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Everything posted by ScuzBrains

  1. Yeah! That's pretty much how I feel, though I do think a few of them are real, the more simple ones anyway. I mean, you gotta remember, people thought platypus and coelacanth didn't exist!
  2. Oh gosh, good catch! I'll fix that rn ^u^
  3. Oh! I've only played CoD once at a friend's house, I had no idea they had a cryptid themed monster, that's pretty cool!
  4. Cryptids are plants or animals that have not been confirmed to exist by scientists, popular ones are Bigfoot, Mothman, Werewolves, ect; .u.
  5. With Halloween approaching I've been reading a lot(er.. more then usual anyway) into cryptids and mythological creatures and I wanna know what others think of them! I'd like to ask people not to comment shooting down others beliefs or proposed experiences, if you're posing a comment on a cryptid or critter/beast you find interesting but don't personally believe in, I don't mind you saying so, but if someone comments with an experience I'd rather not have any "lol fake" type comments. So with that lil ramble out of the way, let the cryptid communication commence. (picture by mothmandaily.tumblr.com )
  6. My kingdom for well made documentaries

  7. Why FurAffinity keep showing me ads I don't want to see

  8. I think you're spot on! I think all the Kalos legendaries (Not counting Hoopa and Volcanian since we don't know too much I cant say anything) have ties to Nordic/Scandinavian mythology! I think it's super interesting and I cant wait to see what Game Freak does with them!
  9. It's the sound of angry mucisions congregating

  10. Jotaro's my least favorite Crusader tbh

  11. Honestly, I think I can live with that, if it has no impact I'm less weary about it, I'll probably still feel kinda bad, but man, I really cant beat that bootleg alpha pokemon
  12. Thank you for telling me how to hide spoilers! As for catching a new Pokemon just to beat him, I'd rather not do that, I'm saved right i from of him, so I don't want to go find something, raise it up, then use it just for this battle..
  13. I don't have anyone with sturdy, unfortunately. My Scrafty does have high-jump kick, but he keeps getting KO'd before he can attack ono
  14. I'd rather not change up my team or hack anything in, I'm just not sure how to beat this behemoth, Though, my Nidoking has Poison Point, so I can probably try and abuse F12, that's what I did with Pangoro anyways --edit-- okay, so, he's not getting poisoned, or burned from whatever i try, and all my pokemon, who are as high as the cap, get taken out in either one or two hits, so I have no idea what to do.
  15. Okay so, I'm at the point where - --edit-- Thank you for your responses! Hopefully they can help others that get stuck on this fight
  16. "Graaaaaassssssss! ... tastes bad!" -Rick Sanchez

  17. Steelix is shaped like a friend

    1. Maelstrom


      Do you have many slitherin friends?

  18. Fabio Lanzoni did nothing wrong

  19. "It's amazing that science is so amazing" -Ashtopher Catsup

  20. My Meowth (now Persian), Killer Queen, I caught him just to y'know start filling out my team for the first gym, and planned on replacing him later, but he's a sweetheart and has helped me win many a battle .u.
  21. Hector evolved into Noivern!

  22. Yeah, I think we're right on the verge of seeing Team Flare in-anime, they might even debut in the movie, and for once movie events will tie more into anime canon(like that'll ever happen)
  23. Thank you! I was trying to use it where the difference was, not the back wall ^^; Thanks!
  24. I'm stuck on the Spinal gym, because I can't figure out the puzzle, I've heard you need rock smash for it, but whenever I try and have my Nidoking use it, it just says "can't use that here" so I'm fully stumped ono
  25. Whole team's evolved except Hector! can't wait for Noivyrne

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