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Meem Qween

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About Meem Qween

  • Birthday 09/18/2001

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    Meem Qween
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    Meem Qween#5282

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  1. So... I'm facing a problem...

    I have really horrible allergies (worse than my mom, who is allergic to everything on the allergy calendar here) at my house.

    I have no allergies at my grandparents' house about an hour away.

    I don't know if I should try moving there, not have allergies, but I'll be in a new school with no friends (I have trouble making friends IRL unless it's a friend of a friend...) and no clue what classes they excel in.

    I don't know if I should stay with friends and a school I know and suffer from allergies until we can afford allergy shots for me and my mom so that we still suffer, but a little less, as in no asthma attacks from them.

    I honestly don't know what I should do...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfox


      so we can cross "cats" from your allergy list?

    3. Meem Qween

      Meem Qween

      I know, kinda hard to bring up the topic when school is starting soon... >.<



      Yup! I'm not allergic to any animals, just allergic to the pollen of most plants where I live...

    4. Zarc


      And cats bring positive feelings :) 

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