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Everything posted by catgame21234

  1. Oh i just found out about this section after posting in the wrong area, lovely… Well anyway, It was my hun's birthday today so I whiped up his favorit mon
  2. Reading this threw I think get the general gist… some odd number of contentents with fancy names with diffrent races. We have racist french lizards who are fast but thats it. Smart humans who are squishy as always. Something super bulky and tough and I dont fliping know the last one. corect me if im wrong in my lamest summary x3 One thing I do want to note, your battle system / item system you said at the start…it reminds me a lot of your action comands in a game called Transistor. You have your basic move, for this sake we'll name it "Bash()" were you swing your sword at someone. Then you can put an an abbility on it, lets say "Lazor ()". Then when ever you turn on "Bash ()" and hit something. A lazor beam shots out of your sword as well. That's how it works in THAT game. Maybe you could look that game up and see if it could help you develop the system you offored up at the start. I havn't been seeing that topic talked about that much =)
  3. What cha' meen? Maybe the pinks being a bit pinker or is it the other two colors?
  4. Well woops I didnt know that ; anyway thoguh here are my attempts at making a few shines. First is Pachuresu baced off of the discription Second is Purugly with her colors baced off of Catwomen from the Batman comics. I'll do the backsprites when I see how you guys thing about it. The version name escapes me at the moment but its the one with red glasses…
  5. Yeah the inverted ones remind me a lot of zangoose. Not that that's bad at all it looks really interesting to have that as the highlight. Maybe for other folk, try change the red to diffrent colors like blackish blue or dark green. But I personaly love it
  6. So when I normaly play pokemon I like to play as one of my excising characters that float about in my head. And I don't know if its wrong to do this but I found the games files and found out I can safly change the files inside the game to change my sprites around. What started as a simple "oh lets just recolor her hair to make it look more like her" or "oh since this place dose have a lot of polution, some of my pokemon atleast SHOULD look different like dat one NPC blabbed about" turned into an addicting personal project. I am taking a small pause in the game right now after beating the first gym finaly and putting together at-least all the portret sprites and walking/running animations for the main "Girl 1" character.…Maybe some custom sprites for my pokemon team just because I can~ Odds are most, if not all, of the images so far posted are still WIPs. I plan on slowly but surely change her whole appearance to maybe something a bit more lively in such a grim place. I'll post here whenever I get something. The character by the way is named Belldandy aka Bell in game. A timid but kind girl who got a train ticket to Reborn City from her mother, who encouraged her to go there so that she could "grow up a little" Saddly ever since the train bombing she's been jumpier ever since and it only gets worse with each passing day in this dammed place~ ** * also to note All images with an * next too I have to thank my friend for helping me make them. I draw good, but i'm really bad at big sprite edits. So he helps me out where I lack. Once he gets the ball rolling I can go in and touch up on them more. Thats all im really good at. Touch ups and recolors XD
  7. Oy thank yee. Honestly I have been looking around the fourms reading all the stickys and still do kinda feel lost a bit. I saw the custom shiny thread thinking I can easily hop in there. Problem is I dont know where you'd get the sprites themselfs to edit. are they in the game files? and oy thank you for that showdown link I was looking around for that for at least a day now x3 They need to update the main QnA since it still gives a link to pokemon online. edit oh also Awesomenauts is a 2D moba game made by a company called Ronimo. Its fun and addicting and the rounds are really short. I still have a free game code and I still dont know who to give it too .-.
  8. Hey, call me Catti~ I found out about this game threw some random tumbler post and well now I'm here. I am a freshy fresh college student who spends most of her time playing video games and hanging online. I plan on going into something graphic / art related but I don't know yet. I've been playing pokemon since Crystle and I always play every main game in the set. Though I am never one to really get into post game fun unless I'm helping my hun make his dream team. I've been playing ORAS and been feeling a bit burned out so I was looking for something to do. School has been keeping me away from my old community that I was appart of, a game on Steam called Awesomenauts that I used to be heavily appart of. So I've been looking for something more relaxed to play on my own time. When I was younger I had nightmares running games on my Mac book, and i still have one, ESPESHALY with GBA emulators so I always thought I could never run a pokemon game on my computer. I was about to pass this game up but seeing that now I have wine i disided to give it a shot. Holy crap I'm happy I love that I can play this game and clearly as a lot of replay ability so I plan on stalking the forums for a bit, maybe helping where I can art wise.
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