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Posts posted by mde2001

  1. Okay, this is all pretty odd. What exactly do you mean by connected? 


    Maybe try going to your saved games folder (instructions on how to find it here). There should be a folder there for both Reborn and Rejuvenation. If there isn't you could try creating one called Pokemon Rejuvenation and moving your rejuvenation save data into that but I'm not sure if that would work to be honest. 

  2. 49 minutes ago, Mashirosakura said:

    Essentially I haven't played reborn for a while, I turned it back on and went into the game. Immediately I realise I can't move or open menus or anything. The world around me is moving and it's snowing, but I can't do anything. Screenshot of the location added below.


    Please upload your save file and I can probably fix it. Instructions here

  3. Happy Birthday Jeri!!!

    You were such an amazingly dedicated member of the auth team and a real mentor to me. From the moment I started to become at all relevant to the community you supported me, and I really appreciate that. 

    Have an amazing day!

  4. 1 hour ago, Hedginald44 said:

    Thanks for getting back to me.
    I tried again, removed all copies of the Game.rxdata file that I'd renamed as backup/uploaded/downloaded, then re-dowloaded the file you provided. Sure enough, the Exp. Share was the last item in my inventory, but I'd also reverted to a state that was in the past (with one badge less and before the city was done up).
    I wonder if I'd somehow managed to provide you with the wrong file.
    Could I ask you to try again with this .rxdata file?

    I do apologise for being a tit asking you again.


    Okay it should be in your inventory now. 


  5. 2 hours ago, Benutzername said:

    Hello reborn community. I'm stuck in the Grand Hall and I don't have any back up save files :(

    because I change my Laptop and only took this Game.rxdata with me. Can you help me? Game.rxdata

    Okay I've fixed it for you. As well as downloading the file and replacing your old one with the one I've attached, also download the map file and put it into the data folder of your game download (replacing the existing one of the same name). The glitch you encountered means that you'll walk two spaces to the right every time you enter the grand hall, but in the new map I've made those tiles passable, so it won't freeze your game every time you enter. 



  6. 38 minutes ago, LightBF said:

    Well I kind of accidentally raised the water level in the sewer area right before you are suppose to use the key. I died to the trainers right before the door and was sent back to the circus. When I came back the water level is up and I dont see any possible route to get through the water since In order to lower it I need to be across the water. 


    Here you are. I think this is the room you were talking about. 


  7. 1 hour ago, wedmonds98 said:

    Fallen to the same fate as many on this thread, stuck in the sewer's with the water level messing with me :(

    203 - Wedmonds - 72h 37m - 12 badges.rxdata

    The file you attached is a backup, and when I load it up you still haven't done the double battle with Titania nor has Taka changed the water level. If you send me the file called game.rxdata in the folder where you found that, it should be up to date and I can fix your issue. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, HongaarseBeer said:

    Let me just start. I know this probably falls under the banner of not in your control to change because of the new site, but maybe you could implement an 'edit' feature to status updates?


    Also, would it be possible to make the 'latest status updates' (or whatever it's called exactly) scrollable? As in, making it able to view more status updates than the ones listed in plain sight?

    Yeah, I'm almost certain both of these would be classed as not in our control to change. I know you've seen this because you replied to the status update, but for people who didn't, courtesy of FairFamily, the best way to replicate scrolling through the status feed is:

    "You can read them from the unread content option in the activity tab and then change a bit with the parameters at the top."

  9. Hi there,

    This is the new thread for all of your suggestions on how we can improve the Reborn community on the forums, the server and discord. Due to the recent site update, the growth of discord and the decline of showdown, Arkhi's wonderful old version of this thread no longer is entirely applicable, however if you're interested in seeing suggestions made before this point, you can find the old thread here.


    Once you make a suggestion here I'll do my best to respond as quickly as possible, but a lot of suggestions require discussion at auth meetings. These occur on the second and last sunday of each month, so you may not get a definitive answer to your suggestion until this. 


    General Guidelines

    • No joke posts are permitted here. Anything violating this rule will result in an unnecessary posting warning. 
    • This thread is not for suggestions about the Reborn game. If you wish to discuss this game, please create a thread in the Reborn City subforum
    • Feel free to respond to other member's suggestions in a constructive way (this can include criticism or just chiming in to say you also want to see some change happen). However remember to be respectful, and if you are not a member of the auth team it probably isn't your place to say something certainly won't happen. 
    • Necroposting is not a violation in this thread, so even if no-one else has posted in a while feel free to post here 
    • If you're talking about a complex bug in the site, please try to provide as much detail as possible, and preferably screenshots so we have a better chance of understanding what's going on.


    Suggestions will be divided up into one of these relevant categories. Underneath each heading you will find a list of current suggestions in that area that are being worked on, as well as implemented  and discarded suggestions for that area (implemented in green, discarded in red). Before making a suggestion have a quick look to make sure that it it hasn't been suggested before. Also all dates will be in DD/MM/YY. 


    General Policy- If you have a suggestion for a change to one of our Community Guidelines feel free to post it here. Please note, that any suggestions in this category will likely take a while to be responded to, as the community rules are relatively firm. All suggestions here must be accompanied with a convincing argument.

    Last updated (never)



    Previous suggestions:








    Forum Suggestions- Since the site update, it has become impractical and incredibly time consuming to change many of the forums' features. Therefore anything that would require a change to the website's coding itself is unlikely to occur. If you're unsure of whether a suggestion would require this, you can still post it but it is unlikely that it will be implemented. However if there is anything else you'd like to change about the forums (e.g. a new subforum or something like that) this is the category for you.

    Last updated (15.1.18)


    - Add a total active members section to the bottom of the forum homepage next to total members- suggested by DreamblitzX (11.1.18)


    Previous Suggestions:

    • Add ability to edit and scroll through previous status updates- rejected as it falls under the category of things that are impractical after site update. Suggested by HongaarseBeer (12.7.17)
    • Fix EXP system to make Ace attainable. Suggested by DreamBlitzX on 30.8.17- we deleted Ace so that kinda fixed this
    • Change Spoiler tags to allow custom text- rejected as it is too impractical post site update. Suggested by Dypatome on 22.12.17)
    • -Add more skins created by the community. Rejected as this would be impractical under our current set up- suggested by Ethernum (11.1.18)- 



    Forum Bugs/Glitches- Once again, there is only so much that can be done about fixing these post site update, however we'd still like you to report any issues with the forums as they would still be good to fix. 

    Last updated (24.1.18)

    • The Ignore Users feature is currently broken so it only shows up a message saying "you have chosen to ignore this user" rather than hiding the post. Reported by Captain Breakfast on 26.8.17
    • Unable to quote users in some seemingly random threads. Reported by Arkhi on 28.8.17
    • Attachments link to the wrong place sometimes (mostly on statuses). Reported by Seki on 24.1.18

    Previous Reports:

    • When using dropdown menus at the top of the forum index it is impossible to click on anything that overlaps with a subforum- Suggested by DreamblitzX (2.1.18)



    Showdown Server Suggestions and Bugs- Despite its somewhat limited usage these days, if you have any suggestions on things to implement to our showdown server feel free to post them here. Also report any bugs with it. This is not the section where any suggestions regarding new activities such as leagues, or pokenations will be placed. You can find them below in community engagement. 

    Last updated (never)



    Previous Suggestions: 





    Discord Suggestions- We have less ability to customize Discord than showdown, but if you have any suggestions related to our discord server they will show up in this section. 

    Last updated (13.11.17)


    -Teach Discord moderators about @everyone more or remove their permissions to use entirely (suggested by Arkhi on 13.11.17)

    Previous Suggestions:


    -Hunger Games channel to be added (suggested by Hycrox. Approved 11.9.17)

    -Update of CW channel rules to make it more obvious what is allowed to be posted in there. (Suggested by Skeleton. Approved 11.9.17)

    -Serious Channel (Discord Rant and Rapport) discarded based on decision that it would not be overly helpful (Suggested by Skeleton. Rejected 11.9.17

    -Homestuck Channel rejected provisionally until it can be proven there is more interest. (Suggested by Skeleton. Rejected 11.9.17)






    Community Engagement- If you have any suggestions about how we can make the community more enjoyable for everyone involved feel free to let us know. There is no guarantee that we'll implement them, and activities don't have to be run by the auth, but knowing what kind of things would make your time on Reborn better is always good. 

    Last Updated (Never)



    Previous Suggestions:





    Other- I don't see this section getting much use, but if anything really doesn't fit into any of the above categories I'll shove it here. 



    Previous Suggestions:





    • Upvote 2
  10. 1 hour ago, vess42 said:

    Ok, I just landed the last blow on Serra, beating her. Then the screen froze and said the script is taking to long and that the game would restart.

    Now it restarts me back to what appears to be before the battle and keeps giving me the script hanging message. Please help!!!


    Okay replace your file with this one. 

    You've missed a cutscene in which Bennett went off with El to try and join the Elite 4 while also telling him where Luna went. 


  11. 4 hours ago, BlueRose86 said:

    Thank you guys so much :3


    >....> Im back again...Sorry to be a bother, but am I supposed to have two rings now? There is still one in my Items list. 

    Technically no, but it doesn't really matter that you do. The one on your items list doesn't matter, as it is the key item that you need. 

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