hand, did not miss the mark. Eviora was found lifeless in the morning, the last nightly casualty of this horrific tale.


    Eviora died. She was the Town Rogue.


    The Rogue


    Thievery, extorsion, murder… Rogues are infamous for their ability to remorselessly indulge in these prohibited activities. Regardless, not all rogues are evil! Almost all of them are edgy, though.


    Sleight of Hand. You can visit any one player at night and attempt to steal an item from them. You are informed if your target does not have any items. You cannot target the same player twice in a row.


    Day Six begins and is the final phase of this game. It will end as soon as an agreement is reached by all three remaining players.


    1. Aldo, The Second Artificer [Killed N4]

    2. Amber, The Ranger [Lynched D4]

    3. Amine, The Sorcerer [Lynched D2]

    4. Seal, The Druid [Killed N4]

    5. Nicki, The Artificer [Shot D2]

    6. Bok, The Monk

    7. Astra, The Blood Hunter [Killed N1]

    8. Fali, The Warlock [Lynched D5]

    9. Nano

    10. Lykos, The Cleric [Killed N3]

    11. Evi, The Rogue [Killed N5]

    12. Drago, The Fighter [Lynched D3]

    13. Bean, The Barbarian [Executed D1]

    14. Arch, The Bard [Died from his Wound N2]

    15. Lía, The Vanilla NPC [Killed N2]

    16. Newt

    17. Kiet, The Paladin [Killed N3]

    18. Bazaro, The Dungeon Master [Died from his Wound N3]

  9. Night Five


    It was the final stretch. The storyteller's voice had become raspy, tired by his lengthy speech. He would not stop there, however, oh no. All things must end in due time, and there is no better time to end a story than when your entire audience is on the edge of their seats. Even the sleepy and now frightened little halfling, who had tried to run off.


    The fifth day went by in a blur. The proper course of action was obvious to everyone. Falirion had assassinated Aldo; for this, he had to pay. Stared down by four pairs of unforgiving eyes, cornered and defeated, Falirion burst into laughter. "Hehehe... hahaha... HAHAHAHA! Yes, it was I, FALI! I was an adventurer all along. And it was oh so easy to get away with it until this damn crystal ball broke, kukuku... Well then, you know what to do. Shall we?"

    He needed not ask twice. The others seized him, slammed his head against the same block of wood that was used for Amber's execution, and the deed was done. Falirion would not stop smiling until the very end.


    He was indeed revealed to be one of the village's foes. Now only four characters remained. Only one of them was guilty.


    Falirion was lynched. He was the Mafia Warlock, which you are already familiar with. Amusingly, this is the first time you manage to lynch scum since the beginning of this journey.


    Your votes to reveal a role resulted in a tie, thus nothing is revealed. This is also a first.


    Night Five begins. Like the previous one, I may end it early if all NAs are sent to me in advance. Good luck, citizens.


    1. Aldo, The Second Artificer [Killed N4]

    2. Amber, The Ranger [Lynched D4]

    3. Amine, The Sorcerer [Lynched D2]

    4. Seal, The Druid [Killed N4]

    5. Nicki, The Artificer [Shot D2]

    6. Bok, The Monk

    7. Astra, The Blood Hunter [Killed N1]

    8. Fali, The Warlock [Lynched D5]

    9. Nano

    10. Lykos, The Cleric [Killed N3]

    11. Evi

    12. Drago, The Fighter [Lynched D3]

    13. Bean, The Barbarian [Executed D1]

    14. Arch, The Bard [Died from his Wound N2]

    15. Lía, The Vanilla NPC [Killed N2]

    16. Newt

    17. Kiet, The Paladin [Killed N3]

    18. Bazaro, The Dungeon Master [Died from his Wound N3]

  10. Day Five


    Yawning, the youngest and least attentive of the three halflings left his seat. He walked towards the house's staircase, intenting to go to bed, but Gandiet suddenly rose from his armchair, menacing.

    "Trying to sneak off without listening to the full story, hmm??" The old mage planted himself between the child and the stairs, raised his staff with both hands and, thunder in his voice, shouted:


    Using all the might in his aging limbs, Gandiet dramatically slammed his staff down... only to crush his own toes and howl in agony.

    It took him a while to recover, but he was finally able to continue his story, under the patient yet tired and disappointed gaze of his old friend Bilbok. Senility was indeed a tragic thing.


    He had no choice. He knew it. The villager who carried a sharp blade in his hand and vengeance in his heart had to strike true, once again, or all would be lost. He paced quickly through the tunnels, looking for his next prey. But... who?

    Meanwhile, the adventurers were in a similar hurry. They had to finish the NPCs off quickly if they wanted to emerge victorious. They pondered, discussed, then chose who had to perish.

    Both parties went their own ways, carrying the promise of death with them. They did not meet, yet they slipped close to one another. A murder for a murder. Blood for blood.


    Come the morning, the few remaining citizens found the lifeless body of Aldo. The poor man had been stabbed in the back, not given the chance to even look his murderer in the eye. However, something else did that for him.

    When he had fallen, a crystal ball imbued with ancient magic broke into a myriad of fragments on the ground. These fragments, like pieces of a mosaic, reflected the persistent image of someone who had visited Aldo just before he died... It was Falirion, the Warlock.


    In another corridor, an old Druid met his end. Much like Amber the Ranger, that one did not say much. He on the other hand, nurtured much darker secrets in his mind. Schemes and forbidden knowledge that he would share with his allies... well, not anymore. Someone made sure of that.


    Aldo died. He was the Town's Second Artificer, formerly a Vanilla NPC. The Arcane Focus he was holding broke, revealing Falirion the Warlock as his last visitor.


    Seal died. He was the Mafia Druid.



    The Druid


    Old, wise and resourceful are the Druids. Don’t let their peaceful demeanor fool you; they know much, and will not hesitate to use their wisdom to defeat those who trespass ancient sanctuaries.


    Wisdom of the Ancients. The spirits of nature speak to you in your sleep, and reveal the role of a randomized player to you every night (but not the role’s description). Does not count as a visit.


    Day Five begins. You have up to 48h to discuss and decide to lynch someone. After all 5 of you fulfill your requirements AND if you all explicitly agree to it in the thread, I may shorten the phase.


    1. Aldo, The Second Artificer [Killed N4]

    2. Amber, The Ranger [Lynched D4]

    3. Amine, The Sorcerer [Lynched D2]

    4. Seal, The Druid [Killed N4]

    5. Nicki, The Artificer [Shot D2]

    6. Bok, The Monk

    7. Astra, The Blood Hunter [Killed N1]

    8. Fali

    9. Nano

    10. Lykos, The Cleric [Killed N3]

    11. Evi

    12. Drago, The Fighter [Lynched D3]

    13. Bean, The Barbarian [Executed D1]

    14. Arch, The Bard [Died from his Wound N2]

    15. Lía, The Vanilla NPC [Killed N2]

    16. Newt

    17. Kiet, The Paladin [Killed N3]

    18. Bazaro, The Dungeon Master [Died from his Wound N3]

  11. Night Four


    What little remained of Bilbok's tea in the cups had long gone cold. It was late at night, this peculiar time when stories are more frightening and storytellers find themselves in front of a more impressionable audience.

    Gandiet exploited that fully, mimicking with forceful gestures the circumstances of past deaths. Bazaro, the puppeteer, crushed when his dolls rebelled against him. Lykos, the healer, villain despite his good intentions and honorable trade. Kiet, the unfortunate, forced to expose himself and execute an innocent, only to be later murdered. They were not the first to perish, nor were they the last.

    Bilbok collected the empty cups and carried them back to the kitchen on the same large tray as before, a bittersweet smile on his lips. Even the best stories must have an end. Without a doubt, this one's was growing ever closer.


    The fourth day of the hunt was relatively calm. Not so many citizens were left alive; less than half of the original crowd, in fact. Sunnyvale was, by contrast with its glorious days, almost as silent as a crypt. Still, a few brash voices echoed in the tunnels. Reassured by the defeat of two of their foes, the villagers clinged to this ray of hope. They believed they had the chance to turn the tables on the adventurers, once and for all.

    However, old habits die hard. Even the bad ones.


    Once again, the villagers were deceived into cornering a perfect scapegoat. Amber was one of those who did not talk much, those who are easy to blame. Maybe he did not approve of his conflict. Maybe he did not understand its implications, or simply did not care. Regardless of what the truth may have been, he was still caught in it, tried, found guilty, and killed.

    He met his demise in a barely more ceremonious way than poor Drago did, beaten and forced to kneel in front of a block of wood. When someone's old woodcutting axe was about to put an end to his days, he did not beg or cry. His light was merely snuffed out, like many others before it. Of course, it did not take long for the executioners to realize their mistake.


    Let it be known that down here in Sunnyvale's mines, being innocent is not enough to keep you safe from your own friends.


    Amber was lynched. He was the Town Ranger.


    The Ranger


    This outlander is an expert at hunting down prey through the wilderness; they bring stealth and long range to the table. Maybe even some freshly killed game, when they feel generous enough to share.


    Hunter’s Mark. You can hunt down any one player at night and know who this player visited. This action counts as a visit. Additionally, you start with a Bow. Using it does not count as a visit.


    The crowd chose to reveal the abilities of the Warlock. The player who has this role can now make use of its level-up feature.


    The Warlock


    Has selling your soul to Satan ever gone wrong? Nah, of course not. Warlocks would know if it was the case, because that’s how they got their powers. But what’s on the other end of that bargain…?


    Profane Duty. You can name any one player at night, hoping to sacrifice them in the name of your patron. If this player is lynched on the following day, you gain immunity to all actions during the next night. This does not count as a visit.


    Level up! Pact of the Blade. If you are visited while you benefit from the immunity granted by Profane Duty, the player who visits you gets Wounded.


    It is now Night Four in Sunnyvale. You have up to 24h to perform your actions; given your dwindling numbers, the phase may be shortened at my discretion if all the actions are sent early.

    Like before, the game could end overnight. Make your choices wisely.


    1. Aldo

    2. Amber, The Ranger [Lynched D4]

    3. Amine, The Sorcerer [Lynched D2]

    4. Seal

    5. Nicki, The Artificer [Shot D2]

    6. Bok, The Monk

    7. Astra, The Blood Hunter [Killed N1]

    8. Fali

    9. Nano

    10. Lykos, The Cleric [Killed N3]

    11. Evi

    12. Drago, The Fighter [Lynched D3]

    13. Bean, The Barbarian [Executed D1]

    14. Arch, The Bard [Died from his Wound N2]

    15. Lía, The Vanilla NPC [Killed N2]

    16. Newt

    17. Kiet, The Paladin [Killed N3]

    18. Bazaro, The Dungeon Master [Died from his Wound N3]

    • Sad 1
  12. Day Four


    "There it is, my children. The moment of truth. Did the town fall, or did they finally manage to turn the tables on their assailants? What's it gonna be, huh??" Gandiet was evidently enjoying himself a little too much whilst telling his story. Bilbok interrupted him: "Yeah, well, as I recall the next part is interesting, right? Come on, do tell."

    "Hohoho, yes it is. The fourth day of the hunt begins with a series of most peculiar events..."


    They had been hunting throughout the third night, stalking their prey in the dark tunnels. They cornered it, and...

    "Bazaro brutally decapitated the troll, with a single hand!", a voice claimed triumphantly. Another snickered: "Tch, again? You can't give all the kills to your broken ass self-insert, you know. Especially when he's bleeding his life out, no less."

    "Like hell I can't! I'm the DM, I make the rules. If you're not happy with them, host your own campaign."

    "I just might. Bet I'd be doing a better job than you. We don't need a crooked DM to have fun."

    "Oh yeah?" The first voice was audibly angry. "Then suit yourself! I'm done working with you clowns." With these words, a huge boulder suddenly and magically fell from the tunnel's ceiling, crushing Bazaro underneath. Nothing was left of him.


    Above the party of adventurers' heads, a tiny ray of light pierced through the darkness. The first glimmer of dawn, barely finding its way through the half-crumbled ceiling. It was almost insignificant, yet it carried hope. All stared at it, distracted, vulnerable.

    That was the moment chosen by a villager to strike.

    Lykos fell without a word, his throat slit from behind. Before his companions could even react, the attacker absconded in the shadows, their gastly deed accomplished.


    Of course, retaliation came swiftly. Barely a few minutes later, several masked individuals surrounded Kiet, the Paladin, who had been standing in their way one too many times. They beat him to death, mercilessly, relentlessly. His body was discovered shortly after.


    Kiet died. He was the Town Paladin, which you are already familiar with.


    Bazaro died. He was the Third Party Dungeon Master.


    The Dungeon Master


    The entity who guided the adventurers here, pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Watching others struggling seems to amuse them, but what do they really want…?


    Master of the Game. You are part of the mafia chat and count towards mafia numbers, but your alignment is Third Party. Additionally, you know the roles of the other members of the mafia (but not the roles’ descriptions). The other members of the mafia do not know who the DM is. You win if you are alive when the mafia equals or outnumbers the remaining town players. When the DM wins, everyone else automatically loses.


    Lykos died. He was the Mafia Cleric.


    The Cleric


    Devoted to the worship of a (mostly) benevolent deity, this holy person has means of shielding their companions against the forces of darkness. Your local priest has never been so alluring.


    Divine Protection. You can visit and protect any one player at night. This player cannot be harmed, but can still be targeted by other actions and perform their own action as usual, if they have any. In addition, your holy powers heal the Wounded condition.


    A Vanilla NPC has become the Second Artificer. Wish them luck in their endeavors.


    At last, the villagers are making a comeback. The Dungeon Master is no more. He now watches alongside me, from above. Congratulations to the 8 of you who are still breathing.

    Day Four begins and lasts approximately 48h. Please remember to post and vote.


    Form your armies, dream your dreams
    Make your plans and plot your schemes
    Send your fighters, one and all
    Then in battle, watch them fall 🎵

    1. Aldo

    2. Amber

    3. Amine, The Sorcerer [Lynched D2]

    4. Seal

    5. Nicki, The Artificer [Shot D2]

    6. Bok, The Monk

    7. Astra, The Blood Hunter [Killed N1]

    8. Fali

    9. Nano

    10. Lykos, The Cleric [Killed N3]

    11. Evi

    12. Drago, The Fighter [Lynched D3]

    13. Bean, The Barbarian [Executed D1]

    14. Arch, The Bard [Died from his Wound N2]

    15. Lía, The Vanilla NPC [Killed N2]

    16. Newt

    17. Kiet, The Paladin [Killed N3]

    18. Bazaro, The Dungeon Master [Died from his Wound N3]

  13. Night Three


    The youngest halfling had fallen sound asleep, despite the increasing nervosity of the other two children. The eldest one, in particular, looked bothered and frustrated. "Uncle Gandiet, are the villagers ever going to be less gullible?"

    Gandiet winked. "Well yes... but actually no. Either way, Kiet returned from his macabre discovery, and everyone sealed themselves underground. There might not be a dragon in this story, but there is a dungeon!"

    Bilbok raised an eyebrow. "Uh, what?"

    "Kukukuku, pay no mind to my divagations. Here's how the third day went..."


    Deep below Sunnyvale, in the dim-lit tunnels, the remaining residents of the village gathered. There was no escape now. It was time to put an end to this invasion, one way or the other. No one would leave until the adventurers were found... or everyone else perished.

    As usual, multiple accusations were made. Some wanted to see Eviora executed, others blamed Falirion, a few scattered their votes in vain endeavors... You'd think the villagers would try to unite in these dire times. After all, their very survival was at stake.

    Unite, they eventually did. For the best? No, I think not.


    A large number of villagers, in fact the most crushing majority since the beginning of the hunt, surrounded Dragoknight. Venom in their eyes, torches and weapons in their hands, the panicked villagers were out for blood. Surely, they had found one of the culprits! It had to be! Drago was responsible for this tragedy, he had to pay!

    The man, disgusted by what his fellow citizens had become, did not even defend himself. He dropped his weapon, opened his arms wide, leaving himself open to attacks. His armor had broken long ago. It would not be enough protect him now, anyway. "Go ahead. Kill me. See what good it does you."


    The crowd swallowed him whole, tore him to pieces. After a couple minutes, a villager who had regained some semblance of sanity shouted for everyone else to stop. He crouched near Drago's lifeless remains, but there was nothing left to do for him. Searching his body, the villager confirmed the terrible truth.


    Drago was lynched. He was the Town Fighter.


    The Fighter


    Some people do fancy sleight of hand tricks, others use magic, but the Fighter just swings a weapon fast and hard. Really fast, and really hard. That’s kinda hot though, isn’t it?


    Compelled Duel. You can visit and attack any one player at night. Unless they benefit from some sort of protection, the visited player gains the Wounded condition. Additionally, you start with an Armor.


    The crowd chose to reveal the abilities of the Wizard. The player who has this role can now make use of its level-up feature.


    The Wizard


    You’re a Wizard, Larry. Wait, your name isn’t Larry? Whatever. Maybe you weren’t born with powers like this Sorcerer show-off, but you studied hard. Dumbledore beard not included in the package.


    Divination Scheme. You start with two Arcane Focuses (crystal balls). You can choose to visit another player at night and give them an Arcane Focus. You cannot give out both Focuses on the same night, and you cannot give both to the same person.


    Level up! Mage Hand. You can remotely take an already given Arcane Focus back from a player, and give it to someone else on the same night. This does not count as a visit.


    In other, more unique news, @Bok Choi the Monk relinquished physical existence and attained the pinnacle of enlightenment.


    It is now Night Three in Sunnyvale. You have a bit more than 24h to perform your actions, if you have any.

    The game is not over yet, however it may be by the end of the night. Make your choices wisely.


    @Bazaro Please remember that voting is mandatory.


    1. Aldo

    2. Amber

    3. Amine, The Sorcerer [Lynched D2]

    4. Seal

    5. Nicki, The Artificer [Shot D2]

    6. Bok, The Monk

    7. Astra, The Blood Hunter [Killed N1]

    8. Fali

    9. Nano

    10. Lykos

    11. Evi

    12. Drago, The Fighter [Lynched D3]

    13. Bean, The Barbarian [Executed D1]

    14. Arch, The Bard [Died from his Wound N2]

    15. Lía, The Vanilla NPC [Killed N2]

    16. Newt

    17. Kiet, The Paladin

    18. Bazaro

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