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Posts posted by Dban1

  1. Haha in my opinion, Cal saved me this time round. I lost to Cal miserably and in anger, I went back to train under the Obsidian Bridge to rack up my Att and Sp Att EVs through training on all them Unowns.

    It paid off, and I beat Cal afterwards, followed by a one-way through Kiki. However it was a cloooose match dude... Garbodor really helped too..until Croagunk was sent out.

  2. Hmmmm... cool idea, but it probs wont happen, if ever, for a long time. Not only would it be difficult to implement gameplay-wise, it would also be difficult to fit into te story and there are multiple factors that would make this thematically difficult. I.e could you fly over the city? I mean the water is so polluted you cannot surf and you have to use a freakin boat. Surely the pollution would suffocate you? and what about areas like Iolia valley that dont have a set area to fly to?

    Just problems i spotted but its still a cool idea

    Well it could be seen that you can ride on Grimers across the polluted waters :P

  3. Isn't this in the wrong forum...?

    But that's awesome.Where do you get Pansear? I want to grab one before Ame fixes it.

    no hurry i guess. The only way Ame can fix this is by uploading a new patch or version online. I guess you're safe until you update it yourself?

  4. In (some of) Ame's words:

    "I'll raise the level cap if i need to".

    EDIT: Rose is right, the levels could go up to 255 if Ame wants.

    I know that for a fact, but wouldn't it be boring stick with the same old moves for so many levels? After all, there are only so many moves a pokemon can learn. 255 would really stretch the arsenal. But still a great idea to carry out.

  5. Reborn has a really great and deep storyline, with much more content than any other Pokemon game has ever managed to contain. However, as we all know, there's not much more to be able to be squeezed in after level 80-90, probably being the final gyms. Or is it?

    What if we don't stop the level cap from stopping the storyline? Reborn has constantly been focusing on strategy and technique rather than overpowering levels, so it can be possible that the storyline will still continue way after reaching the average level 100 mark and solely stretching your limits on pokemon types and combinations. This way, the Reborn can be kept alive for much longer.

  6. I guess you have to restart from scratch.

    nah, that would display low-IQ. You can try going into the Graphics folder and try renaming the names of the picture sprites around so you get back your original character.

  7. Sup guys, I was wondering how I could scale POkemon Reborn to fit my screen. I know that Alt+Enter enlarges the window, but it only increases the actual display size of the game by roughly 20% on my computer, while filling the rest of my screen with black edges. Is there a way to stretch or scale this such that it fully fits into our screens?

    psps: I searched some ways on Google on trying to use a shortcut to edit the screen size and stuff but nothing works thus far.

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