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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Post Comments posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. On 5/5/2024 at 11:39 AM, brolfreg said:

    what are the favorite foods of the team Xen admins/executives and what about madam X's favorite food? is that too spoilery?


    Here's what I can imagine: 

    Madame X: I doubt she has one, or if she does, it's probably not something she finds time to enjoy just for the sake of it anymore. We (aside from Jan and Zumi) don't know any more about Madame X than anyone else, but I get the impression she's one of those people that's hyper-driven to one specific goal and any other aspects of their personality, interests, preferences, etc. have been put aside. 

    Zetta: I wonder if being a Solosis originally would influence what he likes. What if he has different food he likes and doesn't like depending on whether he's in Solosis or human form? 😮

    Madelis: She'd probably put on a front to others about eating really expensive food, or what's considered high-class cuisine, but in reality would eat the same kinds of food as everyone else (could definitely see her drinking wine though) 

    Geara: I'm imagining things like pizza and soda. He apparently also has strong opinions on alcoholic beverages.

    Neved: Since he's a bartender, I imagine he has some taste for alcohol, and since he's a sailor, maybe he'd like seafood. I think he'd put a lot of ice in his drinks too.

    Anastasia: Seems to like sweets. She considered Ren's salted caramel cupcake an acceptable price for help, and if you speak to her at Rejuvenation Co. as Ren while teamed up, she asks you about ice cream flavors. 

    Cassandra: Madelis but it's not a front. 


    On 5/5/2024 at 3:40 PM, WackyToast said:

    Kind of an odd question but it has been on my mind recently
    That being if there is any particular reason behind the names that were chosen for characters in the game. Other than the more obvious type puns for Gym Leaders, I mean more so for main characters or others that don't seem to meet the previous criteria, I wondered if it was just because they sounded nice or if there's other meanings behind them.

    I know Jan already answered this one, but here's some other fun facts:

    Keta and Saki are named after two of Jan's friends.

    Melia is named after a character from Xenoblade. 

    Madame X is named after an episode of the Pokemon anime where a Malamar brainwashed an Officer Jenny. 

    I'm not completely confident in my memory here, but I think Nastasia is from the Paper Mario character?


    On 5/5/2024 at 6:51 PM, O_Castigado said:
    1. (For all devs) How are you?

    I'm doing good! How are you?

    On 5/5/2024 at 6:52 PM, merrythings said:

    - are any of the characters collectors ? ( if yes , what do they collect ? )


    - what music artists/songs would the characters listen to ?

    Collectors question: Reina likes to collect paranormal, occult, and similar themed stuff! Her room has a small collection. 


    Music question: Not sure for specific artists, but here's what I can imagine for genres:

    Rock: Venam, Amber, Ren, Vivian, Adam, Ryland, Aevis

    Classical: Anju, Kreiss, Piano Lady, Narcissa, Crescent, Aevia

    Pop: Madelis, Patty, Ariana

    Nu-metal: Geara

    Metal: Young Professor Jenner, young Chasity, young Matthew, Damien, Alain

    Rap: Dylan

    Is emo a music genre, or more of an aesthetic? If not, dark ambient music?: Particia, Crescent, Spector, M2, Eizen 

    Disco: Rorim B

    Video game music: Erick, Saki, Dr. Jenkel, Axel (with the latter two I have in mind Megalovania specifically)

    Electronic: V, Volta

    Jazz: Kieran

    Will listen to pretty much anything: Aero, Melia, Erin, Tesla


    Crescent's on there twice because the theme that plays when she's on screen is a piano song, but definitely gives dark ambience aesthetic-wise


    I think Risa would pretend to be into electronic and pop music for her public persona, but really be more into down-to-earth stuff


    I have trouble thinking of a genre name for the kind of music I think Talon would like, but I think it'd be soft atmospheric music

    On 5/6/2024 at 7:12 PM, Scrublord6410 said:

    Loved the game and going to be starting a Renegade Mono-rock run (Keta is going to be painful) got a few questions for all:

    1) What is your favorite starter pick and why?

    2) What is your favorite Avian form, or what Pokemon do you want to have an Avian form (Mine is Amperous!)

    3) Any plans to rebalance some of the weaker starters?

    1. Popplio. Not for any specific viability reasons in Rejuvenation, Popplio is just my favorite starter in Pokemon overall

    2. I don't know if I could choose just one from these, but my top 3 are definitely Ampharos, Mismagius, and Froslass. The latter two are probably obvious since they're witches and I'm an ice cream sand witch, and Ampharos has always been one of my favorite Pokemon!

    On 5/7/2024 at 3:04 AM, Anstane said:

    Hello hello!


    This might sound like a bit of a weird one, but...what, exactly, is the hierarchy of Team Xen? As, while it's clear that Madame X is at the top and generic Xen grunts are at the bottom, what is the in-between? Are Mages on the same level as Executives? Are Deathwings between Executives and Admins? Are there actual differences between Executives (Zetta, Geara etc.) and Admins (Cassandra, presumably Nastasia)?

    From my understanding, Admins are higher than Executives; I remember Cassandra saying something to that effect. As for the Mages, I believe they're considered more capable than the grunts and probably given higher-risk missions, but I don't know if they'd have any authority in the chain of command. I think Death Wings are like the highest-level lower ranks (like Meteor Aces from Reborn), since they take orders from Executives. 

    On 5/7/2024 at 1:58 PM, Skarot said:

    [1]. As there are many forms of the protag, each later revealed to be individuals - what is each dev's favorite protag?

    Mine is Aevia!

    On 5/6/2024 at 8:34 PM, Yeshua_Kristos said:

    2. Have you been eating/sleeping properly? ^_^

    For the past couple months, I keep waking up a few times during the night. I only remember one full night of uninterrupted sleep since around early March. I take a nap every afternoon that can go up to an hour+ (I always have, not just because of recent sleep issues) so I'm able to somewhat make up for it, but I'd still like to be able to sleep all the way through the night again. I have no idea what caused it. But I'm always good at eating and staying hydrated!

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  2. On 5/5/2024 at 6:59 PM, PingoPNG said:

    without further ado, here's a few questions!


    1. if you havent answered this question already what video game genres do you think some of the characters would be fans of?

    There's a few questions I saw in the thread that I felt like I could answer, but I'll just do this one for now since I'm having some trouble with multiquoting and I had a lot of fun thinking about this one.  


    Here's what I imagine for some of them. 

    To start with, Saki and Erick seem like fans of video games in general. Pick a genre and they've probably played something from it. (Also, Erick has a Sonic wig) I think Anastasia might be in this category too, but I'm not as sure


    IIRC we've seen Venam, Amber, Erick, and Melia play games with the character, so they have at least some experience with multiplayer games


    We've seen Geara play games in the Xen Lounge (they look like arcade games IIRC)? I think he'd play action-based games, which matches up with a lot of arcade games


    Based on Erin liking books and not being too interested in battling, I think she'd play games that focus more on story


    Rorim B: DDR


    Melanie would play games where you get to choose to be a villain, would always pick the meanest dialogue options, and I think she'd hack the games to give herself the best equipment


    Texen: shooting and fighting games


    Talon would probably like games that focus on adventure/exploration, since he likes to draw maps and travel


    Any of the music characters (like Venam and Amber) would probably like rhythm games


    I think Dr. Jenkel would like Undertale & Deltarune for the silly parts and memes 


    I could see Huey playing Splatoon. It's fun to imagine the B Team playing Splatoon together


    Speaking of the B Team, Lavender has Hookshots in her Nightmare Realm and quotes Purah's "Check it" 🤔 I'd personally associate Lavender with more chill games if any, but that seems like something to take into account 


    I think Professor Jenner was probably more of a gamer when he was younger, but as he got older they'd mainly be a way to spend time with Melia


    If we use video game playstyles as a metaphor for the direction Melia's life went in, she wanted to just play games as a fun casual hobby but the world forced her to be serious 


    These are all the characters I was able to think of games for, I hope I did a good job answering your question! 

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