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Posts posted by starkidcosmo

  1. For the sake of scientific pedantry, female mantises have only been known to eat the male's head after mating in captivity, anyways. Not that GF wouldn't use that sort of myth, but like Viri said, cannibalism is probably a little dark to show up as a design.

    Anyways though... we could use a sabertooth fossil pokemon. Mamoswine/piloswine are already mammoths, but it'd be cool to have another one for the sake of a companion to the sabertooth. Fang and Tusk fossils!

    I'd also like to see a raccoon that's a little truer to the grubby, trash-stealing, fussy little things they are irl. An opossum would be cool, too.

    Poisonous sea slugs would be good... sea snakes too please.

  2. The only way I'd be "forced," as in "I don't want to but I have to," is if I had to continue one of my old fanfics from when I was 12~13. They were bad and I don't really like thinking about them... but in short: Tragic Mary Sue meets the main cast (who all act ridiculously OOC of course) and ends up dating the guy my child self liked the best. A lot of swearing happens because I was an unironic edgelord. The "romantic" scenes make all the readers' eyes bleed. The end.

  3. Legendary types are confirmed, their announcement video is on the official YouTube channel. Personally, I don't have any problems with the typings... they make sense considering their lore & it's not like we have a surplus of those types.

    Anyways though, I think some of y'all are being suuuuper negative considering the games aren't even done yet... We've still got, what, four-five months? Calling the whole thing soulless seems a little premature... That said, I am a little disappointed that it's not a region entirely populated by new Pokemon... and what the heck are they gonna do with Zygarde?? Post-plot stuff?? Seems like it would've been better to wait and just give it its own game.

    New Pokemon are lookin good though, especially trumpgoose. It looks like it's in pain; I love it.

  4. Route 2 Main Path - "The Top Percentage!" - Mio

    "Meena!" Mio called, distraught. The Rattata's counterattack had done serious damage to her, but Meena was still on her feet. "Get him off you and get away!" her trainer called. Meena made a quick swipe at the Rattata's face and pulled back, ready to leap away from the purple rodent as soon as it let go.

  5. genderlesshawke

    i haven't really talked that much to you anymore lately, but i get the impression of you that you're a bit of a sassy person. It'd be a fairly tough fight but still fun, and therefore I feel like this would fit for you as a battle song!

    okAY I WILL POST PAGE 2 AT A LATER POINT so please be patient with me ;w;

    YELL HEAH HELL YEAH gotta love some death by glamour

  6. Route 2 Main Path - "The Top Percentage!" - Mio

    Curmudgeonly?! Ohhh, they'd show them curmudgeonly. "Meena, get around behind it and use scratch!" The Meowth, determined to show off, leaped over the rattata and landed on her hind legs. She swiped downwards as hard as she possibly could, her sharp claws gleaming in a convenient patch of sun in an otherwise cloudy sky.

  7. Route 2 Main Path - "The Top Percentage!" - Mio

    "That's uncalled for!" Mio cried, both incredulous and offended. Meena was a shining example of Meowth! She was perfect! So what if she was kind of ragged? It just showed her character and experience!

    Now thoroughly angry, Mio focused on the small, angry-looking rodent that the other boy had sent out. Normally he wouldn't consider a Rattata to be much of a threat, but Joey seemed confident, and the kid clearly had more battle experience than Mio did. He'd have to be careful.

    The Rattata charged forwards with a quick attack, its shoulder tucked in for a hard hit.

    "Meena, Fake-Out!" The exemplary and beautiful Meowth rose to her hind legs, waiting for the awful purple beast to get close enough. She'd show that brat a Shellos.

  8. Route 2, Main Path - "The Top Percentage!"

    "Way to go, Loam!" Mio called as Joey withdrew Magoo. It was nice to know his opponent would be safe after their battle, much better than fretting over whether a fainted wild Pokemon would be okay. He was a little disappointed it had ended so quickly though; he had wanted to study the Slugma more!

    As the Youngster reached for his second Pokeball, Mio looked to Meena, who'd been sulking in between his feet. Loam hadn't taken a whole lot of damage, but there was still a lot of Route 2 left to go.

    "I guess you're right..." he responded to Joey's bragging taunt without a hint of irony. "Meena, you're up! But remember," he leaned down to look the cat in the eye as she perked up. "This is a friendly match, got it? Friendly. So let's keep the bloodlust to a minimum."

    The Meowth nodded enthusiastically and bounded up to Loam's side. The Mudkip gave Meena an affectionate shoulder bump before skipping back to Mio and plopping down at his feet, tired but satisfied.

  9. Route 2, Main Path - "The Top Percentage!" - Mio

    Mio facepalmed as he saw Loam's reaction to the smog. She was an amphibian, of course she'd absorb some of that attack through her skin! He cursed himself for not realizing, but there was still the battle to finish. As he watched the Slugma ram its face into the dirt, he called out to his water-type.

    "Dodge to the side and hit him with another water gun! Just a few more hits!"

    Loam hopped to the side, but realized too late that she hadn't hopped quite far enough. The clod of earth caught her squarely on the shoulder, and she went down on her knee.

    "Loam!" Mio called, worried, but Loam pushed herself back up and let out a determined bark. "Alright girl, let's try that again. Water gun!"

    Loam's cheeks swelled as she charged her attack. With an almost awesome, but mainly just adorable cry, she fired off a bullet of water straight for the Slugma's gooey body.

  10. Route 2, Main Path - "The Top Percentage!" - Mio

    "Oh, wow..." Mio gaped as Magoo shrunk in on itself. "But then, what are its organs like? Is the whole body goo, like a more complex slime mold, or is it more like a slu-- aaaand I'm in the middle of a battle."

    He refocused, nervously watching the oncoming wave of noxious gas. It didn't look big, but he couldn't expect Loam to be able to hold her breath long enough for the gas to dissipate entirely. Plus, he wasn't entirely sure how it could hurt her... maybe even coming into contact with it would damage the Mudkip's health.

    "Gust sure would be nifty here..." he grumbled, but the thought gave him an idea. "Loam, use water gun again! See if you can't blow a hole in that stuff!"

    Loam, bravely standing her ground, charged up and shot off two more bullets of water, successfully pushing away some of the smoke.

    "Great, now charge on through and use water gun one more time!" The mudfish obeyed, sprinting through the hole she'd made and fired off yet another water gun, this time aiming for the Slugma's body.

  11. Route 2, Main Path - "The Top Percentage!" - Mio

    Mio regretted his decision to keep on the main path as soon as the first Youngster spoke up. Bianca hadn't been exaggerating; these kids were really aggressive. And the most aggressive of the trio was targeting him. Mio felt like he was right back in middle school. It wasn't a good feeling.

    He took an awkward step forward in response to Youngster Joey's challenge, although he couldn't lock eyes for more than a few seconds before having to look away. Were all kids this intense? This was ridiculous.

    "Um... let's have fun, okay?" He ignored Meena's obvious begging and released Loam, the adorable little mudfish emerging in a shower of bubbles to face the opposing Slugma. She shook herself like a dog and pranced happily in place, excited and happy to be out and about again.

    Mio didn't know much about Slugma, but it was definitely a fire type, and it looked slow. "Loam, let's start off with a water gun!" he called. Loam gave a short affirmative bark and spat out a single shot straight for the Slugma's face.

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