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Posts posted by starkidcosmo

  1. Routes of Hazzard- Grand Stretch- Meena

    It didn't take long for Meena to realize she was vastly outclassed, but it did take a damn good while for her to admit it. She pushed herself to her limit, keeping the silhouette of that stupid hat in her sights at all times until...

    The thing just vanished.

    Meena skidded to a stop, the loose dirt of the forest floor sending her sliding forwards into a circle of dark shrubbery. It felt... ominous. She wasn't an idiot; she knew a trap when she saw it, but her pride and frustration had blinded her to that fact until the very last second. But even now, there wasn't the faintest thought in her mind of turning to run. Even as eyes shone in the bushes, proving her outclassed and outnumbered, she stood firm. Even as a Watchog, wearing that terrible hat, emerged from the bushes, burning with unbridled wrath, she stood ready to fight... but that was a mistake. That awful hat, that hideous hat, began to fill her vision. It was mocking her! It danced around her, multiplying, growing wings, a beak, its feathers turning deep dark black, beady eyes turning orange...

    A murder of Murkrow cackled and crowed as they encircled Meena, and for the first time in years, she was afraid.

    Mio and Loam

    This had been a very bad idea. That much was clear as soon as Mio had gone a minute without catching hide nor hair of his violent companion. The path wasn't bad to skate on, but the trees seemed to reach out gnarled claws to rip at his face and he was forced to slow down or risk further injuries to himself and Loam. Meena, however, clearly had no such issues, because all he could see of her was the dirt cloud she'd kicked up chasing after the presumed Watchog.

    "Maybe... we should wait on the others." He said, half to himself, half to the Mudkip tucked into his jacket. Loam shook her head furiously and barked, her anxiety clear. Something was very, very wrong, and she'd be damned if Meena got hurt on while she was safe and dry in their trainer's arms.

    Mio's mouth tensed. If Loam was this upset... well. He put on more and more speed, flying through the path, before stopping short.

    They'd found Meena, and not a moment too soon. She was trembling, actually trembling in fear, staring around at something Mio and Loam couldn't see. Loam cried out, staring horrified at Meena's shaking and traumatized form, but Mio's eyes were drawn to the glowing Watchog, and he only had time to cover Loam's eyes with his hand before he started hallucinating.

    A bleeding Patrat hovered ghost-like in front of his eyes, while Loam's unconscious form lay broken and sparking on the ground next to his feet. Bad. Very bad. This had been such a bad idea.

    "It's confusion!" he shouted. "Confuse ray! Watch out!" He could only pray the others would hear; he had no idea how long it would take for the confusion to wear off and he was worse than useless until it did.

  2. Team: The Cosmos Circle

    Class: Deity

    Rank: Group Leader and founder

    Goal: Ascend to godhood in order to "right the world's wrongs" by using Jirachi and a large amount of Unown to fuse with Arceus

    Antag or Ally: Misguided antagonist at first; has good intentions and believes they are doing the right thing, but their actions cause a lot of unforeseen consequences and the attempted merge with Arceus backfires spectacularly, causing several powerful legendaries to run rampant. Works with the protagonist to fix their mistakes before reforming as a worldwide charity organization.

    Type Specialty: Dark, Fairy, and Psychic

  3. "Routes of Hazzard" - Mio

    Mio practically inflated with rage during Jason's outburst. Well excuse him for caring! Excuse him for wanting to avoid pointless bloodshed! How dare he care about injured opponents! Scrapes and boo-boos? The one Meena attacked was lucky to even still be alive, and the one Apollo and Gomez had ganged up on was burned head to toe; neither of those injuries were at all comparable to a "scrape" or "boo-boo." Mio glared daggers at the guy; he'd thought Jason was cool! Reasonable! And here he was, ragging on everyone for caring.

    Filled with an uncharacteristically strong anger, Mio opened his mouth to give Jason a piece of his mind. He hadn't even heard Alecks's response; he was too wrapped up in himself to notice even the most obvious things, so the small crystal-esque ball that rolled into the clearing evaded his notice entirely.

    A sharp boom filled the air, shocking Mio out of his rage. Thick smoke filled the air, along with flashes of light and a cacophony of sounds, some only barely recognizable as Pokemon cries. Mio remembered a quick flash from one of his high-school classes; this was a smoke ball! These Patrat could use items? Mio squinted through the fog as best he could, catching sight of a behatted figure scampering away in a haze of dull light.

    "Meena!" he called, without stopping to think. Meena shot off after the figure immediately, her keen senses allowing her to navigate the fading smoke with little difficulty. Mio started off after her, but stopped to scoop up Loam and catch sight of the others.

    Jack and Alecks were the first ones he spotted, so he addressed them, hoping that either they'd pass on the message, on Jason and Brendan would hear. It wasn't such a large clearing, after all.

    "I'm gonna catch up with Meena before she does anything drastic. I think that thing with the hat was a Watchog, so it'd be better if we all went in together, but... I'm still gonna be running off ahead of you, sorry." Mio pulled his coat back on and zipped it up with Loam inside, her head poking out just over the collar. She looked on ahead, her head fin twitching and waving in an attempt to sense her partner.

    With an ease that may have been considered graceful, Mio slapped on his rollerblades and took off, his torso almost parallel to the ground in his rush. He really hoped he didn't run into any tall grass...

  4. "Routes of Hazzard" - Mio

    Mio sighed in relief as the potion worked its magic on the downed Patrat, his guilt over Meena's brutal attack subsiding slightly as he saw that her victim would be okay.

    It took him a moment to process Brendan's response; by the time he had the sense to protest, the other trainer was already gently pushing his potion back into his hands. Mio sputtered, ears burning, but he couldn't bring himself to force the issue. Quietly, somewhat cowed by Brendan's kind insistence, he dropped the potion back into his BAG.

    Brendan's focus turned from Mio to Alecks and a second defeated Patrat. The other rodent had fainted; Mio recognized that uncomfortable stillness and another pang of guilt swept through him. Determined to do something, he pulled off his tough leather jacket and walked over to Alecks with a surprising amount of confidence.

    "I've got my skates, so I can bring this li'l guy back to the lab real quick. Meena and Loam can stay while I'm gone if Lara and Leonidas aren't up to it... although maybe Meena shouldn't stay, haha..." He grimaced, the image of Meena's bloody form crouching over the Patrat flashing through his mind.

    "I-in any case... I can at least wrap him up in my jacket to keep him warm and stuff. It'd be bad if he got sick or something while he's out like that."


    Potion (x2)

    Pokeball (x5)



  5. tbh... this is probably never ever gonna happen in any kind of official pokemon game, but I'm a huuuuge sucker for in-depth character interaction. I want to be able to really get to know my rivals/companions! I wanna have conversations with them, I want to find out what makes them tick, I wanna be able to be a jerk to some people and sweet to others, I wanna intentionally piss someone off just to see what they'll say.

    I-it's not like I wanna dating system or anything!!! S-stupid...

    But seriously, even just an approval/disapproval type meter for companion or rival characters would be cool. although i do really, really want a dating system

    Besides that, customization needs to come back, and this time with a little less gender-gatedness. Where's my long-haired boys huh?? Where're my cool suits for girls?? Where are my fancy trench-coat dresses for guys? What about those cute shorts? Or the crop tops? Or really anything that was female-exclusive in x/y because holy hell the male pc got shafted in the clothing and hair department.

  6. The main draw of customization/immersion for me is the ability to roleplay as my own character... so games like Dragon Age Origins, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Skyrim, etc etc., are the sorts of RPGs that really draw me in.

    However, even if I'm playing something with a set protagonist appearance and backstory, if the dialogue choices/story choices/romance choices are varied enough, I'll probably still enjoy it. The only persona game I've played, Persona 4, had no customization besides costumes and lacked a lot in terms of romance, (damnit atlus where's my yousuke/kanji/naoki/daisuke/kou/literally any nonadult male character route?????) but I could play around enough with the protagonist's personality that I still felt very immersed and invested in 'my' character.

    So I guess what I'm saying is... appearance customization is definitely a plus, but what's more important to me is the ability to roleplay.

    ...And if there's gonna be a dating system, it damn well better have some gay options.

  7. Routes of Hazzard! - Mio

    As soon as Mio heard the muffled thump of Meena hitting the ground, he scooped up Loam and shoved his way into the thicket, careful to shield his little mudfish as much as possible. He gritted his teeth, partially against the pain of the bramble slicing into his face and hands, but also to stave off the swiftly-rising dread that filled his body.

    He emerged, bleeding and panting, to see Brendan crouched over a bleeding Patrat. Meena watched dispassionately a few feet away, her mouth covered in the rodent's blood. It took all of Mio's strength to keep himself from fainting dead away.

    He plopped Loam on the ground, gesturing abruptly in Meena's direction. Loam understood the gist of what he was asking for and hurried over to the blood-stained cat while Mio knelt next to Brendan, guilt and horror rendering him speechless.

    After a moment of silence, Mio reached into his BAG and pulled out a potion, placing it in front of Brendan as a sort of offering.

    "It's... well, it's kinda my fault the li'l guy ended up like this so... the least I can do is replace your potion." he muttered, keeping his eyes fixed on the bloodied ground in front of him. Off to the side, Meena rolled her eyes. Her trainer was just so soft. That Patrat would have gladly done the same to any of them; that was just the way the world worked. Eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed. She'd done what she had to, and she'd do it again.


    Potion (x1)

    Pokeball (x5)



  8. "Routes of Hazzard!" - Mio

    Mio nodded enthusiastically as Brendan explained his reasoning, totally forgetting that he was supposed to be 'cool.'

    "Having such a sturdy Pokemon would definitely come in handy in caves... and the hearing is definitely a plus." He paused, considering Brendan's question before continuing. "Well... I really wanted a Pokemon that would be easy to handle, at least at first. I already kind of have my hands full with Meena, so something nice and calm would be a big help for me. It was actually a toss-up between Mudkip, Cleffa, and Flabebe, but I also wanted something that could take more hits since Meena is so fragile... and the water/ground typing was appealing, since the only weakness I'd have to account for would be grass, which is fairly easy to counter..." With a small start, Mio realized he'd been rambling.

    "Aha, sorry! But anyways, Loam balances out Meena very well, and I'm hoping she'll help mellow her out a little."

    The water type in question perked up at the sound of her name, and then again at something entirely different. She froze, the fin on her head rigid. Loam rushed to Mio's leg and and gave him a hard little bump.

    "What's the matter?"

    Loam responded by rushing forwards, forcing Mio to break out into a run to follow. They shoved through thick underbrush, getting scratched to hell and back by branches and thorns before finally reaching an area that was relatively clear. Meena was crouched near a thick tangle of brambles, her tail lashing. The group could hear the sounds of a fight, and Mio understood Loam and Meena's distress. Something was struggling in the the thicket of thorns, and they could hear the sneering chatter of a Patrat.

    Meena looked to Mio, who simply nodded. He couldn't risk the Patrat hearing his commands, so he just had to trust that Meena knew what to do. The Meowth's battle instincts, and maybe more importantly, her predator instincts, were on high gear. She backed up and tensed her legs as much as she possibly could before exploding up and over the wall of brambles. She only just made it over; her stomach and back legs scraped painfully against the thicket, but she had the Patrat in her sights and some silly scratches weren't going to stop her from getting her prey. She plummeted towards the unsuspecting Patrat's back, eyes gleaming as she gathered dark energy into her mouth. Meena wasn't pulling any punches in this fight; her eyes were focused on the rodent's neck.

  9. "Routes of Hazzard!" - Mio

    Mio couldn't help but be fascinated by the sight of Titan absorbing the berry juice. He'd never gotten to see an actual Roggenrola up close, and now that he'd calmed down a little, he was intent on getting to know everything he possibly could.

    "Oh, I wonder if it's got something to do with the core?" He said, mainly talking to himself. "Maybe they can use their core to absorb energy? I've never read anything about that though. I should ask Professor Juniper later..." He knelt over to study the little guy, staring intently at Titan's hexagonal ear. He took a second to register the rock-type in his Pokedex before springing to his feet again, a little embarrassed.

    "Haha, sorry! Roggenrola are just so interesting... They're totally unlike most other rock-types; I mean, the Nosepass line is the only other species I can think of that doesn't have a mouth..." Realizing he was rambling, Mio flushed and avoided eye contact, instead looking towards the forest.

    "A-anyways, let's go? Meena will find us if she spots anything." He moved off towards the woods, shooting sidelong glances at Brendan and Titan every few seconds.

    "Uh, so, what made you ask for a Roggenrola?" Mio asked, although he was trying not to show his intense interest in Brendan's partner. Loam had no such qualms; she had already decided that Titan was right behind Meena in terms of coolness. She dropped her pace to match his, trotting alongside him happily.


    In the short time it took for Mio and Brendan to get moving, Meena was already a good ways into the forest, although she was having trouble finding any clues to go off of. She could smell plenty of Patrat, but she had no way of knowing which were members of that weird gang, nor which would lead to their den. Frustrated, she simply picked the strongest Patrat scent and followed it; even if she ended up with an unrelated rodent, she could always bully it for information. Surely such a large and organized group would attract attention from other Pokemon.

  10. "Routes of Hazzard!" - Mio

    Jason's praise and acknowledgement, along with that trademark grin, set Mio's face ablaze yet again. Suddenly he felt grateful his dark skin didn't make his frequent blushing too obvious; he wouldn't be able to handle it if he turned bright red every time someone was nice to him. Or smiled at him.

    Just as Mio thought he couldn't get any more embarrassed or pleased, Katie thanked him. At this point there was probably steam coming out of his ears. If even the confident, stalwart, super-cool Katie was thanking him, he must be doing something right. Not to mention the rush of being on the receiving end of Jason's smooth grin.

    Meena, who'd finished her oran berry, sighed and pulled her trainer out of his haze of happiness with a quick slap to the back of his knee. She loved Mio, but he was kind of a flighty little airhead sometimes. Honestly, sometimes she thought the kid would fall for anyone who gave him a second glance, and Mio being Mio... Well, she just hoped he didn't get too distracted.

    Mio caught the look Meena was giving him and cleared his throat, flustered.

    "Um, Meena, since you're so much faster than the rest of us, I want you to scout ahead a little bit. Don't get so far you can't get back quickly, but try to find a lead on the Patrat." Meena nodded, satisfied that her trainer's head was back on earth. She slunk off into the forest as fast as she could without sacrificing stealth, all senses focused on finding traces of the Patrat gang.

    "Oh, and Ma'am..." Mio said, turning to Sherry. "It'd probably be best if you got the food to Juniper's lab before the Patrat have time to regroup and come back. Someone'll come get you once we've got all the stuff they took." With that, Mio turned to Brendan and gave him an awkward, shy smile.

    "Uh, I'm ready whenever you are... but I'm not trying to rush you or anything! Take your time."

  11. "Routes of Hazzard!" - Mio

    Katie's confident tone had Mio feeling a little jealous. If he were that self-assured, he might have less trouble during fights... but there wasn't any sense brooding. He flicked off his rollerblades and stashed them in the BAG before leading Meena and Loam over to Brendan.

    Meena, as always, feigned disinterest in Brendan's sturdy little rock-type, but Loam's natural curiosity had her right up in what seemed to be Titan's face. Mio watched with a hint of worry; Loam was nice enough, but Roggenrolas' weakness to water might lead to some tension. He made a mental note to double-check Loam's line of fire before he had her use any water guns.

    Jason and Katie's exchange caught Mio's attention, and he turned to the pair.

    "We'll have to be careful with the XTransceivers though. Patrat have great hearing and eyesight, so if we talk too loud or if the brightness is up too high we might accidentally alert them." He paused to adjust the settings on his XTransceiver, switching off the visual and audible notification pings. "Also, um, these Patrat seem unusually organized, so I think it's safe to assume they'll have a lot of look-outs and scouts and stuff so... let's all be really careful?" Mio shuffled, suddenly embarrassed and unsure of himself. Maybe he should just leave all the planning and talking to Katie...

  12. "Routes of Hazzard!" - Mio

    Loam waited. And waited. And waited. It took a good minute for her to realize that her target wasn't going to show up. Meena dropped to the ground, wincing as she landed on her swollen paw, and confirmed. The Patrat that had been there before was gone.

    The little mudfish let the water in her mouth dissipate with a disappointed sigh and clambered over the side of the truck bed to join her companion on the ground. She padded over to Mio, head hung and tail fin drooping. Meena limped after her; now that all the adrenaline from the fight was gone, her wound hurt. A lot.

    Mio gathered his two Pokemon up into a careful hug. "Sorry guys!" he said, voice tinged with frustration. "I should've been more on top of things. I let you down, so it's not your fault, ok?"

    Loam shoved her face into Mio's armpit. It really wasn't her trainer's fault, but she didn't know how to convey that to him. She glanced sidelong at Meena, who was licking their trainer's face. The Meowth caught the look and ceased her ministrations to stare Mio dead in the eye.

    "Oh, but..." Meena shook her head at his protest. There was a moment of silence before Mio finally laughed and rubbed both Meena and Loam's heads.

    "We'll all just have to get better then, won't we?" he chirped. He let go of his Pokemon and slid towards the truck driver, who was offering a bag of Oran berries to the group. Mio grabbed two and tossed them to Meena and Loam, both of whom began chowing down immediately. Mio watched absently as their wounds healed, listening to Jack's suggestion.

    "First we should get the rest of the food delivered." he said. "And I think a couple of us should try and scout around to see where the Patrat den might be. Personally, I think my team is best suited for that, since Meena is so, ah, predatory... but we'll need back-up in case things go bad. Preferably Roy or Titan, since they do the best against normal types. Er... if that plan is okay with everyone, I mean?"

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