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    being awesome
  1. yeah that's something my friend did for me when i asked him for help with this but he wasn't helping me in the way i had hoped he would.
  2. i never played version7 I started from the latest version 8.1.
  3. i dont know what is going on with where i'm at. im supposed to go to mt. Valor and rescue amber and the other girl but there's something wrong with my game as i only find amber and no one else. Game.rxdata here's my save data
  4. is there a way to fix it. Someone told me to either use some maker application or find someone with a pbs file but i have no clue what either of those things are so any ideas?
  5. you need to go to the ranger headquarters Venam should be in her room right next to your own.
  6. I'm experiencing the same problem, my stone broke; but i was still able to access the tm shop and get magma drift. so i went through the mountain but no one was there for me to talk to except a stranded Amber. If i can receive help on this issue as soon as possible it would be very much appreciated.
  7. I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.

  8. Okay so my problem is that i can't find the thief that stole my pokemon...Again :anger: I just bought the pokemon for a couple of red shards and this dude just leaps off the building takes it then runs away. I was hoping someone can tell me where to find him so i can just whoop his ass. Please and thank you
  9. yeah... i don't really know what to say

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