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Posts posted by Combat

  1. 3 minutes ago, Mr. Penglog said:

    Well, I have male and female on both torchic and misdreavus while only male on ralts. I also have other shinies like trubbish and yamask which are both M/F and male skorupi and riolu(good IVs).

    Intresting. I have a Shiny Male Torchic already, along with a shing Misdreavus, but I could use a shiny female Torchic and a shiny male Ralts. Would you be intrested in a Larvesta and a Drilbur with unknown IVs that were infected with Pokerus?

  2. I decided to wonder trade off twenty Pidoves tonight, all of which who were named Powerful Staraptor or similar. The following screenshot was the results.



    The ones at the bottom were all shiny, and somehow, I ended up with a shiny Pidove. I guess sending off all of those other ones compressed them together, like how coal becomes a diamond.


    This will be the only time I do something this stupid.

  3. 46 minutes ago, Anstane said:
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    If you're especially troubled by the panels, you can simply buy some cotton candies and health restoratives and then, right before the ZEL battle, use them to revive your team. You don't have to worry about the panels then, even if you do still need to do the puzzle itself.


    Is it possible to leave the area though?

    I thought you were trapped?

  4. On 12/5/2016 at 10:55 AM, Maomaer said:

    Hey guys, i need some help:
    After completing Devon, Arc asked me to visit him at his Arena (at least i think so, kinda skipped the chat a bit too fast and had no chance to re-read).
    I've been looking around Reborn for 5 hours now, not finding his Arena. Did I forget about something?

    Thanks a lot! :)

    I think you may have misread that. I believe you should be going to Adrienn's gym.

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  5. “If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die?"

    ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

    This quote kept coming up for me when I was considering this. By all definition, humans are animals, since we fit into that biological niche. Whether or not we're more advanced than other animals is also not up for debate.

  6. Pokerus is in Pokemon Reborn, so I would be willing to say that it could be found in Rejuv, though I have yet to find it myself. I would assume it would follow the main games typical pattern, however you would need confirmation from another source.

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