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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Pandors

  1. Finally the 16th episode is here! i can't wait to play it >u< Thanks for all the hard work, i love this game! <3
  2. I love the desktop widgets n.n but it makes the battery down faster .-.
  3. My counsin always switched consoles from one to another, so there was when i started playing. I dont think i can say one in particular, maybe the Sonic games for sega,or Metal Slug series or the fighting games like Kof qx. Once i had my console, i loved "Jet set radio future" (Even now is one of my favorite games). But what got me into gaming, i think was before i got my own console. n.n'
  4. Pandors


    <--- That gif I was modifying my signature n.n'
  5. My favorite pokemon is Gastly, no doubt about it. My favorite type are the Ghost and psychic types, because of their dark/misterious aspect (i just love those things qx) Also, Jiglypuff(and its evolutions/involutions?) is one of my favorites, (is just too adorable to not notice ?) Maybe i got others, like Wooper. Even when is not the stronger pokemon (at all) But meh, Gastly and Jyflipuff more than any other.
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