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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Combat

  1. "I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM."

    Now repeat this until either the hot water runs out, or my conditioner sets in, and you'll have a pretty good understanding of my shower rituals.

  2. Alright, Uncle Combat has a few more pieces of naughtiness for you kids.

    -So this one time me and some friends went a found some souls in fire. With these souls, we traveled to the surface and decided to kill all the dragons there. We won the war because one of them told us about their weakness, and we ruled to world. Things stated to go down hill after humans appeared, and we set up a nice little system where they burned themselves to keep them in check. The thing was, the dark age was coming, so I went and sacrificed myself to keep the fire going, breaking the natural cycle.

    -Another time, I was the only man born to a tribe full of women. Which would be great, until you find out that ruling the desert SUCKS. So, I tried to get the power of the gods, but the three tribes wouldn't let me in. Rude! So I killed a tree, blocked off the food supply to the rock people, and poisoned their fish god. Well as it turns out, this kid goes and saves the day and leaves the front door open to housing place of the power of the gods. Well, I'm not going to let this opportunity go by. One thing leads to another, and no I have a flying castle floating above where the old castle was.

    -You'll like this one! I placed two bombs next to the district attorney and his girl friend. Then, I told Bats where they both were, but only gave them enough time to free one of them! Ha ha ha!

    -I used to have a really nice house and everything, but kind of spent all my time drinking and sleeping. So, as I got older, I thought it would be a good idea to figure out if there was really an eldritch portal underneath the mansion. Well... Things may have gotten a little out of hand, and I might have sacrificed a few dozen town folk to evil... Anyways, I did find out there was a portal there, and everyone but me died. So I sent a letter to one of my kin to take care of it for me, because I took the easy way out.

    (This can literally go on forever.)

  3. "Ahahaha! I am on-line once again! Tremble, world, before my electric heating coil of doom!"

    With the sheer levels of silliness that have been occurring lately, I believe that's its time to ask the hard question, would you? For this situation, you are given a sentient toaster who loves you, but despises anyone else that comes into contact with you. For twelve dollars, you are married to this small appliance, and must keep it plugged in in your kitchen at all times. You are aloud to have friends and lovers over, and are not "legally" married to a toaster because what court of law would allow that. The toaster will toast any bread you place in it to perfection, but will horrible burn any pieces that anyone else that it considers as a romantic threat. It is unable to move, since it is a toaster, but has free powers over its heating coils, and would be able to kill anyone who cleaned it while still plugged it. Also, any other kitchen appliances that catch your eye end up mysteriously breaking...

    So, you get a free toaster and twelve bucks, but are at risk of losing that cute blender you've been looking at.

    You people encourage this type of behavior.

  4. Player Vs. Shade.

    This was the first time I realized, things were at stake in this game. Yes the train station blew up, and Corey happened, but after seeing his predictions/prophecies, it dawned upon me that this was more than a simple Pokemon game. His track is amazingly creepy, and the fact that the first Pokemon he sends out is named Corey was just the icing on the cake.

  5. I can see you spent quite a bit of time on this, however as mentioned before. Amethyst wants to stay true to the framework laid out by game-freak for the pokemon themselves, hence why you don't see custom mega evolutions or fakemons. I read some of these and they're very well thought out.

    With the exception of the Pulses of course.

    I've found myself using Pokemon I've never considered using thanks to Reborn, all because we aren't given our desert before supper (aka, getting the best stuff immediately.) Many Pokemon are viable, so its kind of fun to learn the mechanics even more.

  6. Do you know what Catmancy is? No? Good, that means you haven't seen the future yet. The less said, the better.

    I live on the 19th story of an apartment with high walls surrounding the apartment building; I also have Knives

    The walls will protect you for a time, but eventually, they begin to crumble. In an attempt to fix them, you use dark magic that goes terrible wrong... This turns you into...


    The Wall!

    Ok, try me, suburbs, Massachusetts, Black Belt Ryan with nunchucks :]

    You end up joining a rag tag group of survivors including an arsonist, a sharp shooter, Cesar Millan, and other quirky characters! It remains to be seen if you're the black belt or the guy who dies first though.

    Hey hey, pretty nice. Thanks! :o

    And Maelstrom, it's really only a to-pass-the-time gift... there's more to come once I/the many boons of countless Gods get bored ;)

    That or until Kevin gives you his ability.

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