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Posts posted by Odybld

  1. 20 minutes ago, Pozyher said:
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    In Ep.15 after completing the Police sidequest you get a growlithe and an officer asks you to breed one for his buddy in exchange he offers the mystery egg.I was too bored to do this back then,but now in Ep.16 when i went back to the Police station to do this trade the officer doesn't give me that option anymore .What i want to ask is if i can somehow still do the trade or i lost my chance?



    Please make a thread or post to report it in the appropriate section in Bug Reporting. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, TheGamedawg said:

    Alright, thanks.  I'll have to look into those sidequests now.


    2 minutes ago, Akysos said:

    You can find heliolisk on rooftops during sunny days


    Helioptile in E16:


    One of the few event pokemon from the old city that you can't get in the new one. I hope I can convince Ame to put it in the Arcade... but you have to get one via trade. Check the Online Play subforum for that. Also check the Obtainable Pokemon list in general. Both are in the op of this thread btw. 


  3. First, Terra is the multi-coloured Ground gym leader. Simon's partner is Tara. Second, the sidequest starts in previous episodes in the Meteor Base and then the Beryl Cemetary. You can take it off into E16 terrirory from there, should be pretty obvious.

  4. 14 minutes ago, PokeFailure said:
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    has anyone found Anna or noel or figured out what to do after you talk to hardy.   Pretty sure it's E17 content but I already did all the sidequests so <.> gotta double check.





    You're pretty much right.


    26 minutes ago, Lightseeker said:
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    Can the locked door in the house in peridot nearest to the underground railnet be opened in ep16?




    Nopitty nope


  5. 12 minutes ago, Arkhi said:


    Reputation is being tied in with EXP currently. Details are in the works, but we're looking at a conversion rate of 2 Rep = 1 EXP, up to a cap of 250 EXP. For that reason, we want reputation caps on users so that no one is boosted towards 1000+ EXP.



    I am propably getting this wrong. What I understand from this is that we get X EXP points for 2X rep points, but that goes up to 250 EXP, so any rep points over 500 don't matter on EXP anymore... in which case you don't need a daily rep cap, because the rep-related EXP is hard-capped at 250 and can't spiral out of control no matter what.


    What am I getting wrong? :P


    Seriously though, why be stringy with things that show appreciation to the work of other community members? The forum reset pulled the carpet under all non-aces anyway, losing their work toward the previous reqs. Let us be more appreciative and less bean-counting. Even if the rep-related 250 EXP is easier to farm, there are still 750 very hard to earn EXP points on the way to ace. Just free the rep points and let let people upvote the statuses they like and the replies on their birthday thread and whatever without being capped at that action. 



     Also tagging @Vinny for justice

  6. 5 hours ago, kinnydiaper64 said:
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    help i guess, in grand stairway B3F
    used earthquake in this room but i dont know what to do now in this room???
    directions: go down as usual until theres ledges that lead into 4 pathways, then take the one on the very right




    Actually it's a thing added in E16 for an earlier part of the game. You recieved it at the start of the episode: it's a field read-out :)


  7. 19 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    I figure I'm not on this one either.

    On the plus side you're still resident avatar Jesus, manly man, moustache and muscles, grizzled veteran Mael. We just didn't really have our moment or our bit. Don't care too much about that :P


    12 minutes ago, Guzam said:

    Hi pal. You know why I'm here ;]


    To shit on Azery, obvs.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Motomiya said:

    of COURSE i wasnt nominated for polar monarch, the only person who deserves it after all his hard work building this forum from the ground up sigh lucky and bad


    if anything, i may end up joining the tournament but otherwise probably nothing. looks fun tho :]



      Reveal hidden contents


    Forum MVP: obviously my boy @Simon
    Server MVP: obviously my girl @Zumi
    T3RR4 Forum:  obviously my boy @I.M. Meeb
    T3RR4 Server: im gonna vote for my mans jazzy idk their @ on the forum so help me out thxs
    Best Fangame: obviously xenogene, i know its not out yet but its gonna be hot that's on my moms

    Polar Monarch: the legendary idm spade @Motomiya :thinking: and if i cant vote for myself im voting for @Tiggy Teh Gawd for obvious reasons
    Snow Queen: obviously im going to vote for the goddess herself @Reignited'Light
    Jack Frost: of COURSE im going to vote for the one and only @Shogo-A-Gogo




    Simon's ineligible because he's auth, and you stole my nom for Bibs as forum terra :(

  9. Hi man, team looks really nice and ZardTar is a monster combo from the last gen. I've barely touched this meta, but here's some small polishing.


    Run a spread of 240-240-28SpDef on Lando-T, since that was a benchmark last Gen that allowed it to tank some HP Ice from full. Run some short of speed on Ttar, depending on whatever you'd might want to outspeed, in ORAS they usually ran either 76 speed EVs to creep Skarmory, 156 to creep Mandibuzz (that was the analysis spread and everyone took it from there) or even max speed Adamant to get the drop on uninvested Lando-T. Preferably drop Psychic from Mew in favour of U-Turn to give yourself some momentum, it's not like its stab does anything special for you. U-Turn will give you free chances to get Top Lele, Zardy or Ttar for free and nuke something. 


    Also, to aid your RMT with the appropriate visuals, you can find Sun and Moon models here and sprites here respectively. I know it says XY and BW, but if you search the Pokemon's name, they'll be there, or at least should be. Use that to put the 6 of them next to each other for a quick glance at the team, and also each one's above the analysis for each team member. Make it look nice and be easier to read through :3

  10. Hi @Marcello here's your nice error log from yesterday when we tested Volt Switch. 


    Exception: TypeError
    Message: cannot convert Array into Integer
    PokeBattle_OnlineBattle:1540:in `[]'
    PokeBattle_OnlineBattle:1540:in `pbMessagesOnReplace'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4462:in `pbUseMove'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4456:in `each'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4456:in `pbUseMove'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4615:in `pbProcessTurn'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4614:in `logonerr'
    PokeBattle_Battler:4614:in `pbProcessTurn'
    PokeBattle_OnlineBattle:3407:in `pbAttackPhase'
    PokeBattle_OnlineBattle:3406:in `each'

  11. On 8/12/2016 at 5:43 PM, HYCROX said:

    4 pages has this thread, could be a mystery for every Jack. Nevermind, I'm just being a joker, altough I think I'm a golden 7.


    Dirty memer :]


    On 8/12/2016 at 7:27 PM, Jelly said:

    they call me... 9 of spades




    On 8/12/2016 at 7:41 PM, Dobby said:




    Elfnuhh. You're cool bro, I told you the other day too, but we just didn't have our moments and what you do didn't do the click to me. Yet. But you're a great presence and... well not tough to approach at all, imo


    12 hours ago, Caradius said:

    Hi Ody. Im doing fine Ody. You didn't annoy me when you did that, Ody. Haha sorry about that cause i didn't know about the circumstance but i guess its become our own running joke. Take care man :).


    Hi Colin. I've had enough Colin. I refuse to talk to you anymore Colin. Untill you turn your pings back on Colin. I can't be the only one getting pinged Colin. Luv yah Colin :)



    I swear some people procrastinate on this thread just to see how much they can piss me off

  12. 20 minutes ago, Dobby said:

    aside from basic numeracy and literacy, what was the most useful thing you've taken away from education, if anything?


    Good question. I got a couple stuff. Various "how does X thing in nature or society work" tidbits, german (I visited a german school), first-hand experience of bad teaching. Also various stimuli which I then built up on. Or didn't. Uni education is kinda better, unless your interest, well, plummets.


    The Mexican, by Babe Ruth

  13. Ok, how the fuck is he not on the list? @Nickcrash for Forum mVp, thanks to his great contributions in the RMT section, the competitive discussion, the Pokemon Fan Club, his very elloquent replies to many threads in the former Trainer's Journal, the sharing of knowledge from his field of studies, the Air Balloon thread, the Bust or Buns thread, his great help in the E16 Questions thread and great influence on Reborn Hurt or Heal.

    • Upvote 2
  14. 15 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

    Yeah, it's just something I found through pinterest. it's apparently just a 'doodle' by an artist called Krenz.




    Doodlicious, to say the least. You're a golden god at doing this, Mael. Also, here you go @Spineblade


    5 minutes ago, Arkhi said:

    Post Rock, Alternative Rock, or Classic Rock?


    (Listening to this as I typed this)


    Post? Stop! Alt? Halt! The rock music from the early seventies is such and amazing melting pot. Everyone did what they wanted, everyone's very, very distinct, and they were all just discovering what could be done, and this blind energy just lead to brilliance. No one sounds like the next one. Also, in unrelated news, I got 30 sotds to pick and choose :]


    Speed King by Deep Purple, an encore from the lives that became Made in Japan

  15. 3 minutes ago, Lugruf said:

    What's your opinion about Syriza?

    As cliche as it sounds, power corrupts. This government started somewhat promisingly, but ended up behaving in similar authoritarian and inhumane ways as the previous ones. I'd never equate this regime to the previous ones, but I've been disappointed. The only party I can trust is the hard line, fossilized, and unyielding to the times, Communistic Party of Greece. Honestly.


    4 minutes ago, Alex said:

    am i cute

    Yes you are, Alex. But you're kind of a stern hardass when you tell people off :ε

    Yes, I can do this, oh the wonders of the greek alphabet. :εεεεε


    A Passage to Bangkok, by Rush

  16. 42 minutes ago, ZEL said:

    I don't think I can do this, Ody.

    If you could travel to any place in the world without having to worry about expenses etc., where would you go?


    Italy. Turkey. Central Europe, fuck me, all the big cities there (Vienna, Budapest, Warsow, Kiev), Russia even, and then a nice trip to the softer side of South America (Peru, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay). France.  Spain. Egypt and the countries on the northern coast of Africa. Lots of places. 


    42 minutes ago, Spineblade said:

    Who's your avatar?

    What's your favourite thing about Greece?

    Do you feel sad that your rep is gone?


    Random -punk girl avatar found by Mael. I know nothing more than that, sorry, ask the man himself. Propably some artwork he found. @Maelstrom, haelpstrom!!! My favourite thing about Greece is that... There's a certain vibe that the crisis hasn't taken away completely. A certain openness that I can't really describe or explain, even to myself. Wearing our emotions on our sleeves and being so  much ourselves that we can't even make an internet alt without plugging our name there. 

    Nope. I feel pissed that the exp ain't coming. Gotta report more posts and threads for spoiler tags? Find more bugs in the game? Ask that exp is given to people? Wait and recieve? I really don't like the exp system, it's gone pretty much unexplained.


    Speaking about rep, the 4-per-day limit we got now is bollocks.


    41 minutes ago, Strider said:

    How are things going?

    How long have you been at Reborn?

    Why the name entreflores?

    What made you pull the trigger?


    Things are going kinda stupid if you ask me. I gotta pull my shit together in some facets, and I gotta actually do it.

    Registered end of last year's February, started being active that spring.

    Entre flores fandaguillos y allegrias, nació mi España, la tierra del amor... had discovered Pokemon Showdown, needed an alt, didn't wanna use my name for fuckin' once, and I used that, the starting words from the song "Viva España

    The itch on my finger. It's infectuous.


    31 minutes ago, HYCROX said:

    Any last words?

    What's the thing that you find the most amusing in Reborn?

    Why are you so fond of standing between flowers?

    "And a happy new year."

    Some things the memeing, joking or shittalking chemistry just clicks and everyone builds on each other's thing. Also the game's pretty fucking enjoyable. 

    It's "among", not "between". Fucking @Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ always messes this up. Also I have an aesthetically-meant boner for floral motiffs. 


    Song of the post, I never glid before, by Gong

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