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  1. You do understand that it's a support Tristana with no gp10 item, right? I think the whole point of that was for it to be funny...
  2. I'd assume Elise would have the upper hand since she has DBlade, but it still seems kind of screwy since Lee 100% beats her levels 1 and 2 when both start machete. I think post that is more of a who can outplay who match up, though I'm sure you've played it way more than I have and probably speaking from experience. As for the Panth match up, anything outside of level 1 Panth has a pretty decent chance at beating Lee 1v1, so I agree with you on that. I think you may want to word your post a little better though considering there are multiple heroes that can 1v1 Lee early.
  3. Honestly, good warding and looking for the outplay potential on his Q is the way to go. Trundle and Udyr can both fight Lee, but the amount of pressure you can apply with them is a little too reliant on how aggressive the enemy team is playing and the amount of cc your laners can provide. With that being said, if you're just looking to get to Gold or whatever, you probably just want to ban him if you feel that you can't deal with him. One other thing... I wasn't aware that you knew VoidBoss! He's a sick Evelynn; you should definitely go to him for jungle advice in general.
  4. Yeah Lee is a pretty respectable solo queue ban right now considering all of the other top tier junglers can't scrap with him early game. I'd also recommend banning Evelynn in Bronze/Silver elo for obvious reasons. Gl with the climb sir.
  5. The best part is.. I never had to turn my Muramana off [:
  6. Voted Monday and Sunday but I am like 99% sure I can be free for whenever. IGN: Star Seraph Should be fun c:
  7. TheyCallMeTony.

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