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Lord Drakyle

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Posts posted by Lord Drakyle

  1. 6 minutes ago, Candy said:

    it's maybe because I know some juicy scoop that hasn't reached you ears, young listener 😉

    Start explaining, Alaris is pissing me off with his stupidity and i dont appreciate being bandwagoned without being explained to why, if i knew why i could try make sense of things but i dont and that is incredibly frustrating especially since i have had to explain things repeatedly.

  2. Just now, Alaris said:

    Oh I mean, Amaria didn't take into account that the gun would never get to Blake. That is why I thought Amaria would visit Julia instead...

    No one in the game has that name, what are you trying to even accomplish?


    in fact why am i even talking to you, im not getting any sense out of you.

  3. also @Candyhow very odd of you to jump right back on my ass after i already spoke to you about this here, seems like you just looking for some excuse to try get me lynched in all honesty not to mention shooting Kiet not sure why, Newt is a bit wild, i can understand him but you, There is so little reason for you to vote me again, you aren't even part of his group. Sorry but this is wayyy too shady

  4. 5 minutes ago, CrimsonDragon21 said:

    Guys. Why would i vote for Lykos, if i just said a post above, that he is town in my eyes.

    I made this vote without any information why i had voted Lykos.

    I saw Drakyles call, asking me "why i voted Lykos", but i deliberately didn't answer it, cause i voted him just to see if there might be some people following the BW.


    [Unevict] Lykos

    [Evict] Alaris

    that....that i didn't expect...wow, well played Kitty Kiet...well fucking played.

  5. Just now, Jace Stormkirk said:

    @Lord Drakyle ok i will explain better

    my new ability allows me to visit 2 players each night. when i do they lose their night action

    this ability fails if the night action is unblockable. i can block mafia kills if it is using the primary kill but not secondary or 3rd.

    i visited you and nicki

    it failed on you but worked on nicki

    ah right well it more than likely was blocked because Veteran Mafioso passive blocking the shit outta first two visits each night.

  6. Just now, Candy said:

    hmm good point. I know you have the role but sometimes I forget lol I'll leave the vote like that for now (cause I might forget to vote later like I think I did last day phase rip) but will change if there's someone with better reads that can do us a help.

    also another point Candy that comes to mind, since mafia can hide their kill by using another NA at the same time it's just as easy to believe they appraised me as a random choice to try and find out if i had a gun (like going around searching for guns or sheriffs) to hide the Night kill.


    i would ask bean why they voted Alaris to be evicted but i doubt they would give a clear answer XD

  7. 6 minutes ago, Jace Stormkirk said:

    so i will just let you know who i targeted with my new ability

    i targeted drakyle and nicki

    nicki was sucsessful

    drakyle was not

    my ability only fails if ability used is unblockable

    mafia kills are blockable if it is primary ability if it is not is cannot be blocked

    hope this helps


    3 minutes ago, Candy said:

    Well my reasons for voting Lykos are what Astra said about poisoning (though L'Belle also used his ability irresponsibly and was town), and also that Lykos is one of the more suspicious peeps in the Bachelorette party imo who could've spilled info to the mafia about Yahy having a gun. I mean, he's the only one of them who has done goof'd with their abilities. Me thinks if he were a townie, he should've talked to people who were more informed about who is town and who isn't than just arbitrarily poison people, but I could be overthinking it lol


    My second vote on Drak is still because there are too many coincidences that could be coincidences but are mighty suspicious. They're the following:

    • Bok visiting him on N1 when the Bell rang. Bok had two visiting roles, Supplier and Appraiser. This is kinda supposition but if I had a gun-giving role as mafia, I'd try to give those to other mafia members asap. Moreover, I don't think Bok would waste a night action appraising a gun that a user probably doesn't have yet (because what are the chances Drak got a gun on N0? I'm a stats person uwu). So my hypothesis is that Bok attempted to use his Supplier role on Drak. I think it'd be ironic for Bok to give a gun to a townie that could kill him with said gun, so Drak is likely mafia.
    • Again, Yahy getting evicted when they said in the bachelorette party that they were going to shoot Drak in the next day phase is odd. If Drak was a townie, the mafia would not impede the shooting from happening because it would be free real estate. The only reason I could see that they'd wanna protect the townie I see is to make us think Drak is mafia, which if that was the plan, it's working.
    • I know that one or more of the lists in "Share your reads" Daily Challenge were successful enough to get me a "special reward" (@Jace Stormkirk do you not by any chance mean that I got the reward for D5 challenge? because I didn't get a totem afaik from yesterday). Most people had either L'Belle or me or both as potential mafia, but according to Yahy (this was one of the things that made them consider shooting Drak), the only one who didn't have L'Belle or me as mafia, in fact had both of them as town or town-lean which is correct, was Kiet's list.
        Reveal hidden contents

      Kiet's list:

      Most Townie






      Least Townie

      So even though I don't trust the list 100%, I kinda lean towards using it as a very rough guide.

    • Drak has nominated no known mafia members (Bok or Nick Crash) for eviction and when he did it was Castiel, the mafia member who wasn't in the mafia chat. Tbh this is a weak argument by itself, but a coincidence still.

    That concludes my session of smelling le suspicious. Lemme know what y'all think of this. In any case, I'll cast a temporary vote for Drak because tbh I have more "coincidences" that sound too good to be true against Drak than against Lykos.

    [Evict] Drakyle

    you guys remember i have a Veteran Mafioso role right? im immune to the first two visits i recieve at night each night, why would bok visit me and try give me a gun if i was mafia it would be doomed to fail? for all i know they were giving me a gun because i can't be trusted with power, i'm as bad as nano, give me the power to do something crazy i'll do it, but yeah back to my primary point, im immune to the first two visits, bok's visit on me if i was mafia would be stupid to even try. 


    Also Jace i couldn't make sense of the mess of whatever it is you said.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Astra125 said:

    Wait... You wanted to poison me. Evict Lykos Jk. I'll evict you when there's something more since I understand why you would poison me since I didn't know how badly people suspected me until Baz told me in our now dead chat. I find it funny that I've been nominating you without knowing this. Also for how it was redirected, I can't help there since I don't have a passive that redirects actions against me unless the spammer has something. @Jason Grace Tell me the secrets of the spammer already.

    Maybe this happened?

    Cabbage (Bok Choi)

    - The Cabbage visits a player twice in the game at night and feeds them ruined cabbages, confusing them. Confused players randomly visit another player.

  9. Just now, Bazaro said:

    Thanks @Lord Drakyle one more question, what did you think of Nano at the start of the game? I think there's something fishy about him

    i thought nano was dead...


    as for my thoughts at the start of the game? only thoughts i had was please no one give him a gun really, i didnt put much thought into him since i was a tad more interested in why no kill happened at the time. fact is i can't rightly say i remember much of Day 1

  10. 1 minute ago, Bazaro said:

    Also I learned that all of Newt's actions have failed the whole game.


    2 minutes ago, Bazaro said:

    I'm tempted to give up my roles so I can use items and vote again... But I'm assuming I'd get killed instantly to silence me. I guess I'll keep my useless immortality


    6 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

    I wanted to poison Astra, and that happened before i knew his roles so i suspected him to be mafia or tp that's why he was my target, but instead Jace got poisoned. Well now i don't suspect anymore Astra to be honest. 

    Also Astra i know i did a big mistake in that situation, i understand why you doubt me, i have no problems about it 👍🏻

    I could only poison two people so i can't use that role anymore, so townies are safe from poison mfw when i said that i would only poison who i think could be mafia, but in the end i poisoned two townies

    Toot Toots failed the whole game? thats amazing and funny too.


    Also Lykos Toast and Bazarwhoa, you could give up your powers, i was gonna do it but Nicki told me off because i would be giving up Good vet which can protect animal based roles like herself and roswell

    Also Bazzy, any thoughts on why no evictions? i doubt the mafia was inactive (though possible) so they likely attacked someone and failed to kill them i protected Roswell dunno if anyone else was protected sooo yeah.

  11. 4 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

    @Lord Drakyle I honestly don't know, i have already told that i did a mistake when i poisoned Drago and about Jace being poisoned i don't really know how they get it instead of another person. And actually only Astra is always voting me in these nights, i didn't ask why to him but i think now he has to explain why. Candy i guess voted me since she don't really suspect other people so she voted me cause i remember she wasn't sure about me being town (tell me if i'm wrong here, Candy). If the reason to vote me is because i poisoned two townies, i understand it since that was my fault. If there is another reason/s, please tell me and i will answer to you 👍🏻

    Also i got this information: Astra visited Candy on Night Zero

    derped didnt notice ya reply.


    WHo was you originally targetting for your second poison attempt? and is your poison limited or?

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