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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Spineblade

  1. First impressions of Super Mystery Dungeon are great. the graphics, and music are wonderful. Haven't seen a lot of story yet, but early days. Story will come.

    1. Shing


      Nice Spine! Hope you have a good time on that game!

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I got it too like a week ago, I like it a lot so far but I haven't played in a while

  2. Cool, won my first tournament on Showdown.

  3. Me, this St Patrick's Day, an Irishman, living on the island of Ireland: look at all these Irish things I'm doing!

    1. Spineblade


      JK I'm just sitting here on this website talking to you lot

  4. You learn a lot through experience. I learned not to trust wireless mice that cost less than £7.

  5. So apparently it isn't wise to use a forum on mobile data. Everyone who posts has an avatars, and half the people here have images in their signature. RIP to the fallen megabytes.

    1. Hiss13


      That's why I made it so I can't see signatures. Look at all those megabytes saved. :P

  6. *muffled gurgling* siNNOH REMAKES please

  7. So the forum works fine on my 3DS browser... The server, not so much, but hey...

    1. Bearadactyl


      Both seem to run well on my phone, though, I do need to upgrade my phone soon.

      The processor likes to crap out on large page loads.

    2. Combat


      I'm pretty sure my iPad can handle the server, so I'm sure there is a limit.

  8. I was watching a 'top 10 hopes for Sun and Moon' video and one of the things was to change every Pokémon's cry to its anime one. I just thought... ew.

    1. starkidcosmo


      #1 wish for sun/moon: holy god please get rid of pikachu's anime voice

  9. By the time I can comfortably start playing PSMD, I'll have owned it for a whole month.

  10. So today marks one month since I returned here. It's been fun so far. Here's to another while.

  11. I popped on to shadypenguinn's charity stream and basically said something along the lines of of 'cool stuff' and he randomly responds out of a load of commenters. so...cool stuff.

  12. A RECENT picture of Satoshi Tajiri (I feel like that's news) http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/5e/Satoshi_Tajiri_2016.jpg

  13. I can now confidently say that losing your voice is a pain

  14. I had been lead to think that Reborn dev streams were a semi-frequent occasion...

  15. 1000 profile pageviews... woo?

  16. The Arcade has been kinda quiet these last few days...

  17. Um...so my cousin was at the PC earlier with me and he was...interfering...with the keyboard while I went to check something/ So if I did anything odd, it was probably that.

    1. Spineblade


      I should elaborate, this was exclusively on the server.

    2. starkidcosmo
  18. Ugh, my sore throat is killing me.

  19. TFW they didn't lie about it only being Spring/Summer games and so no Sun/Moon

  20. Currently in my head: Great Canyon, I Don't Want to Say Goodbye, and Time Gear.

  21. Can I write 700 words in one hour? Find out next time on "Spineblade's Procrastination Show"!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spineblade


      Update: I could not

    3. starkidcosmo
    4. Maelstrom


      You can... but do they have to make sense together?

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