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Posts posted by pyrromanis

  1. Registeel can learn Seismic Toss only in Gen3 via a Move Tutor. Since then there is no way for Registeel to learn them move. Reborn uses gen7 Tutors and TMs so there is no way to teach your Registeel Seismic Toss. If you want an attacking move you are better going with Iron Head which has STAB and it there isn't a type that is immune to it like Earthquake.

  2. My 1st run through the E4 was the team bellow:



    Importable: https://pokepast.es/a3b9559e6612a60f
    In Detail:


    Kastana (Chesnaught) (F) @ Rocky Helmet  
    Ability: Bulletproof  
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 152 Def / 100 SpD  
    Impish Nature  
    IVs: 7 SpA  
    - Drain Punch  
    - Toxic  
    - Leech Seed  
    - Spiky Shield  

    Bacon God (Emboar) (M) @ Choice Scarf  /  Choice Band
    Ability: Reckless  
    Shiny: Yes  
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
    Jolly/Adamant Nature  
    IVs: 30 Def / 1 SpA  
    - Flare Blitz  
    - Superpower  
    - Wild Charge  
    - Sucker Punch  

    Ribbit (Seismitoad) (M) @ Waterium Z  /  Poisonium Z  /  Groundium Z
    Ability: Swift Swim  
    EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
    Timid Nature  
    IVs: 0 Atk  
    - Surf  
    - Earth Power  
    - Sludge Wave  
    - Focus Blast  

    Pella (Pelipper) (F) @ Damp Rock  
    Ability: Drizzle  
    EVs: 248 HP / 36 Def / 224 SpD  
    Bold Nature  
    IVs: 0 Atk  
    - Scald  
    - Hurricane  
    - Roost  
    - Ice Beam  

    Arkhi (Archeops) (M) @ Flying Gem  /  Itemless
    Ability: Defeatist  
    Shiny: Yes  
    EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
    Jolly Nature  
    IVs: 28 SpA  
    - Head Smash  
    - Rock Slide  
    - Earthquake  
    - Acrobatics  

    Faros (Ampharos-Mega) @ Ampharosite  /  Choice Scarf
    Ability: Static  /  Mold Breaker  
    EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
    Modest Nature  
    IVs: 20 Atk / 30 Def  
    - Thunder  
    - Dragon Pulse  
    - Hidden Power [Ice]  
    - Agility  


    I'm so glad I managed to beat the E4 with this team. I planned to use this team and only this team since E17 until I beat the Champion and while sometimes some battles were very hard, I managed to pull through. While I expected my attacker to be the most crucial for the E4, the MVP was Kastana the Chesnaught that managed to stall out whatever problematic pokemon my team couldn't handle and be all around a stop to all physical attackers!

  3. New World Cultist Kaiden has a Togekiss in his fight in the Glass Factory. That Togekiss has Moonblast which is impossible for Togekiss to learn.
    If this is not considered a Battle Error but a minor bug please close the thread. Thanks in advance

    • Like 1
  4. Heal Block doesn't stop the healing effect of Black Sludge. This is an effect that was added to Heal Block in gen V, so I assume Heal Block's mechanics haven't be updated since gen IV. I could test in more detail which moves should be effected but aren't, but they are too many and don't have much time for that

  5. I don't know how MysticUmbreon makes his lists, but what I've seen he mostly takes account of type matchups, which is a big mistake cause movepool and stats also matter. Especially in Reborn.
    For Reborn what you need to take account of is consistency. How consistently a pokemon can stay in your party through the game and pull its weight.

    After a lot of very different playthroughs I played myself and other's people experience I have seen I can tell you the bellow pokemon are very consistent

    1. Blaziken: Undeniably the best starter! There is not even a debate about it. There might be a few starters that have slightly stronger early game like Charmander with Dragon Rage, but Bulk Up via lvl up with Speed Boost it just breaks the game.

    2. Magneton/Magnezone: I know that this line has been pushed post Agate now, but it is THE best Electric and a great Steel type. This combinations is just so good that it outshines any other option even at the point you get it. It's lvl up learnset is enough for what it need to do and it can take advantage a lot of field effects. I can argue that this one is a bit debatable cause it's just so late in the game, but in previous episodes it was in Shade's Gym and most runs I saw from back then 80% of those used one.


    3. Blissey: This one is a hidden gem tbh. It is overlooked so much that it pains me that people don't understand how powerful of a choice it is. First of all it's a guaranteed encounter. You don't have to search for it and it is given for free for completing the Day Care side quest. You can get Chansey as soon as you can mine for Oval Stones, which is a high rate item to find, and you can get Blissey instantly if you bother to grind for friendship. But even without grinding friendship, Chansey is still good enough for what it needs to do. It may be fragile on the physical side but you are using it wrong if it has to face physical attacks. Also, as soon as you get access to Mawile in the underground railnet you can also breed for Seismic Toss which is infinitely your best way to deal damage outside of Julia's Charge Beam. Last, a great niche I've found is that Softboiled can save you so much money on healing items. You can actually use Softboiled in the overworld to heal your teammates in exchange of Blissey losing some HP, but then you can easily replenish it by initiating a wild battle and use Softboiled to heal herself back. I can understand why not many people don't use it cause it just slows down the battles a lot and Reborn is a very long game. But Blissey is so great that I totally suggest you to give it a try.

    4. Mamoswine: Best Ground type easily. The combination of its STAB attacks is amazing and half of the weaknesses of the Ice typing is covered by Thick Fat and the Ground typing. You can get Mamoswine quite early right after Rock Smash if you want to bother breeding Ancientpower from Dunsparce to Swinub. But even if you don't want to breed, you get the move relearned after Aya so you can reteach it with the cost of a Heart Scale. But imo, you WANT to breed a Swinub cause unfortunately Mamoswine's lvl up learnset is a bit whack. 1st of all your best Ice STAB from level up is Ice Fang which is very weak. 2nd Ice Shard is only learned from Swinub and not from the other 2 evolutions, so if you somehow forget Ice Shard and then evolve it you can't relearn it (or catch a high lvl Swinub and evolve it). So the best thing to do is to breed a new Swinub to get Ancientpower and Icicle Crash (you get it from Alola Sandslash and Beartic which are also available at the same time) and you'll never hapen to miss Ice Shard while you lvl up your new Swinub.

    5. Heracross: It might not be available that early but the timing it's perfect for it! Available right before the Psychic and Dark Gyms makes a great choice to face those leaders. STAB Close Combat and Megahorn are extremely powerful coming from 125 Attack and coverage moves via lvl up with Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace and Night Slash compliments it greatly. I do not remember if the Event Heracross can come with Rock Blast as an egg move, but if it does you should go for it! 3 great abilities that you can pick which one you want for each major battle also gives a versality you wouldn't expect.

    6, Flygon: One of the earliest "good" Dragon types available with a great typing. Flygon with its Levitate ability can provide great resistances/immunities like to EdgeQuke coverage or to Electric/Fire coverage from things that lack HP Ice. Flygon's best point comes from its movepool. With Earthquake from lvl 33, with Superpower from Trapinch at lvl 40 (you should not evolve Trapinch as soon as possible, Vibrava is ass), with Rock Slide for great coverage and Dragon Claw as soon as you evolve and you get almost unresisting coverage. And with the newly added Dragon Dance from Heart Scale and you can also have a good sweeper. It's good base 100 Speed for a Ground type is amazing and its passable 100 Attack with high base power moves can do the job easily. The only downside I can think of is that it obtainable from an obscure trade that many people wouldn't want to go through the grind to complete.

    Honorable mentions:
    6,1 Tyrantrum: It works exactly like Flygon with a worse typing but more power! It comes a lot later than Flygon and has an even grinder event to complete than Flygon. I'd say you can use either one based on your preference, but I find Flygon a bit more consistent.

    6,2 Arcanine: Guaranteed encounter and very early. It can already come with a good egg move but since most people are going to breed one, you might as well try to get that Howl or Body Slam for early game. The biggest downside is that you have to get stuck with Growlithe until lvl 45 for Flare Blitz, in which case you can feel the struggle for power until you get it. Also, Blaziken exists which is straight up better, but in case you didn't pick Blaziken Arcanine is the most consistent Fire type to use.

    6,3 Ampharos: Probably the best Electric type you can use. It comes early, has good lvl up moves and evolves to the final stage withing the level cap you are the moment you get it. The downside is that it's slow and you have to rely to Static or Thunder Wave to outspeed pokemon you are suppose to be able to beat. If you are not going to use the event Emolga, please use Ampharos until you get access to Magnezone

    6,4 Hariyama/Medicham: Hariyama is one of the earliest Fighting types available that it actually carries its big weight throughout the whole game. Evolves pretty early and has enough bulk to take hits and hit back hard. Medicham on the other hand it's a bit of a different story. It has great coverage with elemental punches and Zen Headbutt from Tutor but what you want to select with Medicham 90% of the time is High Jump Kick! Pure Power is stupid and HJK deletes targets than the speed of light!

    Honorable mentions part2:
    This part exists just to mention the 5 best pokemon that exist in Reborn and that's why you are not able to find them until very late game:
    Gyarados, Scizor, Excadrill, Aegislash, Metagross
    These 5 pokemon are so OP that they literally break the game into pieces!

  6. - That's how Curse works actually.
    - Removing items via Knock Off is inconsisted in general, so yeah this is a bug
    - Actually Stat boosts from Z-moves are not affected by Contrary. A Z-Hypnosis Malamar does get +1 Speed, as if it didn't have Contrary. Not sure about Simple
    - I understand forgetting to give Tauros Role Play, but how the hell did they manage to mess up Aroma's learnset to add Focus Blast? 😛

  7. 1 minute ago, Kenneth said:

    There are those Male only pokemon... Out of which, only Nidoran and Volbeat can mate with a regular breeding pokemon. Males only and genderless of the gender unknown group, can only mate with Ditto exclusively! 😢


    There is a number of solid choices, like fighting pokemon, magnezone, starmie, porygon even (!)... As well as Rotom, Metagross, Klinkklang...


    There should be a legit way to grab a helpful to breeders Ditto, shouldn't it? Like, being treated like baby pokemon, starting off the bat with 3 random IVs maximized?

    All male and genderless mon can be bred with 5/6 IV if you have enough patience, even with a non max Ditto (as I said 2-3 IVs Ditto can be enough)

    I have already pointed out that Ditto should behave like the mons in the Undiscovered egg group and it should not be hard to do it since it has its own egg grop. Manaphy and Phione on the other hand get f*cked cause they belong in an existing egg group and they don't come with guaranteed 3 IVs,

    Ame said in the past she might change that or make Ditto available in the wild post game so you can farm different Dittos easier

    • Hmm 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Kenneth said:

    Is there a LEGIT way, to get a 6 IV ditto, somehow? Or at least, a 5 one? No debug menu, not being the luckiest person in the world during the 9,999,999,999,999th soft reset???

    No, there isn't. Ditto's IVs are always random in Reborn. So unless you are extremely insanely lucky, 6 IVs Ditto are hacked.
    But tbh, I don't think 6/5 IV Ditto is necessary. A Ditto with 2 or 3 max IVs should be enough to get 5 IV genderless pokemon. You just need more patience. Anything else can be bred with other pokemon, Ditto is not needed

    • Thanks 1
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  9. The best way to EV train is Des Teto's. It's easy, fast, non randomized and you only need to heal if you run out of PP. I like the Obsidia entrance which has the Woobat spot right as you enter the stairs and you just need to leave and re enter to reset it! As for moves, dual STAB ofc, QD is a must and in last slot you could run either Giga Drain when you got access to it or Heat Wave for double battles and destroying Fields. Recovery moves are not needed since you have to breed for Morning Sun and Roost TM is too late, and cause healing items are superior in every way. Another underrated option is Substitute which let's you set up easier vs more passive mons and don't have to worry about hax!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. Started PoGo almost a week ago and I have to say I expected a lot worse! I'm actually having fun while I return home from work now 😄


    Some of the few problems I have with the game are the battle mechanics and the GPS tracking. The battles are a joke with no skill whatsoever, just tapping the screen as fast as possible. The GPS tracking is so frustrating, especially if you are on a bus! It always makes you miss the pokestops and in general it is ass even when you walk.

    For the things I like, I love that there is a way to grind anything, from coins to items and even candies by walking! I thought that some things would be accessible only by paying but I'm glad that there is a way to get what you want, even if that way is too obscure and time consuming. The other thing I like is the power up system. Stardust is easy to get and the leftover candies after evolving your mons are not wasted.


    If anyone is willing to help with some field researches by adding me as a friend here's my code: 4100 1833 8277
    I also got some gifts laying aroynd willing to giveaway 😛

  11. So far, ALL starters had a male/female rate of 87.5%/12.5% regardless of the starter's look, so I doubt they'll make any starter a gender exclusive.
    They did however changed the ratio of male/female to 88.1%/11.9% in gen8, but I think that happened cause the formula that calculated the gendered changed and this was the closer they could get to the previous one.

  12. Feebas is missing Oblivious from its available Abilities. Swift Swim and Adaptability both are listed as normal abilities and misses a HA (Note Adaptability is its HA normally). That also makes some junky stuff when a Feebas evolves into Milotic, messing up what ability it has

  13. I got from WT the following Dragonite 



    BUT Extremespeed on Dragonite is currently unavailable cause you can only breed for it with an event Dratini that has Espeed (which currently Reborn doesn't have). So the legality check thought this is fine since it's an egg move, but in reality it shouldn't cause there is no way to get one!

    (I guess the same can happen with online battles, since it passes the legality check for that too)

  14. Try to use Fly/Dig/Teleport whatever to send back to a pokecenter/healing spot and see if the maps get load noramlly after that. If it doesn't work, post your save file and maybe someone can get you unstuck.
    Ofc there is also the option to load a backup save file, but people tend to either not activate it or refuse to go back and lose progress...

  15. I can't tell if this for ingame story or for online play. I'll rate assuming is for online play cause this is in victory road.

    First of all, your pokemon have illegal moves! Gliscor unfortunately can't have Earthquake as of now, cause it can only learn it from tm. Same with Swords Dance Mimikyu (if you use and is not slashed for when you get it)
    Personally, I prefer fire move on Hydrei over Earth Power, and specifically Heat Wave cause it can destroy so many fields, which Flamethrower unfportunately can't. And I would definately run Draco Meteor over Dragon Pulse, 2 Dracos are stronger than 2 Pulses. And you can even run Dragonium Z for maximum damage.,

    Trick Room Mimikyu seems a bit off since your team is not that slow to take advantage of it. Unless you run it specifically for countering other TR. I would run Hone Claws instead or a 4th attacking move like Wood Hammer or Drain Punch.
    If you are running Blaziken without Bulk Up you are running Blaziken wrong. Its whole sell point is that can it can set up its speed with its attack at the same time. Also Flare Blitz is way stronger than Blaze Kick and the drop in damage output and netting OHKOs is significant.
    Metagross is fine, but you can experiment with other coverage over Thunderpunch or Hammer Arm, like Ice Punch, since you are lacking ice moves in your team in general.
    Rotom is also fine, although you can run Defog over Pain Split for opposing hazzards but your team is not that weak to rocks to be mandatory.
    Not a big fan of monoattacking Gliscor (especially when Bulldoze is its best legal option). I would run Knock Off or U-turn for utility purposes so it can cripple airborne opponents or get out of there and bring in a better suited pokemon. You can also experiment with other moves likes Taunt, Sub or Protect over Stealth Rocks and give Metagross rocks.


    The team also lacks speed control outside of Blaziken's Speed Boost and Gliscor's Bulldoze so a Tailwind on either Hydreigon or Gliscor could be usefull, but not a priority on the team.

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  16. Clangorous Soulblaze has quite a few bugs. First is not a widespread move, it's single targeted. That means it does not get reduced to 25% damage when Wide Guard is used and obviously it only hits one target in double battles.
    Second, although it is a sound based move and I did get the message that Sounproof blocked it, it dealth the damage anyway and still got the boost.
    Reference for the above bugs in the video bellow:

    Video is laggy af, but it still shows what's happening

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